Commit 2c142a87 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

testrunner stats: analyize output and print info about warnings and exceptions for each output

parent fdb6c98d
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ OUTPUT_LIMIT = 100*1024
import sys
import os
import glob
import re
from unittest import _TextTestResult, defaultTestLoader, TextTestRunner
import platform
......@@ -322,6 +323,71 @@ def get_testcases(cursor, runid, result=None):
return ['.'.join(x) for x in cursor.execute(sql, args).fetchall()]
_warning_re = re.compile('\w*warning', re.I)
_error_re = re.compile(r'(?P<prefix>\s*)Traceback \(most recent call last\):' +
def get_warnings(output):
>>> get_warnings('hello DeprecationWarning warning: bla DeprecationWarning')
['DeprecationWarning', 'warning', 'DeprecationWarning']
return _warning_re.findall(output)
def get_exceptions(output):
>>> get_exceptions('''test$ python -c "1/0"
... Traceback (most recent call last):
... File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
... ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero''')
return ['error') for x in _error_re.finditer(output)]
def get_warning_stats(output):
counter = {}
for warning in get_warnings(output):
counter.setdefault(warning, 0)
counter[warning] += 1
items = counter.items()
items.sort(key=lambda (a, b): -b)
result = []
for name, count in items:
if count == 1:
result.append('1 %s' % name)
result.append('%s %ss' % (count, name))
return result
def get_traceback_stats(output):
counter = {}
traceback_count = output.lower().count('traceback')
for warning in get_exceptions(output):
counter.setdefault(warning, 0)
counter[warning] += 1
traceback_count -= 1
items = counter.items()
items.sort(key=lambda (a, b): -b)
if traceback_count:
items.append(('other traceback', traceback_count))
result = []
for name, count in items:
if count == 1:
result.append('1 %s' % name)
result.append('%s %ss' % (count, name))
return result
def get_info(output):
output = output[:OUTPUT_LIMIT*2]
result = get_traceback_stats(output) + get_warning_stats(output)
return ', '.join(result)
def print_stats(options):
db = sqlite3.connect(options.db)
cursor = db.cursor()
......@@ -331,32 +397,30 @@ def print_stats(options):
total = len(get_testcases(cursor, options.runid))
failed = get_testcases(cursor, options.runid, 'FAIL')
timedout = get_testcases(cursor, options.runid, 'TIMEOUT')
warning_reports = []
for test, output, retcode in cursor.execute('select test, output, retcode from test where runid=?', (options.runid, )):
output_lower = (output or '').lower()
warnings = output_lower.count('warning')
tracebacks = output_lower.count('traceback')
if warnings or tracebacks:
warning_reports.append((test, warnings, tracebacks))
info = get_info(output or '')
if info:
print '%s: %s' % (test, info)
if retcode == 'TIMEOUT':
for testcase in timedout:
if testcase.startswith(test + '.'):
total += 1
elif retcode != 0:
for testcase in failed:
if testcase.startswith(test + '.'):
total += 1
if failed:
print 'FAILURES: '
print ' - ' + '\n - '.join(failed)
if timedout:
print 'TIMEOUTS: '
print ' - ' + '\n - '.join(timedout)
if warning_reports:
print 'WARNINGS: '
for test, warnings, tracebacks in warning_reports:
print ' - %s' % test,
if warnings:
print '%s warnings; ' % warnings,
if tracebacks:
print '%s tracebacks; ' % tracebacks,
print '%s testcases passed; %s failed; %s timed out' % (total, len(failed), len(timedout))
if failed or timedout:
return True
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