Commit b67e5567 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Fix line endings.

parent e6a49ace
This example directory is organized like the ``Cython/docs/src/`` directory,
with one directory per ``.rst`` file. All files in this directory are tested
in the :file:`` with the mode `compile`.
This example directory is organized like the ``Cython/docs/src/`` directory,
with one directory per ``.rst`` file. All files in this directory are tested
in the :file:`` with the mode `compile`.
def say_hello_to(name):
print("Hello %s!" % name)
def say_hello_to(name):
print("Hello %s!" % name)
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
setup(name='Hello world app',
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
setup(name='Hello world app',
cdef double f(double x) except? -2:
return x ** 2 - x
cdef double f(double x) except? -2:
return x ** 2 - x
def f(x):
return x ** 2 - x
def integrate_f(a, b, N):
s = 0
dx = (b - a) / N
for i in range(N):
s += f(a + i * dx)
return s * dx
def f(x):
return x ** 2 - x
def integrate_f(a, b, N):
s = 0
dx = (b - a) / N
for i in range(N):
s += f(a + i * dx)
return s * dx
def f(double x):
return x ** 2 - x
def integrate_f(double a, double b, int N):
cdef int i
cdef double s, dx
s = 0
dx = (b - a) / N
for i in range(N):
s += f(a + i * dx)
return s * dx
def f(double x):
return x ** 2 - x
def integrate_f(double a, double b, int N):
cdef int i
cdef double s, dx
s = 0
dx = (b - a) / N
for i in range(N):
s += f(a + i * dx)
return s * dx
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array int_array_template = array.array('i', [])
cdef array.array newarray
# create an array with 3 elements with same type as template
newarray = array.clone(int_array_template, 3, zero=False)
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array int_array_template = array.array('i', [])
cdef array.array newarray
# create an array with 3 elements with same type as template
newarray = array.clone(int_array_template, 3, zero=False)
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef int[:] ca = a
cdef int overhead(object a):
cdef int[:] ca = a
return ca[0]
cdef int no_overhead(int[:] ca):
return ca[0]
print(overhead(a)) # new memory view will be constructed, overhead
print(no_overhead(ca)) # ca is already a memory view, so no overhead
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef int[:] ca = a
cdef int overhead(object a):
cdef int[:] ca = a
return ca[0]
cdef int no_overhead(int[:] ca):
return ca[0]
print(overhead(a)) # new memory view will be constructed, overhead
print(no_overhead(ca)) # ca is already a memory view, so no overhead
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef array.array b = array.array('i', [4, 5, 6])
# extend a with b, resize as needed
array.extend(a, b)
# resize a, leaving just original three elements
array.resize(a, len(a) - len(b))
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef array.array b = array.array('i', [4, 5, 6])
# extend a with b, resize as needed
array.extend(a, b)
# resize a, leaving just original three elements
array.resize(a, len(a) - len(b))
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef int[:] ca = a
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
cdef int[:] ca = a
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
# access underlying pointer:
from libc.string cimport memset
memset(, 0, len(a) * sizeof(int))
from cpython cimport array
import array
cdef array.array a = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3])
# access underlying pointer:
from libc.string cimport memset
memset(, 0, len(a) * sizeof(int))
from sin_of_square cimport Function, SinOfSquareFunction
def integrate(Function f, double a, double b, int N):
cdef int i
cdef double s, dx
if f is None:
raise ValueError("f cannot be None")
s = 0
dx = (b - a) / N
for i in range(N):
s += f.evaluate(a + i * dx)
return s * dx
print(integrate(SinOfSquareFunction(), 0, 1, 10000))
from sin_of_square cimport Function, SinOfSquareFunction
def integrate(Function f, double a, double b, int N):
cdef int i
cdef double s, dx
if f is None:
raise ValueError("f cannot be None")
s = 0
dx = (b - a) / N
for i in range(N):
s += f.evaluate(a + i * dx)
return s * dx
print(integrate(SinOfSquareFunction(), 0, 1, 10000))
class MathFunction(object):
def __init__(self, name, operator): = name
self.operator = operator
def __call__(self, *operands):
return self.operator(*operands)
class MathFunction(object):
def __init__(self, name, operator): = name
self.operator = operator
def __call__(self, *operands):
return self.operator(*operands)
cdef class Function:
cpdef double evaluate(self, double x) except *:
return 0
cdef class Function:
cpdef double evaluate(self, double x) except *:
return 0
# cython: nonecheck=True
# ^^^ Turns on nonecheck globally
import cython
cdef class MyClass:
# Turn off nonecheck locally for the function
def func():
cdef MyClass obj = None
# Turn nonecheck on again for a block
with cython.nonecheck(True):
print(obj.myfunc()) # Raises exception
except AttributeError:
print(obj.myfunc()) # Hope for a crash!
# cython: nonecheck=True
# ^^^ Turns on nonecheck globally
import cython
cdef class MyClass:
# Turn off nonecheck locally for the function
def func():
cdef MyClass obj = None
# Turn nonecheck on again for a block
with cython.nonecheck(True):
print(obj.myfunc()) # Raises exception
except AttributeError:
print(obj.myfunc()) # Hope for a crash!
from libc.math cimport sin
cdef class Function:
cpdef double evaluate(self, double x) except *:
return 0
cdef class SinOfSquareFunction(Function):
cpdef double evaluate(self, double x) except *:
return sin(x ** 2)
from libc.math cimport sin
cdef class Function:
cpdef double evaluate(self, double x) except *:
return 0
cdef class SinOfSquareFunction(Function):
cpdef double evaluate(self, double x) except *:
return sin(x ** 2)
from sin_of_square cimport Function
cdef class WaveFunction(Function):
# Not available in Python-space:
cdef double offset
# Available in Python-space:
cdef public double freq
# Available in Python-space, but only for reading:
cdef readonly double scale
# Available in Python-space:
def period(self):
return 1.0 / self.freq
def period(self, value):
self.freq = 1.0 / value
from sin_of_square cimport Function
cdef class WaveFunction(Function):
# Not available in Python-space:
cdef double offset
# Available in Python-space:
cdef public double freq
# Available in Python-space, but only for reading:
cdef readonly double scale
# Available in Python-space:
def period(self):
return 1.0 / self.freq
def period(self, value):
self.freq = 1.0 / value
# queue.pyx
cimport cqueue
cdef class Queue:
cdef cqueue.Queue* _c_queue
def __cinit__(self):
self._c_queue = cqueue.queue_new()
# queue.pyx
cimport cqueue
cdef class Queue:
cdef cqueue.Queue* _c_queue
def __cinit__(self):
self._c_queue = cqueue.queue_new()
# queue.pyx
cimport cqueue
cdef class Queue:
cdef cqueue.Queue* _c_queue
def __cinit__(self):
self._c_queue = cqueue.queue_new()
if self._c_queue is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
# queue.pyx
cimport cqueue
cdef class Queue:
cdef cqueue.Queue* _c_queue
def __cinit__(self):
self._c_queue = cqueue.queue_new()
if self._c_queue is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import queue
Q = queue.Queue()
except IndexError as e:
print("Error message:", e) # Prints "Queue is empty"
i = 10000
values = range(i)
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time() - start_time
print("Adding {} items took {:1.3f} msecs.".format(i, 1000 * end_time))
for i in range(41):
print("The answer is:")
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import queue
Q = queue.Queue()
except IndexError as e:
print("Error message:", e) # Prints "Queue is empty"
i = 10000
values = range(i)
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time() - start_time
print("Adding {} items took {:1.3f} msecs.".format(i, 1000 * end_time))
for i in range(41):
print("The answer is:")
# distutils: language=c++
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
def primes(unsigned int nb_primes):
cdef int n, i
cdef vector[int] p
p.reserve(nb_primes) # allocate memory for 'nb_primes' elements.
n = 2
while p.size() < nb_primes: # size() for vectors is similar to len()
for i in p:
if n % i == 0:
p.push_back(n) # push_back is similar to append()
n += 1
# Vectors are automatically converted to Python
# lists when converted to Python objects.
return p
# distutils: language=c++
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
def primes(unsigned int nb_primes):
cdef int n, i
cdef vector[int] p
p.reserve(nb_primes) # allocate memory for 'nb_primes' elements.
n = 2
while p.size() < nb_primes: # size() for vectors is similar to len()
for i in p:
if n % i == 0:
p.push_back(n) # push_back is similar to append()
n += 1
# Vectors are automatically converted to Python
# lists when converted to Python objects.
return p
from libc.stdlib cimport atoi
cdef parse_charptr_to_py_int(char* s):
assert s is not NULL, "byte string value is NULL"
return atoi(s) # note: atoi() has no error detection!
from libc.stdlib cimport atoi
cdef parse_charptr_to_py_int(char* s):
assert s is not NULL, "byte string value is NULL"
return atoi(s) # note: atoi() has no error detection!
>>> sin(0)
cdef extern from "math.h":
cpdef double sin(double x)
>>> sin(0)
cdef extern from "math.h":
cpdef double sin(double x)
cdef extern from "string.h":
char* strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
cdef extern from "string.h":
char* strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
cdef extern from "string.h":
char* strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
cdef char* data = "hfvcakdfagbcffvschvxcdfgccbcfhvgcsnfxjh"
cdef char* pos = strstr(needle='akd', haystack=data)
print(pos is not NULL)
cdef extern from "string.h":
char* strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
cdef char* data = "hfvcakdfagbcffvschvxcdfgccbcfhvgcsnfxjh"
cdef char* pos = strstr(needle='akd', haystack=data)
print(pos is not NULL)
from libc.math cimport sin
cdef double f(double x):
return sin(x * x)
from libc.math cimport sin
cdef double f(double x):
return sin(x * x)
from cpython.version cimport PY_VERSION_HEX
# Python version >= 3.2 final ?
print(PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030200F0)
from cpython.version cimport PY_VERSION_HEX
# Python version >= 3.2 final ?
print(PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x030200F0)
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize
ext_modules = [
libraries=["m"] # Unix-like specific
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize
ext_modules = [
libraries=["m"] # Unix-like specific
import random
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
def random_noise(int number=1):
cdef int i
# allocate number * sizeof(double) bytes of memory
cdef double *my_array = <double *> malloc(number * sizeof(double))
if not my_array:
raise MemoryError()
ran = random.normalvariate
for i in range(number):
my_array[i] = ran(0, 1)
# ... let's just assume we do some more heavy C calculations here to make up
# for the work that it takes to pack the C double values into Python float
# objects below, right after throwing away the existing objects above.
return [x for x in my_array[:number]]
# return the previously allocated memory to the system
import random
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
def random_noise(int number=1):
cdef int i
# allocate number * sizeof(double) bytes of memory
cdef double *my_array = <double *> malloc(number * sizeof(double))
if not my_array:
raise MemoryError()
ran = random.normalvariate
for i in range(number):
my_array[i] = ran(0, 1)
# ... let's just assume we do some more heavy C calculations here to make up
# for the work that it takes to pack the C double values into Python float
# objects below, right after throwing away the existing objects above.
return [x for x in my_array[:number]]
# return the previously allocated memory to the system
from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Realloc, PyMem_Free
cdef class SomeMemory:
cdef double* data
def __cinit__(self, size_t number):
# allocate some memory (uninitialised, may contain arbitrary data) = <double*> PyMem_Malloc(number * sizeof(double))
if not
raise MemoryError()
def resize(self, size_t new_number):
# Allocates new_number * sizeof(double) bytes,
# preserving the current content and making a best-effort to
# re-use the original data location.
mem = <double*> PyMem_Realloc(, new_number * sizeof(double))
if not mem:
raise MemoryError()
# Only overwrite the pointer if the memory was really reallocated.
# On error (mem is NULL), the originally memory has not been freed. = mem
def __dealloc__(self):
PyMem_Free( # no-op if is NULL
from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Realloc, PyMem_Free
cdef class SomeMemory:
cdef double* data
def __cinit__(self, size_t number):
# allocate some memory (uninitialised, may contain arbitrary data) = <double*> PyMem_Malloc(number * sizeof(double))
if not
raise MemoryError()
def resize(self, size_t new_number):
# Allocates new_number * sizeof(double) bytes,
# preserving the current content and making a best-effort to
# re-use the original data location.
mem = <double*> PyMem_Realloc(, new_number * sizeof(double))
if not mem:
raise MemoryError()
# Only overwrite the pointer if the memory was really reallocated.
# On error (mem is NULL), the originally memory has not been freed. = mem
def __dealloc__(self):
PyMem_Free( # no-op if is NULL
import numpy as np
def naive_convolve(f, g):
# f is an image and is indexed by (v, w)
# g is a filter kernel and is indexed by (s, t),
# it needs odd dimensions
# h is the output image and is indexed by (x, y),
# it is not cropped
if g.shape[0] % 2 != 1 or g.shape[1] % 2 != 1:
raise ValueError("Only odd dimensions on filter supported")
# smid and tmid are number of pixels between the center pixel
# and the edge, ie for a 5x5 filter they will be 2.
# The output size is calculated by adding smid, tmid to each
# side of the dimensions of the input image.
vmax = f.shape[0]
wmax = f.shape[1]
smax = g.shape[0]
tmax = g.shape[1]
smid = smax // 2
tmid = tmax // 2
xmax = vmax + 2 * smid
ymax = wmax + 2 * tmid
# Allocate result image.
h = np.zeros([xmax, ymax], dtype=f.dtype)
# Do convolution
for x in range(xmax):
for y in range(ymax):
# Calculate pixel value for h at (x,y). Sum one component
# for each pixel (s, t) of the filter g.
s_from = max(smid - x, -smid)
s_to = min((xmax - x) - smid, smid + 1)
t_from = max(tmid - y, -tmid)
t_to = min((ymax - y) - tmid, tmid + 1)
value = 0
for s in range(s_from, s_to):
for t in range(t_from, t_to):
v = x - smid + s
w = y - tmid + t
value += g[smid - s, tmid - t] * f[v, w]
h[x, y] = value
return h
import numpy as np
def naive_convolve(f, g):
# f is an image and is indexed by (v, w)
# g is a filter kernel and is indexed by (s, t),
# it needs odd dimensions
# h is the output image and is indexed by (x, y),
# it is not cropped
if g.shape[0] % 2 != 1 or g.shape[1] % 2 != 1:
raise ValueError("Only odd dimensions on filter supported")
# smid and tmid are number of pixels between the center pixel
# and the edge, ie for a 5x5 filter they will be 2.
# The output size is calculated by adding smid, tmid to each
# side of the dimensions of the input image.
vmax = f.shape[0]
wmax = f.shape[1]
smax = g.shape[0]
tmax = g.shape[1]
smid = smax // 2
tmid = tmax // 2
xmax = vmax + 2 * smid
ymax = wmax + 2 * tmid
# Allocate result image.
h = np.zeros([xmax, ymax], dtype=f.dtype)
# Do convolution
for x in range(xmax):
for y in range(ymax):
# Calculate pixel value for h at (x,y). Sum one component
# for each pixel (s, t) of the filter g.
s_from = max(smid - x, -smid)
s_to = min((xmax - x) - smid, smid + 1)
t_from = max(tmid - y, -tmid)
t_to = min((ymax - y) - tmid, tmid + 1)
value = 0
for s in range(s_from, s_to):
for t in range(t_from, t_to):
v = x - smid + s
w = y - tmid + t
value += g[smid - s, tmid - t] * f[v, w]
h[x, y] = value
return h
def recip_square(i):
return 1. / i ** 2
def approx_pi(n=10000000):
val = 0.
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
def recip_square(i):
return 1. / i ** 2
def approx_pi(n=10000000):
val = 0.
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
# cython: profile=True
# calc_pi.pyx
def recip_square(int i):
return 1. / i ** 2
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
cdef double val = 0.
cdef int k
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
# cython: profile=True
# calc_pi.pyx
def recip_square(int i):
return 1. / i ** 2
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
cdef double val = 0.
cdef int k
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
# cython: profile=True
# calc_pi.pyx
cdef inline double recip_square(int i):
return 1. / (i * i)
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
cdef double val = 0.
cdef int k
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
# cython: profile=True
# calc_pi.pyx
cdef inline double recip_square(int i):
return 1. / (i * i)
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
cdef double val = 0.
cdef int k
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
# cython: profile=True
# calc_pi.pyx
cimport cython
cdef inline double recip_square(int i):
return 1. / (i * i)
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
cdef double val = 0.
cdef int k
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
# cython: profile=True
# calc_pi.pyx
cimport cython
cdef inline double recip_square(int i):
return 1. / (i * i)
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
cdef double val = 0.
cdef int k
for k in range(1, n + 1):
val += recip_square(k)
return (6 * val) ** .5
cimport cython
def my_often_called_function():
cimport cython
def my_often_called_function():
import pstats, cProfile
import calc_pi
cProfile.runctx("calc_pi.approx_pi()", globals(), locals(), "")
s = pstats.Stats("")
import pstats, cProfile
import calc_pi
cProfile.runctx("calc_pi.approx_pi()", globals(), locals(), "")
s = pstats.Stats("")
import pstats, cProfile
import pyximport
import calc_pi
cProfile.runctx("calc_pi.approx_pi()", globals(), locals(), "")
s = pstats.Stats("")
import pstats, cProfile
import pyximport
import calc_pi
cProfile.runctx("calc_pi.approx_pi()", globals(), locals(), "")
s = pstats.Stats("")
def myfunction(x, y=2):
a = x - y
return a + x * y
def _helper(a):
return a + 1
class A:
def __init__(self, b=0):
self.a = 3
self.b = b
def foo(self, x):
print(x + _helper(1.0))
def myfunction(x, y=2):
a = x - y
return a + x * y
def _helper(a):
return a + 1
class A:
def __init__(self, b=0):
self.a = 3
self.b = b
def foo(self, x):
print(x + _helper(1.0))
cpdef int myfunction(int x, int y=2):
a = x - y
return a + x * y
cdef double _helper(double a):
return a + 1
cdef class A:
cdef public int a, b
def __init__(self, b=0):
self.a = 3
self.b = b
cpdef foo(self, double x):
print(x + _helper(1.0))
cpdef int myfunction(int x, int y=2):
a = x - y
return a + x * y
cdef double _helper(double a):
return a + 1
cdef class A:
cdef public int a, b
def __init__(self, b=0):
self.a = 3
self.b = b
cpdef foo(self, double x):
print(x + _helper(1.0))
import cython
def func(foo: dict, bar: -> tuple:
foo["hello world"] = 3 + bar
return foo, 5
import cython
def func(foo: dict, bar: -> tuple:
foo["hello world"] = 3 + bar
return foo, 5
import cython
def count_digits(digits):
>>> digits = '01112222333334445667788899'
>>> count_digits(map(int, digits))
[1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2]
counts = [0] * 10
for digit in digits:
assert 0 <= digit <= 9
counts[digit] += 1
return counts
import cython
def count_digits(digits):
>>> digits = '01112222333334445667788899'
>>> count_digits(map(int, digits))
[1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2]
counts = [0] * 10
for digit in digits:
assert 0 <= digit <= 9
counts[digit] += 1
return counts
import cython
class A:
c = cython.declare(, visibility='public')
d = cython.declare( # private by default.
e = cython.declare(, visibility='readonly')
def __init__(self, a, b, c, d=5, e=3):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
self.d = d
self.e = e
import cython
class A:
c = cython.declare(, visibility='public')
d = cython.declare( # private by default.
e = cython.declare(, visibility='readonly')
def __init__(self, a, b, c, d=5, e=3):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
self.d = d
self.e = e
import cython
if cython.compiled:
print("Yep, I'm compiled.")
print("Just a lowly interpreted script.")
import cython
if cython.compiled:
print("Yep, I'm compiled.")
print("Just a lowly interpreted script.")
import cython
x = cython.declare( # cdef int x
y = cython.declare(cython.double, 0.57721) # cdef double y = 0.57721
import cython
x = cython.declare( # cdef int x
y = cython.declare(cython.double, 0.57721) # cdef double y = 0.57721
import cython
cython.declare(, y=cython.double) # cdef int x; cdef double y
import cython
cython.declare(, y=cython.double) # cdef int x; cdef double y
def dostuff(n):
t = 0
for i in range(n):
t += i
return t
def dostuff(n):
t = 0
for i in range(n):
t += i
return t
import cython
def func(x: ->
if x < 0:
raise ValueError("need integer >= 0")
return x + 1
import cython
def func(x: ->
if x < 0:
raise ValueError("need integer >= 0")
return x + 1
import cython
@cython.locals(a=cython.long, b=cython.long, n=cython.longlong)
def foo(a, b, x, y):
n = a * b
# ...
import cython
@cython.locals(a=cython.long, b=cython.long, n=cython.longlong)
def foo(a, b, x, y):
n = a * b
# ...
import cython
# override with Python import if not in compiled code
if not cython.compiled:
from math import sin
# calls sin() from math.h when compiled with Cython and math.sin() in Python
import cython
# override with Python import if not in compiled code
if not cython.compiled:
from math import sin
# calls sin() from math.h when compiled with Cython and math.sin() in Python
import cython
def func():
# Cython types are evaluated as for cdef declarations
x: # cdef int x
y: cython.double = 0.57721 # cdef double y = 0.57721
z: cython.float = 0.57721 # cdef float z = 0.57721
# Python types shadow Cython types for compatibility reasons
a: float = 0.54321 # cdef double a = 0.54321
b: int = 5 # cdef object b = 5
c: long = 6 # cdef object c = 6
class A:
def __init__(self, b=0):
self.a = 3
self.b = b
import cython
def func():
# Cython types are evaluated as for cdef declarations
x: # cdef int x
y: cython.double = 0.57721 # cdef double y = 0.57721
z: cython.float = 0.57721 # cdef float z = 0.57721
# Python types shadow Cython types for compatibility reasons
a: float = 0.54321 # cdef double a = 0.54321
b: int = 5 # cdef object b = 5
c: long = 6 # cdef object c = 6
class A:
def __init__(self, b=0):
self.a = 3
self.b = b
from to_unicode cimport _text
def api_func(s):
text_input = _text(s)
# ...
from to_unicode cimport _text
def api_func(s):
text_input = _text(s)
# ...
def process_byte_data(unsigned char[:] data):
length = data.shape[0]
first_byte = data[0]
slice_view = data[1:-1]
# ...
def process_byte_data(unsigned char[:] data):
length = data.shape[0]
first_byte = data[0]
slice_view = data[1:-1]
# ...
# cython: c_string_type=unicode, c_string_encoding=utf8
cdef char* c_string = 'abcdefg'
# implicit decoding:
cdef object py_unicode_object = c_string
# explicit conversion to Python bytes:
py_bytes_object = <bytes>c_string
# cython: c_string_type=unicode, c_string_encoding=utf8
cdef char* c_string = 'abcdefg'
# implicit decoding:
cdef object py_unicode_object = c_string
# explicit conversion to Python bytes:
py_bytes_object = <bytes>c_string
# cython: c_string_type=str, c_string_encoding=ascii
cdef char* c_string = 'abcdefg'
# implicit decoding in Py3, bytes conversion in Py2:
cdef object py_str_object = c_string
# explicit conversion to Python bytes:
py_bytes_object = <bytes>c_string
# explicit conversion to Python unicode:
py_bytes_object = <unicode>c_string
# cython: c_string_type=str, c_string_encoding=ascii
cdef char* c_string = 'abcdefg'
# implicit decoding in Py3, bytes conversion in Py2:
cdef object py_str_object = c_string
# explicit conversion to Python bytes:
py_bytes_object = <bytes>c_string
# explicit conversion to Python unicode:
py_bytes_object = <unicode>c_string
# cython: c_string_type=unicode, c_string_encoding=ascii
def func():
ustring = u'abc'
cdef char* s = ustring
return s[0] # returns u'a'
# cython: c_string_type=unicode, c_string_encoding=ascii
def func():
ustring = u'abc'
cdef char* s = ustring
return s[0] # returns u'a'
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc
from libc.string cimport strcpy, strlen
cdef char* hello_world = 'hello world'
cdef Py_ssize_t n = strlen(hello_world)
cdef char* c_call_returning_a_c_string():
cdef char* c_string = <char *> malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char))
if not c_string:
raise MemoryError()
strcpy(c_string, hello_world)
return c_string
cdef void get_a_c_string(char** c_string_ptr, Py_ssize_t *length):
c_string_ptr[0] = <char *> malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char))
if not c_string_ptr[0]:
raise MemoryError()
strcpy(c_string_ptr[0], hello_world)
length[0] = n
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc
from libc.string cimport strcpy, strlen
cdef char* hello_world = 'hello world'
cdef Py_ssize_t n = strlen(hello_world)
cdef char* c_call_returning_a_c_string():
cdef char* c_string = <char *> malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char))
if not c_string:
raise MemoryError()
strcpy(c_string, hello_world)
return c_string
cdef void get_a_c_string(char** c_string_ptr, Py_ssize_t *length):
c_string_ptr[0] = <char *> malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char))
if not c_string_ptr[0]:
raise MemoryError()
strcpy(c_string_ptr[0], hello_world)
length[0] = n
cdef extern from "someheader.h":
ctypedef const char specialChar
int process_string(const char* s)
const unsigned char* look_up_cached_string(const unsigned char* key)
cdef extern from "someheader.h":
ctypedef const char specialChar
int process_string(const char* s)
const unsigned char* look_up_cached_string(const unsigned char* key)
# distutils: language = c++
from libcpp.string cimport string
def get_bytes():
py_bytes_object = b'hello world'
cdef string s = py_bytes_object
py_bytes_object = s
return py_bytes_object
# distutils: language = c++
from libcpp.string cimport string
def get_bytes():
py_bytes_object = b'hello world'
cdef string s = py_bytes_object
py_bytes_object = s
return py_bytes_object
from c_func cimport get_a_c_string
cdef char* c_string = NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t length = 0
# get pointer and length from a C function
get_a_c_string(&c_string, &length)
ustring = c_string[:length].decode('UTF-8')
from c_func cimport get_a_c_string
cdef char* c_string = NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t length = 0
# get pointer and length from a C function
get_a_c_string(&c_string, &length)
ustring = c_string[:length].decode('UTF-8')
# distutils: language = c++
from libcpp.string cimport string
def get_ustrings():
cdef string s = string(b'abcdefg')
ustring1 = s.decode('UTF-8')
ustring2 = s[2:-2].decode('UTF-8')
return ustring1, ustring2
# distutils: language = c++
from libcpp.string cimport string
def get_ustrings():
cdef string s = string(b'abcdefg')
ustring1 = s.decode('UTF-8')
ustring2 = s[2:-2].decode('UTF-8')
return ustring1, ustring2
cdef bytes bytes_string = b"hello to A bytes' world"
cdef char c
for c in bytes_string:
if c == 'A':
print("Found the letter A")
cdef bytes bytes_string = b"hello to A bytes' world"
cdef char c
for c in bytes_string:
if c == 'A':
print("Found the letter A")
cdef char* c_string = "Hello to A C-string's world"
cdef char c
for c in c_string[:11]:
if c == 'A':
print("Found the letter A")
cdef char* c_string = "Hello to A C-string's world"
cdef char c
for c in c_string[:11]:
if c == 'A':
print("Found the letter A")
cdef unicode ustring = u'Hello world'
# NOTE: no typing required for 'uchar' !
for uchar in ustring:
if uchar == u'A':
print("Found the letter A")
cdef unicode ustring = u'Hello world'
# NOTE: no typing required for 'uchar' !
for uchar in ustring:
if uchar == u'A':
print("Found the letter A")
cpdef void is_in(Py_UCS4 uchar_val):
if uchar_val in u'abcABCxY':
print("The character is in the string.")
print("The character is not in the string")
cpdef void is_in(Py_UCS4 uchar_val):
if uchar_val in u'abcABCxY':
print("The character is in the string.")
print("The character is not in the string")
from c_func cimport c_call_returning_a_c_string
cdef char* some_c_string = c_call_returning_a_c_string()
ustring = some_c_string.decode('UTF-8')
from c_func cimport c_call_returning_a_c_string
cdef char* some_c_string = c_call_returning_a_c_string()
ustring = some_c_string.decode('UTF-8')
def process_byte_data(unsigned char[:] data):
# ... process the data, here, dummy processing.
cdef bint return_all = (data[0] == 108)
if return_all:
return bytes(data)
# example for returning a slice
return bytes(data[5:7])
def process_byte_data(unsigned char[:] data):
# ... process the data, here, dummy processing.
cdef bint return_all = (data[0] == 108)
if return_all:
return bytes(data)
# example for returning a slice
return bytes(data[5:7])
from libc.stdlib cimport free
from c_func cimport get_a_c_string
def main():
cdef char* c_string = NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t length = 0
# get pointer and length from a C function
get_a_c_string(&c_string, &length)
py_bytes_string = c_string[:length] # Performs a copy of the data
from libc.stdlib cimport free
from c_func cimport get_a_c_string
def main():
cdef char* c_string = NULL
cdef Py_ssize_t length = 0
# get pointer and length from a C function
get_a_c_string(&c_string, &length)
py_bytes_string = c_string[:length] # Performs a copy of the data
# define a global name for whatever char type is used in the module
ctypedef unsigned char char_type
cdef char_type[:] _chars(s):
if isinstance(s, unicode):
# encode to the specific encoding used inside of the module
s = (<unicode>s).encode('utf8')
return s
# define a global name for whatever char type is used in the module
ctypedef unsigned char char_type
cdef char_type[:] _chars(s):
if isinstance(s, unicode):
# encode to the specific encoding used inside of the module
s = (<unicode>s).encode('utf8')
return s
# to_unicode.pyx
from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION
cdef unicode _text(s):
if type(s) is unicode:
# Fast path for most common case(s).
return <unicode>s
elif PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 and isinstance(s, bytes):
# Only accept byte strings as text input in Python 2.x, not in Py3.
return (<bytes>s).decode('ascii')
elif isinstance(s, unicode):
# We know from the fast path above that 's' can only be a subtype here.
# An evil cast to <unicode> might still work in some(!) cases,
# depending on what the further processing does. To be safe,
# we can always create a copy instead.
return unicode(s)
raise TypeError("Could not convert to unicode.")
# to_unicode.pyx
from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION
cdef unicode _text(s):
if type(s) is unicode:
# Fast path for most common case(s).
return <unicode>s
elif PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 and isinstance(s, bytes):
# Only accept byte strings as text input in Python 2.x, not in Py3.
return (<bytes>s).decode('ascii')
elif isinstance(s, unicode):
# We know from the fast path above that 's' can only be a subtype here.
# An evil cast to <unicode> might still work in some(!) cases,
# depending on what the further processing does. To be safe,
# we can always create a copy instead.
return unicode(s)
raise TypeError("Could not convert to unicode.")
from libc.stdlib cimport free
from c_func cimport c_call_returning_a_c_string
cdef bytes py_string
cdef char* c_string = c_call_returning_a_c_string()
py_string = c_string
from libc.stdlib cimport free
from c_func cimport c_call_returning_a_c_string
cdef bytes py_string
cdef char* c_string = c_call_returning_a_c_string()
py_string = c_string
from libc.stdlib cimport free
cdef unicode tounicode(char* s):
return s.decode('UTF-8', 'strict')
cdef unicode tounicode_with_length(
char* s, size_t length):
return s[:length].decode('UTF-8', 'strict')
cdef unicode tounicode_with_length_and_free(
char* s, size_t length):
return s[:length].decode('UTF-8', 'strict')
from libc.stdlib cimport free
cdef unicode tounicode(char* s):
return s.decode('UTF-8', 'strict')
cdef unicode tounicode_with_length(
char* s, size_t length):
return s[:length].decode('UTF-8', 'strict')
cdef unicode tounicode_with_length_and_free(
char* s, size_t length):
return s[:length].decode('UTF-8', 'strict')
\ No newline at end of file
# distutils: language = c++
# matrix.pyx
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef class Matrix:
cdef unsigned ncols
cdef vector[float] v
def __cinit__(self, unsigned ncols):
self.ncols = ncols
def add_row(self):
"""Adds a row, initially zero-filled."""
self.v.resize(self.v.size() + self.ncols)
# distutils: language = c++
# matrix.pyx
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef class Matrix:
cdef unsigned ncols
cdef vector[float] v
def __cinit__(self, unsigned ncols):
self.ncols = ncols
def add_row(self):
"""Adds a row, initially zero-filled."""
self.v.resize(self.v.size() + self.ncols)
# distutils: language = c++
from cpython cimport Py_buffer
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef class Matrix:
cdef Py_ssize_t ncols
cdef Py_ssize_t shape[2]
cdef Py_ssize_t strides[2]
cdef vector[float] v
def __cinit__(self, Py_ssize_t ncols):
self.ncols = ncols
def add_row(self):
"""Adds a row, initially zero-filled."""
self.v.resize(self.v.size() + self.ncols)
def __getbuffer__(self, Py_buffer *buffer, int flags):
cdef Py_ssize_t itemsize = sizeof(self.v[0])
self.shape[0] = self.v.size() / self.ncols
self.shape[1] = self.ncols
# Stride 1 is the distance, in bytes, between two items in a row;
# this is the distance between two adjacent items in the vector.
# Stride 0 is the distance between the first elements of adjacent rows.
self.strides[1] = <Py_ssize_t>( <char *>&(self.v[1])
- <char *>&(self.v[0]))
self.strides[0] = self.ncols * self.strides[1]
buffer.buf = <char *>&(self.v[0])
buffer.format = 'f' # float
buffer.internal = NULL # see References
buffer.itemsize = itemsize
buffer.len = self.v.size() * itemsize # product(shape) * itemsize
buffer.ndim = 2
buffer.obj = self
buffer.readonly = 0
buffer.shape = self.shape
buffer.strides = self.strides
buffer.suboffsets = NULL # for pointer arrays only
def __releasebuffer__(self, Py_buffer *buffer):
# distutils: language = c++
from cpython cimport Py_buffer
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef class Matrix:
cdef Py_ssize_t ncols
cdef Py_ssize_t shape[2]
cdef Py_ssize_t strides[2]
cdef vector[float] v
def __cinit__(self, Py_ssize_t ncols):
self.ncols = ncols
def add_row(self):
"""Adds a row, initially zero-filled."""
self.v.resize(self.v.size() + self.ncols)
def __getbuffer__(self, Py_buffer *buffer, int flags):
cdef Py_ssize_t itemsize = sizeof(self.v[0])
self.shape[0] = self.v.size() / self.ncols
self.shape[1] = self.ncols
# Stride 1 is the distance, in bytes, between two items in a row;
# this is the distance between two adjacent items in the vector.
# Stride 0 is the distance between the first elements of adjacent rows.
self.strides[1] = <Py_ssize_t>( <char *>&(self.v[1])
- <char *>&(self.v[0]))
self.strides[0] = self.ncols * self.strides[1]
buffer.buf = <char *>&(self.v[0])
buffer.format = 'f' # float
buffer.internal = NULL # see References
buffer.itemsize = itemsize
buffer.len = self.v.size() * itemsize # product(shape) * itemsize
buffer.ndim = 2
buffer.obj = self
buffer.readonly = 0
buffer.shape = self.shape
buffer.strides = self.strides
buffer.suboffsets = NULL # for pointer arrays only
def __releasebuffer__(self, Py_buffer *buffer):
# distutils: language = c++
from cpython cimport Py_buffer
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef class Matrix:
cdef int view_count
cdef Py_ssize_t ncols
cdef vector[float] v
# ...
def __cinit__(self, Py_ssize_t ncols):
self.ncols = ncols
self.view_count = 0
def add_row(self):
if self.view_count > 0:
raise ValueError("can't add row while being viewed")
self.v.resize(self.v.size() + self.ncols)
def __getbuffer__(self, Py_buffer *buffer, int flags):
# ... as before
self.view_count += 1
def __releasebuffer__(self, Py_buffer *buffer):
# distutils: language = c++
from cpython cimport Py_buffer
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef class Matrix:
cdef int view_count
cdef Py_ssize_t ncols
cdef vector[float] v
# ...
def __cinit__(self, Py_ssize_t ncols):
self.ncols = ncols
self.view_count = 0
def add_row(self):
if self.view_count > 0:
raise ValueError("can't add row while being viewed")
self.v.resize(self.v.size() + self.ncols)
def __getbuffer__(self, Py_buffer *buffer, int flags):
# ... as before
self.view_count += 1
def __releasebuffer__(self, Py_buffer *buffer):
self.view_count -= 1
\ No newline at end of file
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0
self.y0 = y0
self.x1 = x1
self.y1 = y1
def area(self):
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect.area()
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0
self.y0 = y0
self.x1 = x1
self.y1 = y1
def area(self):
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect.area()
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0
self.y0 = y0
self.x1 = x1
self.y1 = y1
cdef int _area(self):
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def area(self):
return self._area()
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
cdef Rectangle rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect._area()
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0
self.y0 = y0
self.x1 = x1
self.y1 = y1
cdef int _area(self):
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def area(self):
return self._area()
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
cdef Rectangle rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect._area()
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0
self.y0 = y0
self.x1 = x1
self.y1 = y1
cpdef int area(self):
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
cdef Rectangle rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect.area()
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0
self.y0 = y0
self.x1 = x1
self.y1 = y1
cpdef int area(self):
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
cdef Rectangle rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect.area()
cdef class Animal:
cdef int number_of_legs
cdef dict __dict__
def __cinit__(self, int number_of_legs):
self.number_of_legs = number_of_legs
dog = Animal(4)
dog.has_tail = True
cdef class Animal:
cdef int number_of_legs
cdef dict __dict__
def __cinit__(self, int number_of_legs):
self.number_of_legs = number_of_legs
dog = Animal(4)
dog.has_tail = True
cdef class Animal:
cdef int number_of_legs
def __cinit__(self, int number_of_legs):
self.number_of_legs = number_of_legs
class ExtendableAnimal(Animal): # Note that we use class, not cdef class
dog = ExtendableAnimal(4)
cdef class Animal:
cdef int number_of_legs
def __cinit__(self, int number_of_legs):
self.number_of_legs = number_of_legs
class ExtendableAnimal(Animal): # Note that we use class, not cdef class
dog = ExtendableAnimal(4)
dog.has_tail = True
\ No newline at end of file
from __future__ import print_function
cdef class Shrubbery:
def __init__(self, w, h):
self.width = w
self.height = h
def describe(self):
print("This shrubbery is", self.width,
"by", self.height, "cubits.")
from __future__ import print_function
cdef class Shrubbery:
def __init__(self, w, h):
self.width = w
self.height = h
def describe(self):
print("This shrubbery is", self.width,
"by", self.height, "cubits.")
cdef class Shrubbery:
cdef public int width, height
cdef readonly float depth
cdef class Shrubbery:
cdef public int width, height
cdef readonly float depth
from __future__ import print_function
cdef class Shrubbery:
cdef int width, height
def __init__(self, w, h):
self.width = w
self.height = h
def describe(self):
print("This shrubbery is", self.width,
"by", self.height, "cubits.")
from __future__ import print_function
cdef class Shrubbery:
cdef int width, height
def __init__(self, w, h):
self.width = w
self.height = h
def describe(self):
print("This shrubbery is", self.width,
"by", self.height, "cubits.")
from my_module cimport Shrubbery
cdef Shrubbery another_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh1):
cdef Shrubbery sh2
sh2 = Shrubbery()
sh2.width = sh1.width
sh2.height = sh1.height
return sh2
from my_module cimport Shrubbery
cdef Shrubbery another_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh1):
cdef Shrubbery sh2
sh2 = Shrubbery()
sh2.width = sh1.width
sh2.height = sh1.height
return sh2
from my_module cimport Shrubbery
cdef widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh, extra_width):
sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
from my_module cimport Shrubbery
cdef widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh, extra_width):
sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
cdef extern from *:
/* This is C code which will be put
* in the .c file output by Cython */
static long square(long x) {return x * x;}
#define assign(x, y) ((x) = (y))
long square(long x)
void assign(long& x, long y)
cdef extern from *:
/* This is C code which will be put
* in the .c file output by Cython */
static long square(long x) {return x * x;}
#define assign(x, y) ((x) = (y))
long square(long x)
void assign(long& x, long y)
# delorean.pyx
cdef public struct Vehicle:
int speed
float power
cdef api void activate(Vehicle *v):
if v.speed >= 88 and v.power >= 1.21:
# delorean.pyx
cdef public struct Vehicle:
int speed
float power
cdef api void activate(Vehicle *v):
if v.speed >= 88 and v.power >= 1.21:
print("Time travel achieved")
\ No newline at end of file
from __future__ import print_function
ctypedef fused char_or_float:
cpdef char_or_float plus_one(char_or_float var):
return var + 1
def show_me():
char a = 127
float b = 127
print('char', plus_one(a))
print('float', plus_one(b))
from __future__ import print_function
ctypedef fused char_or_float:
cpdef char_or_float plus_one(char_or_float var):
return var + 1
def show_me():
char a = 127
float b = 127
print('char', plus_one(a))
print('float', plus_one(b))
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef Py_ssize_t Py_intptr_t
python_string = "foo"
cdef void* ptr = <void*>python_string
cdef Py_intptr_t adress_in_c = <Py_intptr_t>ptr
address_from_void = adress_in_c # address_from_void is a python int
cdef PyObject* ptr2 = <PyObject*>python_string
cdef Py_intptr_t address_in_c2 = <Py_intptr_t>ptr2
address_from_PyObject = address_in_c2 # address_from_PyObject is a python int
assert address_from_void == address_from_PyObject == id(python_string)
print(<object>ptr) # Prints "foo"
print(<object>ptr2) # prints "foo"
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
cdef extern from *:
ctypedef Py_ssize_t Py_intptr_t
python_string = "foo"
cdef void* ptr = <void*>python_string
cdef Py_intptr_t adress_in_c = <Py_intptr_t>ptr
address_from_void = adress_in_c # address_from_void is a python int
cdef PyObject* ptr2 = <PyObject*>python_string
cdef Py_intptr_t address_in_c2 = <Py_intptr_t>ptr2
address_from_PyObject = address_in_c2 # address_from_PyObject is a python int
assert address_from_void == address_from_PyObject == id(python_string)
print(<object>ptr) # Prints "foo"
print(<object>ptr2) # prints "foo"
from __future__ import print_function
struct Spam:
int tons
int i
float a
Spam *p
void f(Spam *s):
print(s.tons, "Tons of spam")
from __future__ import print_function
struct Spam:
int tons
int i
float a
Spam *p
void f(Spam *s):
print(s.tons, "Tons of spam")
from __future__ import print_function
DEF FavouriteFood = u"spam"
DEF ArraySize = 42
DEF OtherArraySize = 2 * ArraySize + 17
cdef int a1[ArraySize]
cdef int a2[OtherArraySize]
from __future__ import print_function
DEF FavouriteFood = u"spam"
DEF ArraySize = 42
DEF OtherArraySize = 2 * ArraySize + 17
cdef int a1[ArraySize]
cdef int a2[OtherArraySize]
print("I like", FavouriteFood)
\ No newline at end of file
def f(a, b, *args, c, d = 42, e, **kwds):
# We cannot call f with less verbosity than this.
foo = f(4, "bar", c=68, e=1.0)
def f(a, b, *args, c, d = 42, e, **kwds):
# We cannot call f with less verbosity than this.
foo = f(4, "bar", c=68, e=1.0)
def g(a, b, *, c, d):
# We cannot call g with less verbosity than this.
foo = g(4.0, "something", c=68, d="other")
def g(a, b, *, c, d):
# We cannot call g with less verbosity than this.
foo = g(4.0, "something", c=68, d="other")
from libc.stdio cimport FILE, fopen
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
from cpython.exc cimport PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObject
def open_file():
cdef FILE* p
p = fopen("spam.txt", "r")
if p is NULL:
PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObject(OSError, "spam.txt")
def allocating_memory(number=10):
cdef double *my_array = <double *> malloc(number * sizeof(double))
if not my_array: # same as 'is NULL' above
raise MemoryError()
from libc.stdio cimport FILE, fopen
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
from cpython.exc cimport PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObject
def open_file():
cdef FILE* p
p = fopen("spam.txt", "r")
if p is NULL:
PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObject(OSError, "spam.txt")
def allocating_memory(number=10):
cdef double *my_array = <double *> malloc(number * sizeof(double))
if not my_array: # same as 'is NULL' above
raise MemoryError()
from __future__ import print_function
cdef class A:
cdef foo(self):
cdef class B(A):
cdef foo(self, x=None):
print("B", x)
cdef class C(B):
cpdef foo(self, x=True, int k=3):
print("C", x, k)
from __future__ import print_function
cdef class A:
cdef foo(self):
cdef class B(A):
cdef foo(self, x=None):
print("B", x)
cdef class C(B):
cpdef foo(self, x=True, int k=3):
print("C", x, k)
from __future__ import print_function
cdef class A:
cdef foo(self):
cdef class B(A):
cpdef foo(self):
class C(B): # NOTE: not cdef class
def foo(self):
from __future__ import print_function
cdef class A:
cdef foo(self):
cdef class B(A):
cpdef foo(self):
class C(B): # NOTE: not cdef class
def foo(self):
cdef struct Grail:
int age
float volume
cdef union Food:
char *spam
float *eggs
cdef enum CheeseType:
cheddar, edam,
cdef enum CheeseState:
hard = 1
soft = 2
runny = 3
cdef struct Grail:
int age
float volume
cdef union Food:
char *spam
float *eggs
cdef enum CheeseType:
cheddar, edam,
cdef enum CheeseState:
hard = 1
soft = 2
runny = 3
import numpy as np
def add_one(int[:,:] buf):
for x in range(buf.shape[0]):
for y in range(buf.shape[1]):
buf[x, y] += 1
# exporting_object must be a Python object
# implementing the buffer interface, e.g. a numpy array.
exporting_object = np.zeros((10, 20), dtype=np.intc)
import numpy as np
def add_one(int[:,:] buf):
for x in range(buf.shape[0]):
for y in range(buf.shape[1]):
buf[x, y] += 1
# exporting_object must be a Python object
# implementing the buffer interface, e.g. a numpy array.
exporting_object = np.zeros((10, 20), dtype=np.intc)
import numpy as np
cdef int[:, :, :] to_view, from_view
to_view = np.empty((20, 15, 30), dtype=np.intc)
from_view = np.ones((20, 15, 30), dtype=np.intc)
# copy the elements in from_view to to_view
to_view[...] = from_view
# or
to_view[:] = from_view
# or
to_view[:, :, :] = from_view
import numpy as np
cdef int[:, :, :] to_view, from_view
to_view = np.empty((20, 15, 30), dtype=np.intc)
from_view = np.ones((20, 15, 30), dtype=np.intc)
# copy the elements in from_view to to_view
to_view[...] = from_view
# or
to_view[:] = from_view
# or
to_view[:, :, :] = from_view
from cython cimport view
# direct access in both dimensions, strided in the first dimension, contiguous in the last
cdef int[:, ::view.contiguous] a
# contiguous list of pointers to contiguous lists of ints
cdef int[::view.indirect_contiguous, ::1] b
# direct or indirect in the first dimension, direct in the second dimension
# strided in both dimensions
cdef int[::view.generic, :] c
from cython cimport view
# direct access in both dimensions, strided in the first dimension, contiguous in the last
cdef int[:, ::view.contiguous] a
# contiguous list of pointers to contiguous lists of ints
cdef int[::view.indirect_contiguous, ::1] b
# direct or indirect in the first dimension, direct in the second dimension
# strided in both dimensions
cdef int[::view.generic, :] c
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