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Commit b9c41350 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Review guards on PythonScript/ExternalMethod and expose a method to check them

- Code refactoring and small optimizations.
- Really fix unwanted acquisition.
- ExternalMethod: fix security declarations.
- Fix role/permission checking for ExternalMethod called by a PythonScript
  with proxy roles.
- When editing an existing guard, modify it instead of always recreate one.
  no very useful here, but that's good practice: this is nicer for the ZODB
  and it's easier to browse the history. BT should do the same when upgrading.
parent ec1a895c
......@@ -13,13 +13,8 @@
from inspect import getargs
from Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod import *
from AccessControl import ModuleSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from Products.ERP5Type.patches.PythonScript import _guard_form, \
_guard_manage_options, checkGuard, getGuard, manage_guardForm, \
from zExceptions import Forbidden
from .PythonScript import addGuard
if 1:
def getFunction(self, reload=False, f=None):
......@@ -89,10 +84,7 @@ if 1:
- fix magic "self" argument when positional arguments get their values
from kw.
guard = getattr(self, 'guard', None)
if guard is not None:
if not checkGuard(guard, aq_parent(self)):
raise Forbidden, 'Calling %s %s is denied by Guard.' % (self.meta_type,
import erp5.component.extension
component_module = erp5.component.extension.find_load_module(self._module)
......@@ -147,17 +139,8 @@ if 1:
ExternalMethod.__call__ = __call__
security = ModuleSecurityInfo('Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod') = ClassSecurityInfo()
ExternalMethod.manage_options += _guard_manage_options
ExternalMethod._guard_form = _guard_form
addGuard(ExternalMethod, change_external_methods)
ExternalMethod.manage_guardForm = manage_guardForm
security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_guardForm')
ExternalMethod.getGuard = getGuard
ExternalMethod.manage_setGuard = manage_setGuard
security.declareProtected(change_external_methods, 'manage_setGuard')
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
from Products.DCWorkflow.Guard import Guard
from Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript import PythonScript
from App.special_dtml import DTMLFile
from Products.ERP5Type import _dtmldir
from .. import _dtmldir
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo, getSecurityManager
from AccessControl.class_init import InitializeClass
from AccessControl.PermissionRole import rolesForPermissionOn
......@@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ PythonScript.manage_main = manage_editForm
PythonScript.manage_editDocument = manage_editForm
PythonScript.manage_editForm = manage_editForm
### Guards
_guard_manage_options = (
PythonScript.manage_options += _guard_manage_options
_guard_form = DTMLFile(
'editGuardForm', _dtmldir)
PythonScript._guard_form = _guard_form
def manage_guardForm(self, REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=None):
......@@ -81,64 +81,63 @@ def manage_guardForm(self, REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=None):
PythonScript.manage_guardForm = manage_guardForm
security.declareProtected('View management screens', 'manage_guardForm')
def manage_setGuard(self, props=None, REQUEST=None):
g = Guard()
if g.changeFromProperties(props or REQUEST):
self.guard = g
guard = self.guard
if guard is None:
self.guard = g
if guard.__dict__ != g.__dict__:
guard._p_changed = 1
self.guard = None
del self.guard
except AttributeError:
if REQUEST is not None:
return self.manage_guardForm(REQUEST, 'Properties changed.')
PythonScript.manage_setGuard = manage_setGuard
security.declareProtected('Change Python Scripts', 'manage_setGuard')
def getGuard(self):
guard = getattr(self, 'guard', None)
if guard is not None:
return guard
guard = self.guard
if guard is None:
return Guard().__of__(self) # Create a temporary guard.
PythonScript.getGuard = getGuard
def checkGuard(guard, ob):
return guard
def getRoles(ob):
sm = getSecurityManager()
stack = sm._context.stack
if stack:
proxy_roles = getattr(stack[-1], '_proxy_roles', None)
if proxy_roles:
return set(proxy_roles)
return set(sm.getUser().getRolesInContext(ob))
def _checkGuard(guard, ob):
# returns 1 if guard passes against ob, else 0.
# TODO : implement TALES evaluation by defining an appropriate
# context.
u_roles = None
def getRoles():
sm = getSecurityManager()
u = sm.getUser()
stack = sm._context.stack
if stack and len(stack) > 1:
eo = stack[-2] # -1 is the current script.
proxy_roles = getattr(eo, '_proxy_roles', None)
if proxy_roles:
roles = proxy_roles
return proxy_roles
roles = u.getRolesInContext(ob)
return roles
if guard.permissions:
# Require at least one role for required roles for the given permission.
if u_roles is None:
u_roles = getRoles()
u_roles = getRoles(ob)
for p in guard.permissions:
if set(rolesForPermissionOn(p, ob)).intersection(u_roles):
if not u_roles.isdisjoint(rolesForPermissionOn(p, ob)):
return 0
u_roles = None
if guard.roles:
# Require at least one of the given roles.
if u_roles is None:
u_roles = getRoles()
for role in guard.roles:
if role in u_roles:
u_roles = getRoles(ob)
if u_roles.isdisjoint(guard.roles):
return 0
if guard.groups:
# Require at least one of the specified groups.
......@@ -158,15 +157,42 @@ def checkGuard(guard, ob):
return 0
return 1
PythonScript_exec = PythonScript._exec
def _exec(self, *args):
# PATCH BEGIN : check guard against context, if guard exists.
guard = getattr(aq_base(self), 'guard', None)
if guard is not None:
if not checkGuard(guard, aq_parent(self)):
raise Forbidden, 'Calling %s %s is denied by Guard.' % (self.meta_type,
return PythonScript_exec(self, *args)
PythonScript._exec = _exec
def checkGuard(aq_parent=aq_parent, _checkGuard=_checkGuard):
def checkGuard(self, _exec=False):
guard = self.guard
if guard is None or _checkGuard(guard, aq_parent(self)):
return 1
if _exec:
raise Forbidden('Calling %s %s is denied by Guard.'
% (self.meta_type,
return checkGuard
checkGuard = checkGuard()
def addGuard(cls, set_permission):
security =
cls.guard = None
cls.getGuard = getGuard
cls.checkGuard = checkGuard
cls.manage_options += _guard_manage_options
cls._guard_form = _guard_form
security.declareProtected('View management screens', 'manage_guardForm')
cls.manage_guardForm = manage_guardForm
security.declareProtected(set_permission, 'manage_setGuard')
cls.manage_setGuard = manage_setGuard
addGuard(PythonScript, 'Change Python Scripts')
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
'''Calls the script.'''
self.checkGuard(True) # patch
return self._bindAndExec(args, kw, None)
PythonScript.__call__ = PythonScript.render = __call__
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