Commit 4c22e1f2 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko

add changelog entry for release 0.13.2

parent e3fe125b
......@@ -3,6 +3,39 @@ Changelog
.. currentmodule:: gevent
Release 0.13.2 (Sep 28, 2010)
- Added :mod:`gevent.httplib` -- **experimental** support for libevent-http client. Thanks to **Tommie Gannert**, **Örjan Persson**. Closes issue #9.
- Fixed crash on Mac OS X (issue #31). Patch by **Alexey Borzenkov**.
- Fixed compatiblity of the :mod:`gevent.wsgi` with libevent2 (issue #62).
- Fixed compilation issues with libevent2. Patch by **Ralf Schmitt**.
- Fixed :mod:`pywsgi` not to use chunked transfer encoding in case of 304 and 204 responses as it creates a non-empty message body which is against RFC and causes some browsers to fail. Patch by **Nicholas Piël**.
- Fixed :func:`socket.getaddrinfo` to handle ``AF_UNSPEC`` properly and resolve service names (issue #56). Thanks to **Elizabeth Jennifer Myers**.
- Fixed :func:`socket.getaddrinfo` to handle international domain names.
- Fixed leaking of traceback object when switching out of greenlet with ``sys.exc_info`` set. Leaking is prevented by not preserving traceback at all and only keeping the value of the exception. Thanks to **Ned Rockson**.
- Fixed :meth:`ssl.SSLSocket.unwrap` to shutdown :class:`SSLSocket` properly, without raising ``SSLError(read operation timeout)``.
- Fixed :exc:`TypeError` inside :class:`Hub` on Python 2.4.
- Made number of internal improvements to :mod:`gevent.pywsgi` to make subclassing easier (driven by the needs of websocket_ package).
- Changed :class:`WSGIServer <pywsgi.WSGIServer>` now explicitly closes the socket after the last request. Patch by **Ralf Schmitt**.
- Fixed :class:`pywsgi.WSGIHandler` not to add ``CONTENT_TYPE`` to the *environ* dict when there's no ``Content-Type`` header in the request. Previously a default ``text/plain`` was added in such case.
- Added proper implementation of :meth:`Pool.imap_unordered` to :class:`Pool` class. Unlike previous "dummy" implementation this one starts yielding the results as soon as they are ready.
- Implemented iterator protocol in :class:`Queue <gevent.queue.Queue>`. The main use case is the implementation of :meth:`Pool.imap_unordered`.
- Fixed :attr:`BaseServer.started` property: it is now set to ``True`` after :meth:`start <StreamServer.start>` until :meth:`stop <StreamServer.stop>` or :meth:`kill <StreamServer.kill>`. Previously it could become ``False`` for short period of times, because :class:`StreamServer` could stop accepting for a while in presence of errors and :attr:`StreamServer.started` was defined as "whether the server is currently accepting".
- Fixed :class:`wsgi.WSGIServer` to reply with 500 error immediatelly if the application raises an error (issue #58). Thanks to **Jon Aslund**.
- Added :func:`monkey.patch_httplib` function which is disabled by default.
- Added *httplib* parameter to :func:`monkey.patch_all` (defaults to ``False``).
- Added :func:`write <core.buffer.write>` function to :class:`core.buffer`.
- Fixed :exc:`OverflowError` that could happen in :met:`core.event.__str__`.
- Made :meth:`http_request.get_input_headers` return header names in lower case.
- Fixed :class:`StreamServer` to accept *ciphers* as an SSL argument.
- Added ``build_exc --cython=`` option to ````. Patch by **Ralf Schmitt**.
- Updated :class:`local <gevent.local.local>` to raise :exc:`AttributeError` if ``__dict__`` attribute is set or deleted.
.. _websocket:
Release 0.13.1 (Sep 23, 2010)
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