Commit 680557cd authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko nicer __repr__ for Source

parent fd6c638b
......@@ -219,6 +219,13 @@ class NotUsed(object):
_NOT_USED = NotUsed()
def limitrepr(obj, limit=50):
res = repr(obj)
if len(res)>limit:
res = res[:limit]+'...'
return res
def spawn_greenlet(function, *args):
"""Create a new greenlet that will run `function(*args)'.
The current greenlet won't be unscheduled. Keyword arguments aren't
......@@ -286,12 +293,9 @@ class Source(object):
if self.value is not _NOT_USED:
if self._exc is None:
res = repr(self.value)
if len(res)>50:
res = res[:50]+'...'
result.append('result=%s' % res)
result.append('result=%s' % limitrepr(self.value))
result.append('raised=%s' % (self._exc, ))
result.append('raised=%s' % limitrepr(self.exc_info()[1]))
result.append('{%s:%s}' % (len(self._value_links), len(self._exception_links)))
return result
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