Commit 19776f49 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

Hub: rename 'pformat' attribute to 'format_context'

rename handle_error's argument "where" to "context"

use "%s failed with %s" message instead of "Ingoring..."; this is compatible with gevent 0.13
parent 84484908
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class Hub(greenlet):
loop_class = 'gevent.core.loop'
resolver_class = ['gevent.resolver_ares.Resolver',
pformat = 'pprint.pformat'
format_context = 'pprint.pformat'
def __init__(self, loop=None, default=None):
......@@ -249,26 +249,29 @@ class Hub(greenlet):
loop_class = _import(self.loop_class)
self.loop = loop_class(flags=loop, default=default)
self._resolver = None
self.pformat = _import(self.pformat)
self.format_context = _import(self.format_context)
def handle_error(self, where, type, value, tb):
if not issubclass(type, self.NOT_ERROR):
traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb)
del tb
if where is None or issubclass(type, self.SYSTEM_ERROR):
def handle_error(self, context, type, value, tb):
self.print_exception(context, type, value, tb)
if context is None or issubclass(type, self.SYSTEM_ERROR):
current = getcurrent()
if current is self or current is self.parent:
self.parent.throw(type, value)
self.loop.run_callback(self.parent.throw, type, value)
if not isinstance(where, str):
def print_exception(self, context, type, value, tb):
if issubclass(type, self.NOT_ERROR):
traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb)
if context is not None:
if not isinstance(context, str):
where = self.pformat(where)
context = self.format_context(context)
where = repr(where)
sys.stderr.write('Ignoring %s in %s\n\n' % (getattr(type, '__name__', 'exception'), where, ))
context = repr(context)
sys.stderr.write('%s failed with %s\n\n' % (context, getattr(type, '__name__', 'exception'), ))
def switch(self):
cur = getcurrent()
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