Commit 371afee9 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Adapt to latest pylint errors.

parent eacc7441
......@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ wheel
# 0.28 is faster, and (important!) lets us specify the target module
# name to be created so that we can have both and
# at the same time.
Cython >= 0.28.1
Cython >= 0.28.5
# Python 3.7 requires at least 0.4.14, which is ABI incompatible with earlier
greenlet>=0.4.14 ; platform_python_implementation == "CPython"
pylint>=1.8.0 ; python_version < "3.4"
pylint >= 2.0.0.dev2 ; python_version >= "3.4"
# pylint 2 needs astroid 2; unfortunately, it uses `typed_ast`
# which has a C extension that doesn't build on PyPy
astroid >= 2.0.0.dev1 ; python_version >= "3.4" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython"
pylint >= 2.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.4" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython"
astroid >= 2.0.2 ; python_version >= "3.4" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython"
# See version requirements in
cffi >= 1.11.5 ; platform_python_implementation == "CPython"
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class SSLContext(orig_SSLContext):
# pylint:disable=arguments-differ
# pylint:disable=arguments-differ,not-callable
# (3.6 adds session)
# Sadly, using *args and **kwargs doesn't work
return self.sslsocket_class(
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class LoopExit(Exception):
def __repr__(self):
# pylint:disable=unsubscriptable-object
if len(self.args) == 3: # From the hub
import pprint
return "%s\n\tHub: %s\n\tHandles:\n%s" % (
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