Commit a5711e30 authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

LP #950689: Fix HTTPS detection under mod_wsgi.

parent a3bd6fc6
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
2.13.14 (unreleased)
- LP #950689: Fix HTTPS detection under mod_wsgi.
- LP #975039: Don't translate interface names in edit_markers ZMI view.
- LP #838978: Fixed TypeError in cache_detail ZMI view.
......@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
if server_url is not None:
other['SERVER_URL'] = server_url = server_url.strip()
if 'HTTPS' in environ and (
environ['HTTPS'] == "on" or environ['HTTPS'] == "ON"):
https_environ = environ.get('HTTPS', False)
if https_environ and https_environ in ('on', 'ON', '1'):
protocol = 'https'
elif ('SERVER_PORT_SECURE' in environ and
environ['SERVER_PORT_SECURE'] == "1"):
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