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Commit b50c7251 authored by smartx-usman's avatar smartx-usman Committed by yonghong-song

Added vlan_filter application. (#1773)

* Added vlan_filter application.

* Added demo application and changed timestamp to human readable format.

* changed files to executable and updated file dependencies part.

* Fixed header printout to match actual output and README.
parent 548332bb
# VLAN Filter #
This is eBPF application to parse VXLAN packets and then extracts encapsulated VLAN packets to monitor traffic from each VLAN. Extracted packet header fields can be stored in a file or sent to remote server via Apache Kafka messaging system.
Also part of this example is a simulation of a multi-host environment. Simulation environment can be setup by using script. Then a sample script ( can be used to send traffic from one client (VLAN=100) from host1 talking to another client at host2 and one client (VLAN=200) from host2 talking to another client at host1 while running vlan_filter application in parallel by using command 'python data-plane-tracing -i veth7'.
### Usage Example ###
* $ sudo python
Timestamp | Host Name | Host IP | IP Version | Source Host IP | Dest Host IP | Source Host Port | Dest Host Port | VNI | Source VM MAC | Dest VM MAC | VLAN ID | Source VM IP | Dest VM IP | Protocol | Source VM Port | Dest VM Port | Packet Length |
2018-05-24 18:43:30.386228 | Box1 | x.x.x.x | 4 | | | 54836 | 4789 | 10 | fa:16:3e:ec:22:99 | fa:16:3e:1c:6f:2d | 100 | | | 6 | 1285 | 20302 | 1200
# Implementation overview #
Example application implementation is split into two parts: the former that exploits eBPF code, the latter that performs some additional processing in user space (python wrapper).
### First part: eBPF Filter ###
This component filters VXLAN packets.
The program is loaded as PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER and attached to a socket, bind to eth0.
Packets matching VXLAN filter are forwarded to the user space, while other packets are dropped.
### Python code in user space ###
The Python script reads filtered raw packets from the socket, extracts all the useful header fields and stores extracted packet into a file by default or can be sent to a remote server via Apache Kafka messaging system.
# How to execute this example application #
VLAN Filter application can be executed by using one of the below commands:
* $ sudo python
* $ sudo python data-plane-tracing -i eth2 -k vc.manage.overcloud:9092
# How to install Required Dependencies
* $ pip install kafka-python
* $ pip install netifaces
#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
#include <net/sock.h>
#include <bcc/proto.h>
#define IP_TCP 6
#define IP_UDP 17
#define IP_ICMP 1
In 802.3, both the source and destination addresses are 48 bits (4 bytes) MAC address.
6 bytes (src) + 6 bytes (dst) + 2 bytes (type) = 14 bytes
#define ETH_HLEN 14
/*eBPF program.
Filter TCP/UDP/ICMP packets, having payload not empty
if the program is loaded as PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER
and attached to a socket
return 0 -> DROP the packet
return -1 -> KEEP the packet and return it to user space (userspace can read it from the socket_fd )
int vlan_filter(struct __sk_buff *skb) {
u8 *cursor = 0;
struct ethernet_t *ethernet = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*ethernet));
//filter IP packets (ethernet type = 0x0800) 0x0800 is IPv4 packet
case 0x0800: goto IP;
default: goto DROP;
IP: ;
struct ip_t *ip = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*ip)); // IP header (datagram)
switch (ip->nextp){
case 17: goto UDP;
default: goto DROP;
UDP: ;
struct udp_t *udp = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*udp));
switch (udp->dport) {
case 4789: goto KEEP;
default: goto DROP;
//keep the packet and send it to userspace retruning -1
return -1;
//drop the packet returning 0
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
from __future__ import print_function
from bcc import BPF
import sys
import socket
import os
import argparse
import time
import netifaces as ni
from sys import argv
from kafka import KafkaProducer
from kafka.errors import KafkaError
from datetime import datetime
def usage():
print("USAGE: %s [-i <if_name>]" % argv[0])
print("Try '%s -h' for more options." % argv[0])
def help():
print("USAGE: %s [-i <if_name>][-k <kafka_server_name:kafka_port>]" % argv[0])
print("optional arguments:")
print(" -h print this help")
print(" -i if_name select interface if_name. Default is eth0")
print(" -k kafka_server_name select kafka server name. Default is save to file")
print(" If -k option is not specified data will be saved to file.")
print(" data-plane-tracing # bind socket to eth0")
print(" data-plane-tracing -i eno2 -k vc.manage.overcloud:9092 # bind socket to eno2 and send data to kafka server in iovisor-topic.")
#check provided arguments
if len(argv) == 2:
if str(argv[1]) == '-h':
if len(argv) == 3:
if str(argv[1]) == '-i':
interface = argv[2]
elif str(argv[1]) == '-k':
kafkaserver = argv[2]
if len(argv) == 5:
if str(argv[1]) == '-i':
interface = argv[2]
kafkaserver = argv[4]
elif str(argv[1]) == '-k':
kafkaserver = argv[2]
interface = argv[4]
if len(argv) > 5:
print ("binding socket to '%s'" % interface)
#initialize BPF - load source code from http-parse-simple.c
bpf = BPF(src_file = "data-plane-tracing.c", debug = 0)
#load eBPF program http_filter of type SOCKET_FILTER into the kernel eBPF vm
#more info about eBPF program types
function_vlan_filter = bpf.load_func("vlan_filter", BPF.SOCKET_FILTER)
#create raw socket, bind it to eth0
#attach bpf program to socket created
BPF.attach_raw_socket(function_vlan_filter, interface)
#get file descriptor of the socket previously created inside BPF.attach_raw_socket
socket_fd = function_vlan_filter.sock
#create python socket object, from the file descriptor
sock = socket.fromfd(socket_fd,socket.PF_PACKET,socket.SOCK_RAW,socket.IPPROTO_IP)
#set it as blocking socket
#get interface ip address. In case ip is not set then just add
ip = ni.ifaddresses(interface)[ni.AF_INET][0]['addr']
ip = ''
print("| Timestamp | Host Name | Host IP | IP Version | Source Host IP | Dest Host IP | Source Host Port | Dest Host Port | VNI | Source VM MAC | Dest VM MAC | VLAN ID | Source VM IP | Dest VM IP | Protocol | Source VM Port | Dest VM Port | Packet Length |")
while 1:
#retrieve raw packet from socket
packet_str =, 2048)
#convert packet into bytearray
packet_bytearray = bytearray(packet_str)
#ethernet header length
#VXLAN header length
#VLAN header length
#Inner TCP/UDP header length
#calculate packet total length
total_length = packet_bytearray[ETH_HLEN + 2] #load MSB
total_length = total_length << 8 #shift MSB
total_length = total_length + packet_bytearray[ETH_HLEN+3] #add LSB
#calculate ip header length
ip_header_length = packet_bytearray[ETH_HLEN] #load Byte
ip_header_length = ip_header_length & 0x0F #mask bits 0..3
ip_header_length = ip_header_length << 2 #shift to obtain length
#calculate payload offset
payload_offset = ETH_HLEN + ip_header_length + UDP_HLEN + VXLAN_HLEN
#parsing ip version from ip packet header
ipversion = str(bin(packet_bytearray[14])[2:5])
#parsing source ip address, destination ip address from ip packet header
src_host_ip = str(packet_bytearray[26]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[27]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[28]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[29])
dest_host_ip = str(packet_bytearray[30]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[31]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[32]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[33])
#parsing source port and destination port
src_host_port = packet_bytearray[34] << 8 | packet_bytearray[35]
dest_host_port = packet_bytearray[36] << 8 | packet_bytearray[37]
#parsing VNI from VXLAN header
VNI = str((packet_bytearray[46])+(packet_bytearray[47])+(packet_bytearray[48]))
#parsing source mac address and destination mac address
mac_add = [packet_bytearray[50], packet_bytearray[51], packet_bytearray[52], packet_bytearray[53], packet_bytearray[54], packet_bytearray[55]]
src_vm_mac = ":".join(map(lambda b: format(b, "02x"), mac_add))
mac_add = [packet_bytearray[56], packet_bytearray[57], packet_bytearray[58], packet_bytearray[59], packet_bytearray[60], packet_bytearray[61]]
dest_vm_mac = ":".join(map(lambda b: format(b, "02x"), mac_add))
#parsing VLANID from VLAN header
VLANID = str((packet_bytearray[64])+(packet_bytearray[65]))
#parsing source vm ip address, destination vm ip address from encapsulated ip packet header
src_vm_ip = str(packet_bytearray[80]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[81]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[82]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[83])
dest_vm_ip = str(packet_bytearray[84]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[85]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[86]) + "." + str(packet_bytearray[87])
#parsing source port and destination port
if (packet_bytearray[77]==6 or packet_bytearray[77]==17):
src_vm_port = packet_bytearray[88] << 8 | packet_bytearray[88]
dest_vm_port = packet_bytearray[90] << 8 | packet_bytearray[91]
elif (packet_bytearray[77]==1):
src_vm_port = -1
dest_vm_port = -1
type = str(packet_bytearray[88])
timestamp = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))
#send data to remote server via Kafka Messaging Bus
if kafkaserver:
MESSAGE = (timestamp, socket.gethostname(),ip, str(int(ipversion, 2)), str(src_host_ip), str(dest_host_ip), str(src_host_port), str(dest_host_port), str(int(VNI)), str(src_vm_mac), str(dest_vm_mac), str(int(VLANID)), src_vm_ip, dest_vm_ip, str(packet_bytearray[77]), str(src_vm_port), str(dest_vm_port), str(total_length))
print (MESSAGE)
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=[kafkaserver])
producer.send('iovisor-topic', key=b'iovisor', value=MESSAGE)
#save data to files
MESSAGE = timestamp+","+socket.gethostname()+","+ip+","+str(int(ipversion, 2))+","+src_host_ip+","+dest_host_ip+","+str(src_host_port)+","+str(dest_host_port)+","+str(int(VNI))+","+str(src_vm_mac)+","+str(dest_vm_mac)+","+str(int(VLANID))+","+src_vm_ip+","+dest_vm_ip+","+str(packet_bytearray[77])+","+str(src_vm_port)+","+str(dest_vm_port)+","+str(total_length)
print (MESSAGE)
#save data to a file on hour basis
filename = "./vlan-data-"+time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H")+"-00"
with open(filename, "a") as f:
f.write("%s\n" % MESSAGE)
# This script must be executed by root user
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1
# add namespaces
ip netns add netns11
ip netns add netns12
ip netns add netns21
ip netns add netns22
ip netns add netns3
ip netns add netns4
# set up veth devices in netns11 to netns21 with connection to netns3
ip link add veth11 type veth peer name veth13
ip link add veth21 type veth peer name veth23
ip link set veth11 netns netns11
ip link set veth21 netns netns21
ip link set veth13 netns netns3
ip link set veth23 netns netns3
# set up veth devices in netns12 and netns22 with connection to netns4
ip link add veth12 type veth peer name veth14
ip link add veth22 type veth peer name veth24
ip link set veth12 netns netns12
ip link set veth22 netns netns22
ip link set veth14 netns netns4
ip link set veth24 netns netns4
# assign IP addresses and set the devices up
ip netns exec netns11 ifconfig veth11 up
ip netns exec netns11 ip link set lo up
ip netns exec netns12 ifconfig veth12 up
ip netns exec netns12 ip link set lo up
ip netns exec netns21 ifconfig veth21 up
ip netns exec netns21 ip link set lo up
ip netns exec netns22 ifconfig veth22 up
ip netns exec netns22 ip link set lo up
# set up bridge brx and its ports
ip netns exec netns3 brctl addbr brx
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set brx up
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set veth13 up
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set veth23 up
ip netns exec netns3 brctl addif brx veth13
ip netns exec netns3 brctl addif brx veth23
# set up bridge bry and its ports
ip netns exec netns4 brctl addbr bry
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set bry up
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set veth14 up
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set veth24 up
ip netns exec netns4 brctl addif bry veth14
ip netns exec netns4 brctl addif bry veth24
# create veth devices to connect the bridges
ip link add vethx type veth peer name vethx11
ip link add vethy type veth peer name vethy11
ip link set vethx netns netns3
ip link set vethx11 netns netns3
ip link set vethy netns netns4
ip link set vethy11 netns netns4
ip netns exec netns3 brctl addif brx vethx
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set vethx up
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan add vid 100 tagged dev vethx
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan add vid 200 tagged dev vethx
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan del vid 1 dev vethx
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan show
ip netns exec netns4 brctl addif bry vethy
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set vethy up
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan add vid 100 tagged dev vethy
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan add vid 200 tagged dev vethy
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan del vid 1 dev vethy
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan show
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set dev brx type bridge vlan_filtering 1
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set dev bry type bridge vlan_filtering 1
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan del vid 1 dev brx self
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan del vid 1 dev bry self
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan show
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan show
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan add vid 100 pvid untagged dev veth13
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan add vid 200 pvid untagged dev veth23
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan add vid 100 pvid untagged dev veth14
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan add vid 200 pvid untagged dev veth24
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan del vid 1 dev veth13
ip netns exec netns3 bridge vlan del vid 1 dev veth23
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan del vid 1 dev veth14
ip netns exec netns4 bridge vlan del vid 1 dev veth24
# set up bridge brvx and its ports
ip netns exec netns3 brctl addbr brvx
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set brvx up
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set vethx11 up
ip netns exec netns3 brctl addif brvx vethx11
# set up bridge brvy and its ports
ip netns exec netns4 brctl addbr brvy
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set brvy up
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set vethy11 up
ip netns exec netns4 brctl addif brvy vethy11
# create veth devices to connect the vxlan bridges
ip link add veth3 type veth peer name veth4
ip link add veth5 type veth peer name veth6
ip link set veth3 netns netns3
ip link set veth5 netns netns4
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set veth3 up
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set veth5 up
ip link set veth4 up
ip link set veth6 up
ip netns exec netns3 ifconfig veth3 up
ip netns exec netns4 ifconfig veth5 up
# add vxlan ports
ip netns exec netns3 ip link add vxlan-10 type vxlan id 10 remote dstport 4789 dev veth3
ip netns exec netns4 ip link add vxlan-10 type vxlan id 10 remote dstport 4789 dev veth5
ip netns exec netns3 ip link set vxlan-10 up
ip netns exec netns4 ip link set vxlan-10 up
ip netns exec netns3 brctl addif brvx vxlan-10
ip netns exec netns4 brctl addif brvy vxlan-10
# create veth devices to connect the vxlan bridges
ip link add veth7 type veth peer name veth8
ip link set veth7 up
ip link set veth8 up
# set up bridge brjx and its ports
brctl addbr brjx
ip link set brjx up
ip link set veth4 up
brctl addif brjx veth4
brctl addif brjx veth7
# set up bridge brjy and its ports
brctl addbr brjy
ip link set brjy up
ip link set veth6 up
brctl addif brjy veth6
brctl addif brjy veth8
ip netns exec netns11 ping -c 10
ip netns exec netns22 ping -c 10
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