Commit 2b4d1c37 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

revert the part of the fstring changes that broke Py3 string content checking

parent f158faef
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ cdef p_opt_string_literal(PyrexScanner s, required_type=*)
cdef bint check_for_non_ascii_characters(unicode string)
@cython.locals(systr=unicode, is_python3_source=bint, is_raw=bint)
cdef p_string_literal(PyrexScanner s, kind_override=*)
cdef _append_escape_sequence(kind, builder, escape_sequence, PyrexScanner s)
cdef _append_escape_sequence(kind, builder, unicode escape_sequence, PyrexScanner s)
@cython.locals(i=Py_ssize_t, size=Py_ssize_t, c=Py_UCS4)
cdef list p_f_string(PyrexScanner s, unicode_value, pos, bint is_raw)
@cython.locals(i=Py_ssize_t, size=Py_ssize_t, c=Py_UCS4, quote_char=Py_UCS4, NO_CHAR=Py_UCS4)
......@@ -868,6 +868,7 @@ def p_string_literal(s, kind_override=None):
pos = s.position()
is_python3_source = s.context.language_level >= 3
has_non_ascii_literal_characters = False
kind_string = s.systring.rstrip('"\'').lower()
if len(kind_string) > 1:
if len(set(kind_string)) != len(kind_string):
......@@ -917,9 +918,13 @@ def p_string_literal(s, kind_override=None):
# print "p_string_literal: sy =", sy, repr(s.systring) ###
if sy == 'CHARS':
if is_python3_source and not has_non_ascii_literal_characters and check_for_non_ascii_characters(systr):
has_non_ascii_literal_characters = True
elif sy == 'ESCAPE':
if is_raw:
if is_python3_source and not has_non_ascii_literal_characters and check_for_non_ascii_characters(systr):
has_non_ascii_literal_characters = True
_append_escape_sequence(kind, chars, systr, s)
elif sy == 'NEWLINE':
......@@ -939,7 +944,7 @@ def p_string_literal(s, kind_override=None):
error(pos, u"invalid character literal: %r" % bytes_value)
bytes_value, unicode_value = chars.getstrings()
if is_python3_source and unicode_value and check_for_non_ascii_characters(unicode_value):
if is_python3_source and has_non_ascii_literal_characters:
# Python 3 forbids literal non-ASCII characters in byte strings
if kind not in ('u', 'f'):
s.error("bytes can only contain ASCII literal characters.", pos=pos)
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