==================================================================== :mod:`gevent.socket` -- Cooperative low-level networking interface====================================================================This module provides socket operations and some related functions. TheAPI of the functions and classes matches the API of the correspondingitems in the standard :mod:`socket` module exactly, but thesynchronous functions in this module only block the current greenletand let the others run.For convenience, exceptions (like :class:`error <socket.error>` and:class:`timeout <socket.timeout>`) as well as the constants from the:mod:`socket` module are imported into this module.The exact API exposed by this module varies depending on what versionof Python you are using. The documents below describe the API forPython 2 and Python 3, respectively... warning:: All the described APIs should be imported from ``gevent.socket``, and *not* from their implementation modules. Their organization is an implementation detail that may change at any time... toctree:: Python 3 interface <gevent._socket3> Python 2 interface <gevent._socket2>Shared Functions================These functions are identical and shared by all implementations... autofunction:: gevent.socket.create_connection