Commit deb8d43f authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Move Globals-stuffing to correct point.

parent b3330120
......@@ -46,11 +46,49 @@ from import appsetup
app = None
startup_time = asctime()
def stuff_Globals():
# Stuff BBB names into the Globals module
import Globals # to set data
import TreeDisplay
Globals.TreeDisplay = TreeDisplay
import App.Common
Globals.package_home = App.Common.package_home
Globals.attrget = App.Common.attrget
Globals.Dictionary = App.Common.Dictionary
from Persistence import Persistent
from Persistence import PersistentMapping
Globals.Persistent = Persistent
Globals.PersistentMapping = PersistentMapping
from App.class_init import default__class_init__
from App.class_init import ApplicationDefaultPermissions
Globals.InitializeClass = default__class_init__
from App.special_dtml import HTML
from App.special_dtml import HTMLFile
from App.special_dtml import DTMLFile
Globals.HTML = HTML
Globals.HTMLFile = HTMLFile
Globals.DTMLFile = DTMLFile
from App.Dialogs import MessageDialog
Globals.MessageDialog = MessageDialog
from App.ImageFile import ImageFile
Globals.ImageFile = ImageFile
def startup():
from App.PersistentExtra import patchPersistent
import Globals # to set / fetch data
stuff_Globals() # XXX should this be optional?
global app
# Import products
......@@ -36,42 +36,6 @@ from import appsetup
logger = logging.getLogger("Zope")
started = False
def stuff_Globals():
# Stuff BBB names into the Globals module
import Globals # to set data
import TreeDisplay
Globals.TreeDisplay = TreeDisplay
import App.Common
Globals.package_home = App.Common.package_home
Globals.attrget = App.Common.attrget
Globals.Dictionary = App.Common.Dictionary
from Persistence import Persistent
from Persistence import PersistentMapping
Globals.Persistent = Persistent
Globals.PersistentMapping = PersistentMapping
from App.class_init import default__class_init__
from App.class_init import ApplicationDefaultPermissions
Globals.InitializeClass = default__class_init__
from App.special_dtml import HTML
from App.special_dtml import HTMLFile
from App.special_dtml import DTMLFile
Globals.HTML = HTML
Globals.HTMLFile = HTMLFile
Globals.DTMLFile = DTMLFile
from App.Dialogs import MessageDialog
Globals.MessageDialog = MessageDialog
from App.ImageFile import ImageFile
Globals.ImageFile = ImageFile
def get_starter():
if sys.platform[:3].lower() == "win":
......@@ -86,8 +50,6 @@ def start_zope(cfg, debug_handler):
# Don't allow any code to call start_zope() twice.
stuff_Globals() # XXX should this be optional?
starter = get_starter()
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