Commit 2e7e2403 authored by Sasha Goldshtein's avatar Sasha Goldshtein

uobjnew: Summarize object allocations

Use various USDT probes in Java and Ruby, and `malloc()`
uprobe in C, to summarize object allocations by type or
by size. Print statistics at the end or at intervals, with
optional trimming of top types by number of instances
allocated or number of bytes.
parent 6e5c621a
# Object allocation events #!/usr/bin/python
# @lint-avoid-python-3-compatibility-imports
# uobjnew Summarize object allocations in high-level languages.
# For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF.
# USAGE: uobjnew [-h] [-T TOP] [-v] {java,ruby,c} pid [interval]
# Copyright 2016 Sasha Goldshtein
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# 25-Oct-2016 Sasha Goldshtein Created this.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from bcc import BPF, USDT
from time import sleep
examples = """examples:
./uobjnew -l java 145 # summarize Java allocations in process 145
./uobjnew -l c 2020 1 # grab malloc() sizes and print every second
./uobjnew -l ruby 6712 -C 10 # top 10 Ruby types by number of allocations
./uobjnew -l ruby 6712 -S 10 # top 10 Ruby types by total size
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Summarize object allocations in high-level languages.",
parser.add_argument("language", choices=["java", "ruby", "c"],
help="language to trace")
parser.add_argument("pid", type=int, help="process id to attach to")
parser.add_argument("interval", type=int, nargs='?',
help="print every specified number of seconds")
parser.add_argument("-C", "--top-count", type=int,
help="number of most frequently allocated types to print")
parser.add_argument("-S", "--top-size", type=int,
help="number of largest types by allocated bytes to print")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="verbose mode: print the BPF program (for debugging purposes)")
args = parser.parse_args()
program = """
#include <linux/ptrace.h>
struct key_t {
u64 size;
char name[50];
struct val_t {
u64 total_size;
u64 num_allocs;
BPF_HASH(allocs, struct key_t, struct val_t);
""".replace("MALLOC_TRACING", "1" if args.language == "c" else "0")
usdt = USDT(
if args.language == "java":
program += """
int alloc_entry(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
struct key_t key = {};
struct val_t *valp, zero = {};
u64 classptr = 0, size = 0;
bpf_usdt_readarg(2, ctx, &classptr);
bpf_usdt_readarg(4, ctx, &size);
bpf_probe_read(&, sizeof(, (void *)classptr);
valp = allocs.lookup_or_init(&key, &zero);
valp->total_size += size;
valp->num_allocs += 1;
return 0;
usdt.enable_probe("object__alloc", "alloc_entry")
elif args.language == "ruby":
create_template = """
int THETHING_alloc_entry(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
struct key_t key = { .name = "THETHING" };
struct val_t *valp, zero = {};
u64 size = 0;
bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, &size);
valp = allocs.lookup_or_init(&key, &zero);
valp->total_size += size;
valp->num_allocs += 1;
return 0;
program += """
int object_alloc_entry(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
struct key_t key = {};
struct val_t *valp, zero = {};
u64 classptr = 0;
bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, &classptr);
bpf_probe_read(&, sizeof(, (void *)classptr);
valp = allocs.lookup_or_init(&key, &zero);
valp->num_allocs += 1; // We don't know the size, unfortunately
return 0;
usdt.enable_probe("object__create", "object_alloc_entry")
for thing in ["string", "hash", "array"]:
program += create_template.replace("THETHING", thing)
usdt.enable_probe("%s__create" % thing, "%s_alloc_entry" % thing)
elif args.language == "c":
program += """
int alloc_entry(struct pt_regs *ctx, size_t size) {
struct key_t key = {};
struct val_t *valp, zero = {};
key.size = size;
valp = allocs.lookup_or_init(&key, &zero);
valp->total_size += size;
valp->num_allocs += 1;
return 0;
if args.verbose:
bpf = BPF(text=program, usdt_contexts=[usdt])
if args.language == "c":
bpf.attach_uprobe(name="c", sym="malloc", fn_name="alloc_entry")
exit_signaled = False
print("Tracing allocations in process %d (language: %s)... Ctrl-C to quit." %
(, args.language or "none"))
while True:
sleep(args.interval or 99999999)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
exit_signaled = True
data = bpf["allocs"]
if args.top_count:
data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.num_allocs)
data = data[-args.top_count:]
elif args.top_size:
data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.total_size)
data = data[-args.top_size:]
data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.total_size)
print("%-30s %8s %12s" % ("TYPE", "# ALLOCS", "# BYTES"))
for key, value in data:
if args.language == "c":
obj_type = "block size %d" % key.size
obj_type =
print("%-30s %8d %12d" %
(obj_type, value.num_allocs, value.total_size))
if args.interval and not exit_signaled:
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