Commit e908c0b9 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Remove tabs

parent 8907aefd
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ builtin_function_table = [
('abs', "O", "O", "PyNumber_Absolute"),
#('chr', "", "", ""),
#('cmp', "", "", "", ""), # int PyObject_Cmp(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2, int *result)
#('compile', "", "", ""), # PyObject* Py_CompileString( char *str, char *filename, int start)
#('compile', "", "", ""), # PyObject* Py_CompileString( char *str, char *filename, int start)
('delattr', "OO", "r", "PyObject_DelAttr"),
('dir', "O", "O", "PyObject_Dir"),
('divmod', "OO", "O", "PyNumber_Divmod"),
......@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ class CCodeWriter(object):
def put_init_var_to_py_none(self, entry, template = "%s", nanny=True):
code = template % entry.cname
#if entry.type.is_extension_type:
# code = "((PyObject*)%s)" % code
# code = "((PyObject*)%s)" % code
self.put_init_to_py_none(code, entry.type, nanny)
def put_pymethoddef(self, entry, term):
......@@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ class ExprNode(Node):
def calculate_result_code(self):
# def release_target_temp(self, env):
# # Release temporaries used by LHS of an assignment.
# self.release_subexpr_temps(env)
# def release_target_temp(self, env):
# # Release temporaries used by LHS of an assignment.
# self.release_subexpr_temps(env)
def release_temp(self, env):
# If this node owns a temporary result, release it,
......@@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@ class SimpleCallNode(CallNode):
if self.is_temp and self.type.is_pyobject:
#return_type = self.type # func_type.return_type
#print "SimpleCallNode.generate_result_code: casting", rhs, \
# "from", return_type, "to pyobject" ###
# "from", return_type, "to pyobject" ###
rhs = typecast(py_object_type, self.type, rhs)
lhs = ""
......@@ -2749,7 +2749,7 @@ class AttributeNode(NewTempExprNode):
## Reference to C array turns into pointer to first element.
#while self.type.is_array:
# self.type = self.type.element_ptr_type()
# self.type = self.type.element_ptr_type()
if self.is_py_attr:
if not target:
self.is_temp = 1
......@@ -2990,12 +2990,12 @@ class SequenceNode(NewTempExprNode):
for node in self.coerced_unpacked_items:
# def release_target_temp(self, env):
# #for arg in self.args:
# # arg.release_target_temp(env)
# #for node in self.coerced_unpacked_items:
# # node.release_temp(env)
# self.iterator.release_temp(env)
# def release_target_temp(self, env):
# #for arg in self.args:
# # arg.release_target_temp(env)
# #for node in self.coerced_unpacked_items:
# # node.release_temp(env)
# self.iterator.release_temp(env)
def generate_result_code(self, code):
......@@ -4134,17 +4134,17 @@ class NumBinopNode(BinopNode):
return self.py_functions[self.operator]
py_functions = {
"|": "PyNumber_Or",
"^": "PyNumber_Xor",
"&": "PyNumber_And",
"<<": "PyNumber_Lshift",
">>": "PyNumber_Rshift",
"+": "PyNumber_Add",
"-": "PyNumber_Subtract",
"*": "PyNumber_Multiply",
"/": "__Pyx_PyNumber_Divide",
"//": "PyNumber_FloorDivide",
"%": "PyNumber_Remainder",
"|": "PyNumber_Or",
"^": "PyNumber_Xor",
"&": "PyNumber_And",
"<<": "PyNumber_Lshift",
">>": "PyNumber_Rshift",
"+": "PyNumber_Add",
"-": "PyNumber_Subtract",
"*": "PyNumber_Multiply",
"/": "__Pyx_PyNumber_Divide",
"//": "PyNumber_FloorDivide",
"%": "PyNumber_Remainder",
"**": "PyNumber_Power"
......@@ -4834,20 +4834,20 @@ class CascadedCmpNode(Node, CmpNode):
binop_node_classes = {
"or": BoolBinopNode,
"and": BoolBinopNode,
"|": IntBinopNode,
"^": IntBinopNode,
"&": IntBinopNode,
"<<": IntBinopNode,
">>": IntBinopNode,
"+": AddNode,
"-": SubNode,
"*": MulNode,
"/": NumBinopNode,
"//": FloorDivNode,
"%": ModNode,
"**": PowNode
"or": BoolBinopNode,
"and": BoolBinopNode,
"|": IntBinopNode,
"^": IntBinopNode,
"&": IntBinopNode,
"<<": IntBinopNode,
">>": IntBinopNode,
"+": AddNode,
"-": SubNode,
"*": MulNode,
"/": NumBinopNode,
"//": FloorDivNode,
"%": ModNode,
"**": PowNode
def binop_node(pos, operator, operand1, operand2):
......@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
# ??? Do we really need the rest of this? ???
# code.putln("staticforward PyTypeObject %s;" % name)
# code.putln("staticforward PyTypeObject %s;" % name)
def generate_exttype_vtable_struct(self, entry, code):
......@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
"p = %s;"
% type.cast_code("o"))
#if need_self_cast:
# self.generate_self_cast(scope, code)
# self.generate_self_cast(scope, code)
if type.vtabslot_cname:
vtab_base_type = type
while vtab_base_type.base_type and vtab_base_type.base_type.vtabstruct_cname:
......@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
"return -1;")
......@@ -2234,65 +2234,65 @@ import_star_utility_code = """
static int
__Pyx_import_all_from(PyObject *locals, PyObject *v)
PyObject *all = __Pyx_GetAttrString(v, "__all__");
PyObject *dict, *name, *value;
int skip_leading_underscores = 0;
int pos, err;
if (all == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError))
return -1; /* Unexpected error */
dict = __Pyx_GetAttrString(v, "__dict__");
if (dict == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError))
return -1;
"from-import-* object has no __dict__ and no __all__");
return -1;
all = PyMapping_Keys(dict);
if (all == NULL)
return -1;
skip_leading_underscores = 1;
for (pos = 0, err = 0; ; pos++) {
name = PySequence_GetItem(all, pos);
if (name == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_IndexError))
err = -1;
if (skip_leading_underscores &&
PyObject *all = __Pyx_GetAttrString(v, "__all__");
PyObject *dict, *name, *value;
int skip_leading_underscores = 0;
int pos, err;
if (all == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError))
return -1; /* Unexpected error */
dict = __Pyx_GetAttrString(v, "__dict__");
if (dict == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError))
return -1;
"from-import-* object has no __dict__ and no __all__");
return -1;
all = PyMapping_Keys(dict);
if (all == NULL)
return -1;
skip_leading_underscores = 1;
for (pos = 0, err = 0; ; pos++) {
name = PySequence_GetItem(all, pos);
if (name == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_IndexError))
err = -1;
if (skip_leading_underscores &&
PyString_Check(name) &&
PyString_AS_STRING(name)[0] == '_')
PyString_Check(name) &&
PyString_AS_STRING(name)[0] == '_')
PyUnicode_Check(name) &&
PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(name)[0] == '_')
PyUnicode_Check(name) &&
PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(name)[0] == '_')
value = PyObject_GetAttr(v, name);
if (value == NULL)
err = -1;
else if (PyDict_CheckExact(locals))
err = PyDict_SetItem(locals, name, value);
err = PyObject_SetItem(locals, name, value);
if (err != 0)
return err;
value = PyObject_GetAttr(v, name);
if (value == NULL)
err = -1;
else if (PyDict_CheckExact(locals))
err = PyDict_SetItem(locals, name, value);
err = PyObject_SetItem(locals, name, value);
if (err != 0)
return err;
......@@ -2994,11 +2994,11 @@ class ParallelAssignmentNode(AssignmentNode):
for stat in self.stats:
# def analyse_expressions(self, env):
# for stat in self.stats:
# stat.analyse_expressions_1(env, use_temp = 1)
# for stat in self.stats:
# stat.analyse_expressions_2(env)
# def analyse_expressions(self, env):
# for stat in self.stats:
# stat.analyse_expressions_1(env, use_temp = 1)
# for stat in self.stats:
# stat.analyse_expressions_2(env)
def generate_execution_code(self, code):
for stat in self.stats:
......@@ -3158,18 +3158,18 @@ class InPlaceAssignmentNode(AssignmentNode):
return self.py_functions[self.operator]
py_functions = {
"|": "PyNumber_InPlaceOr",
"^": "PyNumber_InPlaceXor",
"&": "PyNumber_InPlaceAnd",
"+": "PyNumber_InPlaceAdd",
"-": "PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract",
"*": "PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply",
"/": "PyNumber_InPlaceDivide",
"%": "PyNumber_InPlaceRemainder",
"<<": "PyNumber_InPlaceLshift",
">>": "PyNumber_InPlaceRshift",
"**": "PyNumber_InPlacePower",
"//": "PyNumber_InPlaceFloorDivide",
"|": "PyNumber_InPlaceOr",
"^": "PyNumber_InPlaceXor",
"&": "PyNumber_InPlaceAnd",
"+": "PyNumber_InPlaceAdd",
"-": "PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract",
"*": "PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply",
"/": "PyNumber_InPlaceDivide",
"%": "PyNumber_InPlaceRemainder",
"<<": "PyNumber_InPlaceLshift",
">>": "PyNumber_InPlaceRshift",
"**": "PyNumber_InPlacePower",
"//": "PyNumber_InPlaceFloorDivide",
def annotate(self, code):
......@@ -3625,8 +3625,8 @@ class IfClauseNode(Node):
# "goto %s;" %
# end_label)
# "goto %s;" %
# end_label)
......@@ -3865,9 +3865,9 @@ class ForFromStatNode(LoopNode, StatNode):
"Integer for-loop variable must be of type int or Python object")
#if not (target_type.is_pyobject
# or target_type.assignable_from(PyrexTypes.c_int_type)):
# error(,
# "Cannot assign integer to variable of type '%s'" % target_type)
# or target_type.assignable_from(PyrexTypes.c_int_type)):
# error(,
# "Cannot assign integer to variable of type '%s'" % target_type)
if target_type.is_numeric:
self.is_py_target = 0
if isinstance(, ExprNodes.IndexNode) and
......@@ -4383,8 +4383,8 @@ class TryFinallyStatNode(StatNode):
"%s = %s;" % (
Naming.exc_lineno_name, Naming.lineno_cname))
# "goto %s;" %
# catch_label)
# "goto %s;" %
# catch_label)
......@@ -681,11 +681,11 @@ def p_string_literal(s):
#print "p_string_literal: value =", repr(value) ###
return kind, value
# list_display ::= "[" [listmaker] "]"
# listmaker ::= expression ( list_for | ( "," expression )* [","] )
# list_iter ::= list_for | list_if
# list_for ::= "for" expression_list "in" testlist [list_iter]
# list_if ::= "if" test [list_iter]
# list_display ::= "[" [listmaker] "]"
# listmaker ::= expression ( list_for | ( "," expression )* [","] )
# list_iter ::= list_for | list_if
# list_for ::= "for" expression_list "in" testlist [list_iter]
# list_if ::= "if" test [list_iter]
def p_list_maker(s):
# == '['
......@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ def p_include_statement(s, ctx):
def p_with_statement(s):
pos = s.position() # 'with'
# if == 'IDENT' and s.systring in ('gil', 'nogil'):
# if == 'IDENT' and s.systring in ('gil', 'nogil'):
if == 'IDENT' and s.systring == 'nogil':
state = s.systring
......@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ def p_with_statement(s):
s.error("Multiple with statement target values not allowed without paranthesis")
body = p_suite(s)
return Nodes.WithStatNode(pos, manager = manager,
target = target, body = body)
target = target, body = body)
def p_simple_statement(s, first_statement = 0):
#print "p_simple_statement:",, s.systring ###
......@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ class CBIntType(CIntType):
class CAnonEnumType(CIntType):
is_enum = 1
is_enum = 1
class CUIntType(CIntType):
......@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ class CFuncType(CType):
def same_c_signature_as_resolved_type(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
#print "CFuncType.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type:", \
# self, other_type, "as_cmethod =", as_cmethod ###
# self, other_type, "as_cmethod =", as_cmethod ###
if other_type is error_type:
return 1
if not other_type.is_cfunction:
......@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ class CFuncType(CType):
def compatible_signature_with_resolved_type(self, other_type, as_cmethod):
#print "CFuncType.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type:", \
# self, other_type, "as_cmethod =", as_cmethod ###
# self, other_type, "as_cmethod =", as_cmethod ###
if other_type is error_type:
return 1
if not other_type.is_cfunction:
......@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ class CFuncType(CType):
return self.return_type.declaration_code(
"%s%s(%s)%s" % (cc, entity_code, arg_decl_code, trailer),
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def function_header_code(self, func_name, arg_code):
return "%s%s(%s)" % (self.calling_convention_prefix(),
func_name, arg_code)
......@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ class ErrorType(PyrexType):
is_error = 1
exception_value = "0"
exception_check = 0
exception_check = 0
to_py_function = "dummy"
from_py_function = "dummy"
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ class PyrexScanner(Scanner):
# Indentation within brackets should be ignored.
#if self.bracket_nesting_level > 0:
# return
# return
# Check that tabs and spaces are being used consistently.
if text:
c = text[0]
......@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class Scope:
visibility = visibility)
entry.enum_values = []
return entry
return entry
def declare_var(self, name, type, pos,
cname = None, visibility = 'private', is_cdef = 0):
......@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ class Scope:
# Test whether any of the given names are
# defined in this scope.
for name in names:
if name in self.entries:
if name in self.entries:
return 1
return 0
......@@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
if objstruct_cname:
type.objstruct_cname = objstruct_cname
elif not entry.in_cinclude:
type.objstruct_cname = self.mangle(Naming.objstruct_prefix, name)
type.objstruct_cname = self.mangle(Naming.objstruct_prefix, name)
"Object name required for 'public' or 'extern' C class")
......@@ -1067,13 +1067,13 @@ class ModuleScope(Scope):
if objstruct_cname:
if type.objstruct_cname and type.objstruct_cname != objstruct_cname:
error(pos, "Object struct name differs from previous declaration")
type.objstruct_cname = objstruct_cname
type.objstruct_cname = objstruct_cname
if typeobj_cname:
if type.typeobj_cname and type.typeobj_cname != typeobj_cname:
error(pos, "Type object name differs from previous declaration")
type.typeobj_cname = typeobj_cname
# Return new or existing entry
# Return new or existing entry
return entry
......@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ class PyClassScope(ClassScope):
#def recycle_pending_temps(self):
# self.outer_scope.recycle_pending_temps()
# self.outer_scope.recycle_pending_temps()
def add_default_value(self, type):
return self.outer_scope.add_default_value(type)
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ method_name_to_slot = {}
## extern function pointer.
#slots_initialised_from_extern = (
# "tp_free",
# "tp_free",
......@@ -106,17 +106,17 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext.build_ext):
# cplus will also be set to true is extension.language is equal to
# 'C++' or 'c++'.
# create_listing = self.pyrex_create_listing or \
# extension.pyrex_create_listing
# cplus = self.pyrex_cplus or \
# extension.pyrex_cplus or \
# (extension.language != None and \
# extension.language.lower() == 'c++')
# create_listing = self.pyrex_create_listing or \
# extension.pyrex_create_listing
# cplus = self.pyrex_cplus or \
# extension.pyrex_cplus or \
# (extension.language != None and \
# extension.language.lower() == 'c++')
#except AttributeError:
# create_listing = self.pyrex_create_listing
# cplus = self.pyrex_cplus or \
# (extension.language != None and \
# extension.language.lower() == 'c++')
# create_listing = self.pyrex_create_listing
# cplus = self.pyrex_cplus or \
# (extension.language != None and \
# extension.language.lower() == 'c++')
create_listing = self.pyrex_create_listing or \
getattr(extension, 'pyrex_create_listing', 0)
......@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext.build_ext):
pyrex_gen_pxi = self.pyrex_gen_pxi or getattr(extension, 'pyrex_gen_pxi', 0)
# Set up the include_path for the Cython compiler:
# 1. Start with the command line option.
# 2. Add in any (unique) paths from the extension
# pyrex_include_dirs (if Cython.Distutils.extension is used).
# 3. Add in any (unique) paths from the extension include_dirs
# 1. Start with the command line option.
# 2. Add in any (unique) paths from the extension
# pyrex_include_dirs (if Cython.Distutils.extension is used).
# 3. Add in any (unique) paths from the extension include_dirs
includes = self.pyrex_include_dirs
for i in extension.pyrex_include_dirs:
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext.build_ext):
if ext == ".py":
# FIXME: we might want to special case this some more
ext = '.pyx'
if ext == ".pyx": # Cython source file
if ext == ".pyx": # Cython source file
output_dir = target_dir or os.path.dirname(source)
new_sources.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + target_ext))
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ linker_options = \
"-Wl,-F.,-w -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup" \
#linker_options = \
# "-Wl,-F.,-w -bundle -framework Python" \
# .split()
# "-Wl,-F.,-w -bundle -framework Python" \
# .split()
class CCompilerError(PyrexError):
......@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ class TS_Misc_Suite:
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
#if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
# raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
#if _arguments.has_key('----'):
# return _arguments['----']
# return _arguments['----']
errn = 0
stat = 0
stdout = ""
......@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ class StateMap:
best_priority = priority
return best_action
# def old_to_new_set(self, old_state_set):
# """
# Return the new state corresponding to a set of old states as
# a singleton set.
# """
# return {self.old_to_new(old_state_set):1}
# def old_to_new_set(self, old_state_set):
# """
# Return the new state corresponding to a set of old states as
# a singleton set.
# """
# return {self.old_to_new(old_state_set):1}
def new_to_old(self, new_state):
"""Given a new state, return a set of corresponding old states."""
......@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ class Node:
def get_action_priority(self):
return self.action_priority
# def merge_actions(self, other_state):
# """Merge actions of other state into this state according
# def merge_actions(self, other_state):
# """Merge actions of other state into this state according
# to their priorities."""
# action = other_state.get_action()
# priority = other_state.get_action_priority()
# self.set_action(action, priority)
# action = other_state.get_action()
# priority = other_state.get_action_priority()
# self.set_action(action, priority)
def is_accepting(self):
return self.action is not None
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class Node:
# Header
file.write(" State %d:\n" % self.number)
# Transitions
# self.dump_transitions(file)
# self.dump_transitions(file)
# Action
action = self.action
# Python Lexical Analyser
# Python Lexical Analyser
# Regular Expressions
# Regular Expressions
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from sys import maxint
import Errors
# Constants
# Constants
BOL = 'bol'
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ EOF = 'eof'
nl_code = ord('\n')
# Helper functions
# Helper functions
def chars_to_ranges(s):
......@@ -98,20 +98,20 @@ def CodeRange(code1, code2):
return RawCodeRange(code1, code2)
# Abstract classes
# Abstract classes
class RE:
"""RE is the base class for regular expression constructors.
The following operators are defined on REs:
re1 + re2 is an RE which matches |re1| followed by |re2|
re1 | re2 is an RE which matches either |re1| or |re2|
re1 + re2 is an RE which matches |re1| followed by |re2|
re1 | re2 is an RE which matches either |re1| or |re2|
nullable = 1 # True if this RE can match 0 input symbols
match_nl = 1 # True if this RE can match a string ending with '\n'
str = None # Set to a string to override the class's __str__ result
str = None # Set to a string to override the class's __str__ result
def build_machine(self, machine, initial_state, final_state,
match_bol, nocase):
......@@ -173,42 +173,42 @@ class RE:
num, self.__class__.__name__, expected, got))
# Primitive RE constructors
# -------------------------
# Primitive RE constructors
# -------------------------
# These are the basic REs from which all others are built.
# These are the basic REs from which all others are built.
## class Char(RE):
## """
## Char(c) is an RE which matches the character |c|.
## """
## """
## Char(c) is an RE which matches the character |c|.
## """
## nullable = 0
## nullable = 0
## def __init__(self, char):
## self.char = char
## self.match_nl = char == '\n'
## def __init__(self, char):
## self.char = char
## self.match_nl = char == '\n'
## def build_machine(self, m, initial_state, final_state, match_bol, nocase):
## c = self.char
## if match_bol and c != BOL:
## s1 = self.build_opt(m, initial_state, BOL)
## else:
## s1 = initial_state
## if c == '\n' or c == EOF:
## s1 = self.build_opt(m, s1, EOL)
## if len(c) == 1:
## code = ord(self.char)
## s1.add_transition((code, code+1), final_state)
## if nocase and is_letter_code(code):
## code2 = other_case_code(code)
## s1.add_transition((code2, code2+1), final_state)
## else:
## s1.add_transition(c, final_state)
## def calc_str(self):
## return "Char(%s)" % repr(self.char)
## def build_machine(self, m, initial_state, final_state, match_bol, nocase):
## c = self.char
## if match_bol and c != BOL:
## s1 = self.build_opt(m, initial_state, BOL)
## else:
## s1 = initial_state
## if c == '\n' or c == EOF:
## s1 = self.build_opt(m, s1, EOL)
## if len(c) == 1:
## code = ord(self.char)
## s1.add_transition((code, code+1), final_state)
## if nocase and is_letter_code(code):
## code2 = other_case_code(code)
## s1.add_transition((code2, code2+1), final_state)
## else:
## s1.add_transition(c, final_state)
## def calc_str(self):
## return "Char(%s)" % repr(self.char)
def Char(c):
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class RawCodeRange(RE):
nullable = 0
match_nl = 0
range = None # (code, code)
range = None # (code, code)
uppercase_range = None # (code, code) or None
lowercase_range = None # (code, code) or None
......@@ -420,10 +420,10 @@ class SwitchCase(RE):
return "%s(%s)" % (name,
# Composite RE constructors
# -------------------------
# Composite RE constructors
# -------------------------
# These REs are defined in terms of the primitive REs.
# These REs are defined in terms of the primitive REs.
Empty = Seq()
......@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ def Case(re):
return SwitchCase(re, nocase = 0)
# RE Constants
# RE Constants
Bol = Char(BOL)
......@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ class Scanner:
self.start_pos = self.cur_pos
self.start_line = self.cur_line
self.start_col = self.cur_pos - self.cur_line_start
# if self.trace:
# action = self.run_machine()
# else:
# action = self.run_machine_inlined()
# if self.trace:
# action = self.run_machine()
# else:
# action = self.run_machine_inlined()
action = self.run_machine_inlined()
if action:
if self.trace:
......@@ -257,48 +257,48 @@ class Scanner:
self.cur_line_start = cur_line_start
self.cur_char = cur_char
self.input_state = input_state
self.next_pos = next_pos
self.next_pos = next_pos
if trace: #TRACE#
if action: #TRACE#
print("Doing " + action) #TRACE#
return action
# def transition(self):
# self.save_for_backup()
# c = self.cur_char
# new_state = self.state.new_state(c)
# if new_state:
# if self.trace:
# print "Scanner: read: State %d: %s --> State %d" % (
# self.state.number, repr(c), new_state.number)
# self.state = new_state
# self.next_char()
# return 1
# else:
# if self.trace:
# print "Scanner: read: State %d: %s --> blocked" % (
# self.state.number, repr(c))
# return 0
# def transition(self):
# self.save_for_backup()
# c = self.cur_char
# new_state = self.state.new_state(c)
# if new_state:
# if self.trace:
# print "Scanner: read: State %d: %s --> State %d" % (
# self.state.number, repr(c), new_state.number)
# self.state = new_state
# self.next_char()
# return 1
# else:
# if self.trace:
# print "Scanner: read: State %d: %s --> blocked" % (
# self.state.number, repr(c))
# return 0
# def save_for_backup(self):
# action = self.state.get_action()
# if action:
# if self.trace:
# print "Scanner: read: Saving backup point at", self.cur_pos
# self.backup_state = (
# action, self.cur_pos, self.cur_line, self.cur_line_start,
# self.cur_char, self.input_state, self.next_pos)
# def save_for_backup(self):
# action = self.state.get_action()
# if action:
# if self.trace:
# print "Scanner: read: Saving backup point at", self.cur_pos
# self.backup_state = (
# action, self.cur_pos, self.cur_line, self.cur_line_start,
# self.cur_char, self.input_state, self.next_pos)
# def back_up(self):
# backup_state = self.backup_state
# if backup_state:
# (action, self.cur_pos, self.cur_line, self.cur_line_start,
# self.cur_char, self.input_state, self.next_pos) = backup_state
# if self.trace:
# print "Scanner: read: Backing up to", self.cur_pos
# return action
# else:
# return None
# def back_up(self):
# backup_state = self.backup_state
# if backup_state:
# (action, self.cur_pos, self.cur_line, self.cur_line_start,
# self.cur_char, self.input_state, self.next_pos) = backup_state
# if self.trace:
# print "Scanner: read: Backing up to", self.cur_pos
# return action
# else:
# return None
def next_char(self):
input_state = self.input_state
......@@ -331,24 +331,24 @@ class Scanner:
if self.trace:
print("--> [%d] %d %s" % (input_state, self.cur_pos, repr(self.cur_char)))
# def read_char(self):
# """
# def read_char(self):
# """
# Get the next input character, filling the buffer if necessary.
# Returns '' at end of file.
# """
# next_pos = self.next_pos
# buf_index = next_pos - self.buf_start_pos
# if buf_index == len(self.buffer):
# discard = self.start_pos - self.buf_start_pos
# data =
# self.buffer = self.buffer[discard:] + data
# self.buf_start_pos = self.buf_start_pos + discard
# buf_index = buf_index - discard
# if not data:
# return ''
# c = self.buffer[buf_index]
# self.next_pos = next_pos + 1
# return c
# next_pos = self.next_pos
# buf_index = next_pos - self.buf_start_pos
# if buf_index == len(self.buffer):
# discard = self.start_pos - self.buf_start_pos
# data =
# self.buffer = self.buffer[discard:] + data
# self.buf_start_pos = self.buf_start_pos + discard
# buf_index = buf_index - discard
# if not data:
# return ''
# c = self.buffer[buf_index]
# self.next_pos = next_pos + 1
# return c
def position(self):
......@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ class TransitionMap:
#def merge_state_sets(set1, set2):
# for state in set2.keys():
# set1[state] = 1
# for state in set2.keys():
# set1[state] = 1
def state_set_str(set):
state_list = set.keys()
......@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ setup(
# ("examples/dependencies",
# ["README", "test.pyx", "test.pyxdep", "header.h",
# "header2.h", "header3.h", "header4.h"])
# ],
# ],
py_modules = ["pyximport", "pyxbuild"])
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def test():
from distutils.extension import Extension
def make_ext(name, filename):
return Extension(name=name, sources=[filename])
return Extension(name=name, sources=[filename])
......@@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ def make_ext(name, filename):
if __name__=="__main__":
......@@ -4,30 +4,30 @@ import test_pyximport
# debugging the 2.2 problem
if 1:
from distutils import sysconfig
except AttributeError:
import pyxbuild
print pyxbuild.distutils.sysconfig == sysconfig
from distutils import sysconfig
except AttributeError:
import pyxbuild
print pyxbuild.distutils.sysconfig == sysconfig
def test():
tempdir = test_pyximport.make_tempdir()
hello_file = os.path.join(tempdir, "hello.pyx")
open(hello_file, "w").write("x = 1; print x; before = 'before'\n")
import hello
tempdir = test_pyximport.make_tempdir()
hello_file = os.path.join(tempdir, "hello.pyx")
open(hello_file, "w").write("x = 1; print x; before = 'before'\n")
import hello
assert hello.x == 1
time.sleep(1) # sleep to make sure that new "hello.pyx" has later
# timestamp than object file.
time.sleep(1) # sleep to make sure that new "hello.pyx" has later
# timestamp than object file.
open(hello_file, "w").write("x = 2; print x; after = 'after'\n")
assert hello.x == 2, "Reload should work on Python 2.3 but not 2.2"
open(hello_file, "w").write("x = 2; print x; after = 'after'\n")
assert hello.x == 2, "Reload should work on Python 2.3 but not 2.2"
if __name__=="__main__":
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