* Fixed ``setup.py`` to search more places for system libevent installation.
This fixes 64bit CentOS 5.3 installation issues, hopefully covers other platforms
as well.
@@ -129,30 +118,20 @@ Version 0.9.3
* Fixed all known bugs in the :mod:`gevent.queue` module made it 2.4-compatible.
:class:`LifoQueue` and :class:`PriorityQueue`
are implemented as well.
:class:`LifoQueue` and :class:`PriorityQueue` are implemented as well.
:mod:`gevent.queue` will deprecate both ``coros.Queue`` and ``coros.Channel``.
* Fixed to :class:`Timeout` to raise itself by default. ``TimeoutError`` is gone.
Silent timeout is now created by passing ``False`` instead of ``None``.
* Fixed bug in :func:`gevent.select.select` where it could silent the wrong timeout.
* :func:`spawn` and :func:`spawn_later` now avoid creating a closure and this decreases spawning
time by 50%.
* ``kill``'s and ``killall``'s *wait* argument was renamed to *block*. The polling is now
implemented by ``greenlet.join`` and ``greenlet.joinall`` functions and it become more
responsive, with gradual increase of sleep time.
* Renamed ``proc.RunningProcSet`` to ``proc.ProcSet``.
* Added :func:`shutdown` function, which blocks until libevent has finished dispatching the events.
* The return value of ``event_add`` and ``event_del`` in core.pyx are now checked properly
and :exc:`IOError` is raised if they have failed.
* Fixed backdoor.py, accidentally broken in the previous release.
@@ -162,41 +141,30 @@ Version 0.9.2
* Simplified :mod:`gevent.socket`'s implementation and fixed SSL
bug reported on eventletdev by **Cesar Alaniz** as well as failures
in test_socket_ssl.py.
* Removed ``GreenSocket.makeGreenFile``; Use :meth:`socket.socket.makefile` that returns _fileobject
and is available on both :class:`GreenSocket <gevent.socket.socket>` and :class:`GreenSSL <gevent.socket.GreenSSL>`.
socket.py still a work in progress.
* Added new :class:`core.active_event` class that takes advantage of libevent's event_active function.
``core.active_event(func)`` schedules func to be run in this event loop iteration as opposed
to ``core.timer(0, ...)`` which schedules an event to be run in the next iteration.
:class:`active_event` is now used throughout the library wherever ``core.timer(0, ....)`` was previously used.
This results in :func:`spawn` being at least 20% faster compared to `Version 0.9.1`_ and twice as fast compared to
eventlet. (The results are obtained with bench_spawn.py script in ``greentest/`` directory)
* Added boolean parameter *wait* to :func:`kill` and :func:`killall` functions. If set to ``True``, it makes the
function block until the greenlet(s) is actually dead. By default, :func:`kill` and :func:`killall` are asynchronous,
i.e. they don't unschedule the current greenlet.
* Added a few new properties to :class:`gevent.core.event`: :attr:`fd <event.fd>`, :attr:`events <event.events>`,
:attr:`events_str <event.events_str>` and :attr:`flags <event.flags>`. It also has
:meth:`__enter__ <event.__enter__>` and :meth:`__exit__ <event.__exit__>` now, so it can be used as a context manager. :class:`event`'s
:attr:`callback <event.callback>` signature has changed from ``(event, fd, evtype)`` to ``(event, evtype)``.
:meth:`__enter__ <event.__enter__>` and :meth:`__exit__ <event.__exit__>` now, so it can be used as a context manager. :class:`event`'s :attr:`callback <event.callback>` signature has changed from ``(event, fd, evtype)`` to ``(event, evtype)``.
* Fixed :class:`Hub`'s mainloop to never return successfully as this will screw up main greenlet's ``switch()`` call.
Instead of returning it raises :class:`DispatchExit`.
* Added :func:`reinit` function - wrapper for libevent's ``event_reinit``.
This function is a must have at least for daemons, as it fixes ``epoll`` and some others
eventloops to work after ``fork``.
* Trying to use gevent in another thread will now raise an exception immediately,
since it's not implemented.
* Added a few more convenience methods ``spawn_link[exception/value]`` to ``proc.RunningProcSet``.