Commit b0f153e3 authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Moved some examples to the examples directory.

parent 084a25f5
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t
python_string = "foo"
cdef void* ptr = <void*>python_string
cdef uintptr_t adress_in_c = <uintptr_t>ptr
address_from_void = adress_in_c # address_from_void is a python int
cdef PyObject* ptr2 = <PyObject*>python_string
cdef uintptr_t address_in_c2 = <uintptr_t>ptr2
address_from_PyObject = address_in_c2 # address_from_PyObject is a python int
assert address_from_void == address_from_PyObject == id(python_string)
print(<object>ptr) # Prints "foo"
print(<object>ptr2) # prints "foo"
from __future__ import print_function
DEF FavouriteFood = u"spam"
DEF ArraySize = 42
DEF OtherArraySize = 2 * ArraySize + 17
cdef int a1[ArraySize]
cdef int a2[OtherArraySize]
print("I like", FavouriteFood)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -632,26 +632,9 @@ You can also cast a C pointer back to a Python object reference
with ``<object>``, or a more specific builtin or extension type
(e.g. ``<MyExtType>ptr``). This will increase the reference count of
the object by one, i.e. the cast returns an owned reference.
Here is an example::
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t
python_string = "foo"
cdef void* ptr = <void*>python_string
cdef uintptr_t adress_in_c = <uintptr_t>ptr
address_from_void = adress_in_c # address_from_void is a python int
cdef PyObject* ptr2 = <PyObject*>python_string
cdef uintptr_t address_in_c2 = <uintptr_t>ptr2
address_from_PyObject = address_in_c2 # address_from_PyObject is a python int
assert address_from_void == address_from_PyObject == id(python_string)
print(<object>ptr) # Prints "foo"
print(<object>ptr2) # prints "foo"
Here is an example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/userguide/language_basics/casting_python.pyx
The precedence of ``<...>`` is such that ``<type>a.b.c`` is interpreted as ``<type>(a.b.c)``.
......@@ -971,13 +954,7 @@ the source at that point as a literal. For this to work, the compile-time
expression must evaluate to a Python value of type ``int``, ``long``,
``float``, ``bytes`` or ``unicode`` (``str`` in Py3).
from __future__ import print_function
cdef int a1[ArraySize]
cdef int a2[OtherArraySize]
print("I like", FavouriteFood)
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/userguide/language_basics/compile_time.pyx
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