Commit 8885ac4a authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko nicer formatting of revision numbers

parent 9695b117
......@@ -200,29 +200,16 @@ class TestResult:
valign = 'center'
return '<td align=center valign=%s bgcolor=%s>%s</td>' % (valign, self.color(), text)
def decorate_testname(testname, common_fields):
return '<a href="%s/src/%s/greentest/%s">%s</a>' % (REPO_URL, common_fields['changeset'].rstrip('+').split('_')[1], testname, testname)
def decorate(field_name, field_value, common_fields):
d = globals().get('decorate_%s' % field_name)
if d is not None:
return d(field_value, common_fields)
except KeyError:
except Exception:
return field_value
def format_table(table, row_def, rows, column_def, columns, common_fields):
r = '<table border=1>\n'
for index, header_row in enumerate(column_def):
r += '<tr>\n'
r += '<th/>' * len(row_def)
for column in columns:
if column_def[index] not in common_fields:
r += '<th>%s</th>\n' % column[index]
field_name = column_def[index]
field_value = column[index]
if field_name not in common_fields:
r += '<th>%s</th>\n' % decorate(field_name, field_value, common_fields)
r += '</tr>\n'
for row in [None, ] + rows:
r += '<tr>\n'
......@@ -241,26 +228,37 @@ def format_table(table, row_def, rows, column_def, columns, common_fields):
r += '</table>\n'
return r
def decorate(field_name, field_value, common_fields):
d = globals().get('decorate_%s' % field_name)
if d is not None:
return d(field_value, common_fields)
except KeyError, ex:
except Exception:
return field_value
def decorate_changeset(changeset):
rev, hash = changeset.split('_')
text = 'gevent changeset %s: %s' % (rev, hash)
url = '%s/changeset/%s' % (REPO_URL, hash.rstrip('+'))
text = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, text.replace('+', '<b>+</b>'))
return text
def decorate_python(python):
return 'Python version: %s' % python
def decorate_testname(testname, common_fields):
return '<a href="%s/src/%s/greentest/%s">%s</a>' % (REPO_URL, common_fields['changeset'].rstrip('+').split('_')[1], testname, testname)
def decorate_changeset(changeset, common_fields=None, frmt_text='%(rev)s%(nonclean)s'):
nonclean = changeset.endswith('+')
nonclean = '<b>+</b>' if nonclean else ''
rev, hash = changeset.rstrip('+').split('_')
url = '%s/changeset/%s' % (REPO_URL, hash)
text = frmt_text % locals()
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, text)
def format_header_common_fields(fields):
result = ''
changeset = fields.get('changeset', None)
if changeset is not None:
result += decorate_changeset(changeset) + '<br>\n'
result += decorate_changeset(changeset, frmt_text='gevent_changeset: %(rev)s%(nonclean)s') + '<br>\n'
python = fields.get('python', None)
if python is not None:
result += decorate_python(python) + '<br><br>\n'
result += 'Python version: %s<br>\n' % python
result += '<br>\n'
return result, ['changeset', 'python']
def format_footer_common_fields(fields):
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