Commit bdddae9c authored by Chris Withers's avatar Chris Withers

crufty and outdated.

parent 4b3678be
How to build and install Zope from source code on Windows.
* Ensure you have the correct MSVC version installed for the
version of Python you will be using.
* Install (or build from sources) Python
* Install (or build from sources) the Python for Windows extensions
* Unpack the Zope source distribution. Change to that directory.
* Execute:
% python.exe inst\
It should say something like:
> - Zope top-level binary directory will be c:\Zope-2.12.
> - Makefile written.
> Next, run the Visual C++ batch file "VCVARS32.bat" and then "nmake".
(run ' --help' to see how to change things)
* 'makefile' will have ben created. As instructed, execute 'nmake'.
If the build succeeds, the last message printed should be:
> Zope built. Next, do 'nmake install'.
* As instructed, execute 'nmake install'. A few warnings will be generated,
but they can be ignored. The last message in the build process should be:
> Zope binaries installed successfully.
* Zope itself has now been installed. We need to create an instance. Run:
% python.exe {install_path}\bin\
We will be prompted, via the console, for the instance directory and
username/password for the admin user.
* We are now ready to start zope. Run:
% {zope_instance}\bin\runzope.bat
Zope should start with nice log messages being printed to
stdout. When Zope is ready, you should see:
> ------
> 2004-10-13T12:27:58 INFO(0) Zope Ready to handle requests
Press Ctrl+C to stop this instance of the server.
* Optionally, install as a Windows service. Execute:
% python {zope_instance}\bin\
to see the valid options. You may want something like:
% python {zope_instance}\bin\ --startup=auto install
Once installed, it can be started any number of ways:
- % {zope_instance}\bin\zopectl.bat start
- % python {zope_instance}\bin\ start
- Control Panel
- % net start service_short_name (eg, `net start Zope_-1227678699`)
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