Commit e46b914d authored by Martijn Faassen's avatar Martijn Faassen

Update with changes from Five 1.0.

parent b3ea6bd9
Five Changes
Five 1.0 (2005-04-27)
This version is also included in Zope 2.8.
* Zope 3 style ``ISized`` adapters for objects are now exposed to the
ZMI and other Zope 2 frameworks via the known ``get_size`` method,
provided this is turned for the class in question via the
five:sizable ZCML directive.
* There is now a standard standard_macros. Five page templates can use
context/@@standard_macros/view to get the default site layout.
context/@@standard_macros/view to get the default site layout, and
people can register their own standard_macros in a skin.
* The addform and editform directive now supports the widget ZCML
subdirective, which previously was ignored.
* Five now supports the vocabulary ZCML directive.
* The addform and editform directive now supports the widget zcml subdirective,
that previously was ignored.
* Add and edit forms are now protected properly.
* Five now supports the vocabulary zcml directive.
* The checkbox widget did not work correctly in its off state, this
has been fixed.
Five 0.3 (2005-03-11)
* Five now uses the Zope 2 page template engine, not the Zope 3
engine. This allows better integration with Zope 2-based page
......@@ -49,7 +72,7 @@ Five 0.3 (2005-03-11)
found). Zope 2.7.4 (or higher) is required for this fix.
Five 0.2b (2004-09-24)
* Added utility module, 'bridge', allowing reuse of Zope 2 interfaces
(by introspecting them to create equivalent Zope 3 interfaces).
......@@ -99,6 +122,6 @@ Five 0.2b (2004-09-24)
* Change in findProducts so that non-filesystem products are skipped.
Five 0.1 (2004-07-30)
Initial public release (mainly Martijn's work)
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