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Commit 20d41cbc authored by 4ast's avatar 4ast

Merge pull request #170 from iovisor/bblanco_dev

Add beta RPM spec and docker script for centos
parents ab4ca4cb d680633c
FROM centos:6
MAINTAINER Brenden Blanco <>
RUN yum -y install @rpm-development-tools @c-development @development-tools cmake libstdc++-static
RUN yum -y install bison bzip2 file flex gcc gcc-c++ git glibc-devel glibc-devel glibc-utils libgcc svn tar texinfo-tex wget zip zlib-devel
RUN svn co svn:// && cd gcc_5_1_0_release && ./contrib/download_prerequisites
RUN mkdir gcc_5_1_0_release_build && cd gcc_5_1_0_release_build && ../gcc_5_1_0_release/configure --disable-multilib && make -j8 && make install
RUN echo "/usr/local/lib64" > /etc/ && ldconfig
RUN wget && tar zxf Python-2.7.10.tgz && cd Python-2.7.10 && ./configure && make -j8 && make install
RUN git clone llvm && git clone llvm/tools/clang && mkdir llvm/build
RUN cd llvm/build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86;BPF" && make -j$(grep -c ^process /proc/cpuinfo)
COPY ./ /root/bcc/
RUN rm /etc/ && ldconfig
#RUN mkdir bcc/build && cd bcc/build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/root/llvm/build && make -j8
RUN yum -y install rpm-build python2-devel
%define debug_package %{nil}
Name: bcc
Version: @REVISION@
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
Group: Development/Languages
License: ASL 2.0
BuildArch: x86_64
BuildRequires: python2-devel, cmake >= 2.8.7, flex, bison
Python bindings for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC). Control a BPF program
from userspace.
%setup -n bcc-%{version}
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DREVISION=%{version} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/root/llvm/build
make -j8
cd build
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
* Fri Jul 03 2015 Brenden Blanco <> - 0.1.1-2
- Initial RPM Release
%package -n libbcc
Summary: Shared Library for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
%description -n libbcc
Shared Library for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
%package -n libbcc-examples
Summary: Examples for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
%description -n libbcc-examples
Examples for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
%package -n python-bpf
Summary: Python bindings for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
%description -n python-bpf
Python bindings for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
%files -n python-bpf
%exclude %{python_sitelib}/*.egg-info
%files -n libbcc
%files -n libbcc-examples
#rpmbuild --define "_topdir `pwd`" -ba SPECS/bcc.spec
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