Commit 8f078aa9 authored by Denis Bilenko's avatar Denis Bilenko add TestRef

parent 2c006a7c
import sys
from time import time, sleep
import random
import weakref
import greentest
from gevent.threadpool import ThreadPool
import gevent
......@@ -296,5 +298,43 @@ class TestSize(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(pool.size, 2)
class TestRef(TestCase):
def test(self):
pool = self.pool=ThreadPool(2)
refs = []
obj = SomeClass()
obj.refs = refs
func = obj.func
del obj
with greentest.disabled_gc():
# we do this:
# result = func(Object(), kwarg1=Object())
# but in a thread pool and see that arguments', result's and func's references are not leaked
result = pool.apply(func, (Object(), ), {'kwarg1': Object()})
assert isinstance(result, Object), repr(result)
gevent.sleep(0) # XXX should not be needed
del func, result
for index, r in enumerate(refs):
assert r() is None, (index, r(), sys.getrefcount(r()), refs)
assert len(refs) == 4, refs
class Object(object):
class SomeClass(object):
def func(self, arg1, kwarg1=None):
result = Object()
self.refs.extend([weakref.ref(x) for x in [arg1, kwarg1, result]])
return result
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