Commit 92168247 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

lint [skip ci]

parent 7e0db4ab
......@@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ with open('gevent/') as _:
__version__ ="__version__\s*=\s*'(.*)'",, re.M).group(1)
assert __version__
def _quoted_abspath(p):
return '"' + abspath(p) + '"'
def parse_environ(key):
value = os.environ.get(key)
if not value:
......@@ -58,8 +60,16 @@ CARES_EMBED = get_config_value('CARES_EMBED', 'EMBED', 'c-ares')
define_macros = []
libraries = []
libev_configure_command = ' '.join(["(cd ", _quoted_abspath('libev/'), " && /bin/sh ./configure && mv config.h \"$OLDPWD\")", '> configure-output.txt'])
ares_configure_command = ' '.join(["(cd ", _quoted_abspath('c-ares/'), " && if [ -e ares_build.h ]; then cp ares_build.h ares_build.h.orig; fi && /bin/sh ./configure CONFIG_COMMANDS= CONFIG_FILES= && cp ares_config.h ares_build.h \"$OLDPWD\" && mv ares_build.h.orig ares_build.h)", "> configure-output.txt"])
libev_configure_command = ' '.join(["(cd ", _quoted_abspath('libev/'),
" && /bin/sh ./configure ",
" && mv config.h \"$OLDPWD\")",
'> configure-output.txt'])
ares_configure_command = ' '.join(["(cd ", _quoted_abspath('c-ares/'),
" && if [ -e ares_build.h ]; then cp ares_build.h ares_build.h.orig; fi ",
" && /bin/sh ./configure CONFIG_COMMANDS= CONFIG_FILES= ",
" && cp ares_config.h ares_build.h \"$OLDPWD\" ",
" && mv ares_build.h.orig ares_build.h)",
"> configure-output.txt"])
if sys.platform == 'win32':
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