Fix typo and adjust to new name of template class

parent b8427365
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Make sure that global template variables in ZPT pages are correct:
>>> print view()
View is a view: True
Context is testoid: True
Contaxt.aq_parent is test_folder_1_: True
Context.aq_parent is test_folder_1_: True
Container is context: True
Here is context: True
Nothing is None: True
View is a view: <tal:block
content="python:hasattr(view,'context') and hasattr(view, 'request')" />
Context is testoid: <tal:block content=" == 'testoid'" />
Contaxt.aq_parent is test_folder_1_: <tal:block
Context.aq_parent is test_folder_1_: <tal:block
content=" =='test_folder_1_'" />
Container is context: <tal:block content="python:container is context" />
Here is context: <tal:block content="python:here is context"/>
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Default works: <tal:block replace="non_existent_var|default" />True
Root is the application: <tal:block
replace="python:repr(root).find('Application') != -1" />
Template is a template: <tal:block
replace="python:repr(template.aq_base).startswith('<ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile')" />
replace="python:'ViewPageTemplateFile' in repr(template)" />
Traverse_subpath exists and is empty: <tal:block
replace="python:traverse_subpath == []" />
Request is a request: <tal:block
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