will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 29228618 authored by Sasha Goldshtein's avatar Sasha Goldshtein

Refactored StackDecoder, added 'run command' option with no implementation yet

parent a7cc6c21
......@@ -32,6 +32,87 @@ class Time(object):
raise OSError(errno_, os.strerror(errno_))
return t.tv_sec*1e9 + t.tv_nsec
class StackDecoder(object):
def __init__(self, pid, bpf):
""" = pid
self.bpf = bpf
self.ranges_cache = {}
def refresh_code_ranges(self):
if == -1:
self.code_ranges = self._get_code_ranges()
def _get_code_ranges(self):
ranges = {}
raw_ranges = open("/proc/%d/maps" %
for raw_range in raw_ranges:
parts = raw_range.split()
if len(parts) < 6 or parts[5][0] == '[' or not 'x' in parts[1]:
binary = parts[5]
range_parts = parts[0].split('-')
addr_range = (int(range_parts[0], 16), int(range_parts[1], 16))
ranges[binary] = addr_range
return ranges
def _get_sym_ranges(self, binary):
if binary in self.ranges_cache:
return self.ranges_cache[binary]
sym_ranges = {}
raw_symbols = run_command("objdump -t %s" % binary)
for raw_symbol in raw_symbols:
parts = raw_symbol.split()
if len(parts) < 6 or parts[3] != ".text" or parts[2] != "F":
sym_start = int(parts[0], 16)
sym_len = int(parts[4], 16)
sym_name = parts[5]
sym_ranges[sym_name] = (sym_start, sym_len)
self.ranges_cache[binary] = sym_ranges
return sym_ranges
def _decode_sym(self, binary, offset):
sym_ranges = self._get_sym_ranges(binary)
for name, (start, length) in sym_ranges.items():
if offset >= start and offset <= (start + length):
return "%s+0x%x" % (name, offset - start)
return "%x" % offset
def _decode_addr(self, addr):
code_ranges = self._get_code_ranges()
for binary, (start, end) in code_ranges.items():
if addr >= start and addr <= end:
offset = addr - start if binary.endswith(".so") else addr
return "%s [%s]" % (self._decode_sym(binary, offset), binary)
return "%x" % addr
def decode_stack(self, info):
stack = ""
if info.num_frames <= 0:
return "???"
for i in range(0, info.num_frames):
addr = info.callstack[i]
if kernel_trace:
stack += " %s [kernel] (%x) ;" % (self.bpf.ksym(addr), addr)
stack += " %s (%x) ;" % (self._decode_addr(addr), addr)
return stack
def run_command(command):
p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return iter(p.stdout.readline, b'')
examples = """
......@@ -43,6 +124,8 @@ EXAMPLES:
./ -p $(pidof allocs) -a -i 10
Trace allocations and display allocated addresses, sizes, and stacks
every 10 seconds for outstanding allocations
./ -c "./allocs"
Run the specified command and trace its allocations
Trace allocations in kernel mode and display a summary of outstanding
allocations every 5 seconds
......@@ -70,16 +153,21 @@ parser.add_argument("-a", "--show-allocs", default=False, action="store_true",
help="show allocation addresses and sizes as well as call stacks")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--older", default=500,
help="prune allocations younger than this age in milliseconds")
# TODO Run a command and trace that command (-c)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--command",
help="execute and trace the specified command")
args = parser.parse_args()
pid = -1 if is None else int(
kernel_trace = (pid == -1)
command = args.command
kernel_trace = (pid == -1 and command is None)
trace_all = args.trace
interval = int(args.interval)
min_age_ns = 1e6*int(args.older)
if not command is None:
pass # TODO Run command, get its pid and trace that
bpf_source = open("memleak.c").read()
bpf_source = bpf_source.replace("SHOULD_PRINT", "1" if trace_all else "0")
......@@ -96,66 +184,7 @@ else:
bpf_program.attach_kretprobe(event="__kmalloc", fn_name="alloc_exit")
bpf_program.attach_kprobe(event="kfree", fn_name="free_enter")
def get_code_ranges(pid):
ranges = {}
raw_ranges = open("/proc/%d/maps" % pid).readlines()
for raw_range in raw_ranges:
parts = raw_range.split()
if len(parts) < 6 or parts[5][0] == '[' or not 'x' in parts[1]:
binary = parts[5]
range_parts = parts[0].split('-')
addr_range = (int(range_parts[0], 16), int(range_parts[1], 16))
ranges[binary] = addr_range
return ranges
def run_command(command):
p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return iter(p.stdout.readline, b'')
ranges_cache = {}
def get_sym_ranges(binary):
if binary in ranges_cache:
return ranges_cache[binary]
sym_ranges = {}
raw_symbols = run_command("objdump -t %s" % binary)
for raw_symbol in raw_symbols:
parts = raw_symbol.split()
if len(parts) < 6 or parts[3] != ".text" or parts[2] != "F":
sym_start = int(parts[0], 16)
sym_len = int(parts[4], 16)
sym_name = parts[5]
sym_ranges[sym_name] = (sym_start, sym_len)
ranges_cache[binary] = sym_ranges
return sym_ranges
def decode_sym(binary, offset):
sym_ranges = get_sym_ranges(binary)
for name, (start, length) in sym_ranges.items():
if offset >= start and offset <= (start + length):
return "%s+0x%x" % (name, offset - start)
return "%x" % offset
def decode_addr(code_ranges, addr):
for binary, (start, end) in code_ranges.items():
if addr >= start and addr <= end:
offset = addr - start if binary.endswith(".so") else addr
return "%s [%s]" % (decode_sym(binary, offset), binary)
return "%x" % addr
def decode_stack(info):
stack = ""
if info.num_frames <= 0:
return "???"
for i in range(0, info.num_frames):
addr = info.callstack[i]
if kernel_trace:
stack += " %s [kernel] (%x) ;" % (bpf_program.ksym(addr), addr)
stack += " %s (%x) ;" % (decode_addr(code_ranges, addr), addr)
return stack
decoder = StackDecoder(pid, bpf_program)
def print_outstanding():
stacks = {}
......@@ -164,7 +193,7 @@ def print_outstanding():
for address, info in sorted(allocs.items(), key=lambda a: -a[1].size):
if Time.monotonic_time() - min_age_ns < info.timestamp_ns:
stack = decode_stack(info)
stack = decoder.decode_stack(info)
if stack in stacks: stacks[stack] = (stacks[stack][0] + 1, stacks[stack][1] + info.size)
else: stacks[stack] = (1, info.size)
if args.show_allocs:
......@@ -180,7 +209,6 @@ while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if not kernel_trace:
code_ranges = get_code_ranges(pid)
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