Commit b68d0206 authored by David Glick's avatar David Glick

specify icon size in manage_main listings so the table doesn't jump around while the icons load

parent bfd249a7
......@@ -237,6 +237,9 @@ Zope Changes
Bugs Fixed
- Specified height/width of icons in ZMI listings so the table doesn't
jump around while loading.
- Acquisition wrappers now correctly proxy __iter__.
- Launchpad #174705: ensure that the error info object exposed to a
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ function toggleSelect() {
<a href="&dtml.url_quote-sequence-key;/manage_workspace">
<dtml-in om_icons mapping>
<img src="&dtml-BASEPATH1;/&dtml.url_quote-path;" alt="&dtml.missing-alt;"
title="&dtml.missing-title;" border="0" /></dtml-in></a>
title="&dtml.missing-title;" border="0" width="16" height="16"/></dtml-in></a>
<dtml-if icon>
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