Commit 3d4404d2 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Use PollSelector as DefaultSelector after monkey-patching if available.

Fixes #1466

Add extra tests around selectors.
parent 957c47f8
......@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ Other
where `contextvars` is a standard library module, it is
monkey-patched by default. See :issue:`1407`.
- Use `selectors.PollSelector` as the `selectors.DefaultSelector`
after monkey-patching if `select.poll` was defined. Previously,
gevent replaced it with `selectors.SelectSelector`, which has a
different set of limitations (e.g., on certain platforms such as
glibc Linux, it has a hardcoded limitation of only working with file
descriptors < 1024). See :issue:`1466` reported by Sam Wong.
1.5a3 (2020-01-01)
......@@ -286,8 +286,37 @@ def __call_module_hook(gevent_module, name, module, items, _warnings):
func(module, items, warn)
class _GeventDoPatchRequest(object):
PY3 = PY3
get_original = staticmethod(get_original)
def __init__(self,
self.target_module = target_module
self.source_module = source_module
self.items = items
self.patch_kwargs = patch_kwargs or {}
def default_patch_items(self):
for attr in self.items:
patch_item(self.target_module, attr, getattr(self.source_module, attr))
def remove_item(self, target_module, *items):
if isinstance(target_module, str):
items = (target_module,) + items
target_module = self.target_module
for item in items:
remove_item(target_module, item)
def patch_module(target_module, source_module, items=None,
......@@ -335,8 +364,16 @@ def patch_module(target_module, source_module, items=None,
except events.DoNotPatch:
return False
for attr in items:
patch_item(target_module, attr, getattr(source_module, attr))
# Undocumented, internal use: If the module defines
# `_gevent_do_monkey_patch(patch_request: _GeventDoPatchRequest)` call that;
# the module is responsible for its own patching.
do_patch = getattr(
request = _GeventDoPatchRequest(target_module, source_module, items, _patch_kwargs)
if _call_hooks:
__call_module_hook(source_module, 'did', target_module, items, _warnings)
......@@ -355,6 +392,7 @@ def patch_module(target_module, source_module, items=None,
def _patch_module(name,
......@@ -364,7 +402,7 @@ def _patch_module(name,
target_module = __import__(module_name)
patch_module(target_module, gevent_module, items=items,
_warnings=_warnings, _patch_kwargs=_patch_kwargs,
......@@ -946,56 +984,8 @@ def patch_select(aggressive=True):
- :class:`selectors.KqueueSelector`
- :class:`selectors.DevpollSelector` (Python 3.5+)
source_mod, target_mod = _patch_module('select', _notify_did_subscribers=False)
if aggressive:
select = target_mod
# since these are blocking we're removing them here. This makes some other
# modules (e.g. asyncore) non-blocking, as they use select that we provide
# when none of these are available.
remove_item(select, 'epoll')
remove_item(select, 'kqueue')
remove_item(select, 'kevent')
remove_item(select, 'devpoll')
if PY3:
# Python 3 wants to use `` as a member function,
# leading to this error in (because is
# not a builtin and doesn't get the magic auto-static that they do)
# r, w, _ = self._select(self._readers, self._writers, [], timeout)
# TypeError: select() takes from 3 to 4 positional arguments but 5 were given
# Note that this obviously only happens if selectors was imported after we had patched
# select; but there is a code path that leads to it being imported first (but now we've
# patched select---so we can't compare them identically)
select = target_mod # Should be gevent-patched now
orig_select_select = get_original('select', 'select')
assert is not orig_select_select
selectors = __import__('selectors')
if selectors.SelectSelector._select in (, orig_select_select):
def _select(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
return*args, **kwargs)
selectors.SelectSelector._select = _select
_select._gevent_monkey = True
# Python 3.7 refactors the poll-like selectors to use a common
# base class and capture a reference to select.poll, etc, at
# import time. selectors tends to get imported early
# (importing 'platform' does it: platform -> subprocess -> selectors),
# so we need to clean that up.
if hasattr(selectors, 'PollSelector') and hasattr(selectors.PollSelector, '_selector_cls'):
selectors.PollSelector._selector_cls = select.poll
if aggressive:
# If `selectors` had already been imported before we removed
# select.epoll|kqueue|devpoll, these may have been defined in terms
# of those functions. They'll fail at runtime.
remove_item(selectors, 'EpollSelector')
remove_item(selectors, 'KqueueSelector')
remove_item(selectors, 'DevpollSelector')
selectors.DefaultSelector = selectors.SelectSelector
from gevent import events
_notify_patch(events.GeventDidPatchModuleEvent('select', source_mod, target_mod))
_patch_kwargs={'aggressive': aggressive})
def patch_subprocess():
......@@ -299,3 +299,67 @@ if original_poll is not None:
del self.fds[fileno]
del original_poll
def _gevent_do_monkey_patch(patch_request):
aggressive = patch_request.patch_kwargs['aggressive']
target_mod = patch_request.target_module
if aggressive:
# since these are blocking we're removing them here. This makes some other
# modules (e.g. asyncore) non-blocking, as they use select that we provide
# when none of these are available.
if patch_request.PY3:
# TODO: Do we need to broadcast events about patching the selectors
# package? If so, must be careful to deal with DoNotPatch exceptions.
# Python 3 wants to use `` as a member function,
# leading to this error in (because is
# not a builtin and doesn't get the magic auto-static that they do)
# r, w, _ = self._select(self._readers, self._writers, [], timeout)
# TypeError: select() takes from 3 to 4 positional arguments but 5 were given
# Note that this obviously only happens if selectors was imported after we had patched
# select; but there is a code path that leads to it being imported first (but now we've
# patched select---so we can't compare them identically)
orig_select_select = patch_request.get_original('select', 'select')
assert is not orig_select_select
selectors = __import__('selectors')
if selectors.SelectSelector._select in (, orig_select_select):
def _select(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
return select(*args, **kwargs)
selectors.SelectSelector._select = _select
_select._gevent_monkey = True # prove for test cases
# Python 3.7 refactors the poll-like selectors to use a common
# base class and capture a reference to select.poll, etc, at
# import time. selectors tends to get imported early
# (importing 'platform' does it: platform -> subprocess -> selectors),
# so we need to clean that up.
if hasattr(selectors, 'PollSelector') and hasattr(selectors.PollSelector, '_selector_cls'):
selectors.PollSelector._selector_cls = poll
if aggressive:
# If `selectors` had already been imported before we removed
# select.epoll|kqueue|devpoll, these may have been defined in terms
# of those functions. They'll fail at runtime.
selectors.DefaultSelector = getattr(
import gevent.testing as greentest
import selectors # Do this before the patch, just to force it
# Do this before the patch to be sure we clean
# things up properly if the order is wrong.
import selectors
except ImportError:
selectors = None
import socket
import gevent
from gevent import select
from gevent.monkey import patch_all
import gevent.testing as greentest
not greentest.WIN and greentest.PY3,
"selectors only guaranteed on Python 3 and not windows"
selectors is None,
"selectors module not present"
class TestSelectors(greentest.TestCase):
def test_selectors_select_is_patched(self):
_select = selectors.SelectSelector._select
self.assertTrue(hasattr(_select, '_gevent_monkey'), dir(_select))
self.assertIn('_gevent_monkey', dir(_select))
hasattr(select, 'poll'),
def test_poll_is_default(self):
self.assertIs(selectors.DefaultSelector, selectors.PollSelector)
def _check_selector(self, sel):
def read(conn, _mask):
data = conn.recv(100) # Should be ready
if data:
conn.send(data) # Hope it won't block
def run_selector_once():
events =
for key, mask in events:, mask)
sock1, sock2 = socket.socketpair()
sel.register(sock1, selectors.EVENT_READ, read)
glet = gevent.spawn(run_selector_once)
DATA = b'abcdef'
data = sock2.recv(50)
self.assertEqual(data, DATA)
def _make_test(name, kind): # pylint:disable=no-self-argument
if kind is None:
def m(self):
self.skipTest(name + ' is not defined')
def m(self, k=kind):
sel = k()
m.__name__ = 'test_selector_' + name
return m
SelKind = SelKindName = None
for SelKindName in (
# The subclass hierarchy changes between versions, and is
# complex (e.g, BaseSelector <- BaseSelectorImpl <-
# _PollLikSelector <- PollSelector) so its easier to check against
# names.
SelKind = getattr(selectors, SelKindName, None)
m = _make_test(SelKindName, SelKind)
locals()[m.__name__] = m
del SelKind
del SelKindName
del _make_test
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