Commit 2933cfc9 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

cherry-pick recv/sndmsg

parent cf9c312c
......@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ class _wrefsocket(_socket.socket):
__slots__ = ("__weakref__", )
_closedsocket = _wrefsocket()
class socket(object):
......@@ -238,7 +235,21 @@ class socket(object):
self.hub.cancel_wait(self._read_event, cancel_wait_ex)
self.hub.cancel_wait(self._write_event, cancel_wait_ex)
self._sock = _closedsocket
# Break any references to the underlying socket object. Tested
# by test__refcount. (Why does this matter?). Be sure to
# preserve our same family/type/proto if possible (if we
# don't, we can get TypeError instead of OSError; see
# test_socket.SendmsgUDP6Test.testSendmsgAfterClose)... but
# this isn't always possible (see test_socket.test_unknown_socket_family_repr)
# TODO: Can we use a simpler proxy, like _socket2 does?
self._sock = self._gevent_sock_class(, self.type, self.proto)
except OSError:
def close(self):
# This function should not reference any globals. See Python issue #808164.
......@@ -338,6 +338,48 @@ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
disabled_tests += [
# These raise "OSError: 12 Cannot allocate memory" on both
# patched and unpatched runs
if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 4):
disabled_tests += [
# These are all expecting that a signal (sigalarm) that
# arrives during a blocking call should raise
# InterruptedError with errno=EINTR. gevent does not do
# this, instead its loop keeps going and raises a timeout
# (which fails the test). HOWEVER: Python 3.5 fixed this
# problem and started raising a timeout,
# (
# and removed these tests (InterruptedError is no longer
# raised). So basically, gevent was ahead of its time.
if os.environ.get('TRAVIS') == 'true':
disabled_tests += [
# This test is racy or OS-dependent. It passes locally (sufficiently fast machine)
# but fails under Travis
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5):
disabled_tests += [
# XXX: Hangs
# Relies on the regex of the repr having the locked state (TODO: it'd be nice if
# we did that).
# XXX: These are commented out in the source code of test_threading because
......@@ -365,6 +407,10 @@ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5):
def disable_tests_in_source(source, name):
if name.startswith('./'):
# turn "./" (used for auto-complete) into ""
name = name[2:]
my_disabled_tests = [x for x in disabled_tests if x.startswith(name + '.')]
if not my_disabled_tests:
return source
......@@ -373,4 +419,5 @@ def disable_tests_in_source(source, name):
testcase = test.split('.')[-1]
source, n = re.subn(testcase, 'XXX' + testcase, source)
print('Removed %s (%d)' % (testcase, n), file=sys.stderr)
return source
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