Commit 160f59e9 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Relax the psutil version pin for PyPy.

5.7.0 works on Linux, but it still won't build on Windows.

Fixes #1643
parent c2d7a7d3
Relax the version constraint for psutil on PyPy.
Previously it was pinned to 5.6.3 for PyPy2, except for on Windows,
where it was excluded. It is now treated the same as CPython again.
......@@ -301,12 +301,12 @@ EXTRA_EVENTS = [
# psutil fails to build on PyPy on Windows. (TODO: Is that still the case?)
# Versions of PyPy2 prior to 7.4 (maybe?) are incompatible with
# psutil >= 5.6.4.
# Versions of PyPy2 prior to 7.3.1 (maybe?) are incompatible with
# psutil >= 5.6.4. 5.7.0 seems to work.
'psutil >= 5.6.1 ; platform_python_implementation == "CPython" or python_version!="2.7"',
'psutil == 5.6.3 ; platform_python_implementation=="PyPy" and python_version=="2.7" and sys_platform != "win32"',
# PyPy on Windows can't build psutil, it fails to link with the missing symbol
# PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr.
'psutil >= 5.7.0; sys_platform != "win32" or platform_python_implementation == "CPython"',
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