Commit 09e9b502 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Also exclude the parser from compilation, since its binary size is almost 1MB,...

Also exclude the parser from compilation, since its binary size is almost 1MB, but it only contributes a couple of percent to the overall runtime.
parent 779c3591
......@@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ cdef class Method:
cdef dict kwargs
cdef readonly object __name__ # for tracing the scanner
## methods commented with '##' out are used by when compiled.
cdef class CompileTimeScope:
cdef public dict entries
cdef public CompileTimeScope outer
cdef declare(self, name, value)
cdef lookup_here(self, name)
cpdef lookup(self, name)
##cdef declare(self, name, value)
##cdef lookup_here(self, name)
##cpdef lookup(self, name)
cdef class PyrexScanner(Scanner):
......@@ -51,15 +53,15 @@ cdef class PyrexScanner(Scanner):
@cython.locals(current_level=cython.long, new_level=cython.long)
cpdef indentation_action(self, text)
#cpdef eof_action(self, text)
cdef next(self)
cdef peek(self)
##cdef next(self)
##cdef peek(self)
#cpdef put_back(self, sy, systring)
#cdef unread(self, token, value)
cdef bint expect(self, what, message = *) except -2
cdef expect_keyword(self, what, message = *)
cdef expected(self, what, message = *)
cdef expect_indent(self)
cdef expect_dedent(self)
cdef expect_newline(self, message=*, bint ignore_semicolon=*)
cdef int enter_async(self) except -1
cdef int exit_async(self) except -1
##cdef bint expect(self, what, message = *) except -2
##cdef expect_keyword(self, what, message = *)
##cdef expected(self, what, message = *)
##cdef expect_indent(self)
##cdef expect_dedent(self)
##cdef expect_newline(self, message=*, bint ignore_semicolon=*)
##cdef int enter_async(self) except -1
##cdef int exit_async(self) except -1
......@@ -28,18 +28,23 @@ cdef class Scanner:
cdef public level
cdef next_char(self)
cpdef tuple read(self)
cdef tuple scan_a_token(self)
cdef tuple position(self)
##cdef tuple position(self) # used frequently by
@cython.locals(cur_pos=Py_ssize_t, cur_line=Py_ssize_t, cur_line_start=Py_ssize_t,
input_state=long, next_pos=Py_ssize_t, state=dict,
buf_start_pos=Py_ssize_t, buf_len=Py_ssize_t, buf_index=Py_ssize_t,
trace=bint, discard=Py_ssize_t, data=unicode, buffer=unicode)
cdef run_machine_inlined(self)
cdef begin(self, state)
cdef produce(self, value, text = *)
......@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ def compile_cython_modules(profile=False, compile_more=False, cython_with_refnan
......@@ -98,6 +97,7 @@ def compile_cython_modules(profile=False, compile_more=False, cython_with_refnan
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