1. 16 Apr, 2018 4 commits
  2. 15 Apr, 2018 7 commits
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Use /dev/fd|/proc/self/fd to get open FDs to close in Popen · 461d6966
      Jason Madden authored
      If those aren't available, use the old brute-force approach. This is
      closer to what CPython does in its C implementation, and is much
      We don't have to worry about the async signal safe stuff the C code
      does because, guess what, we're running Python code here already
      anyway, so much of it could wind up doing something that's not
      actually safe anyway. Oh well.
      Since we depend on Python 3.4 and above now, we can rely on the
      CLOEXEC flag being set by default and not have to manually check
      This speeds up 2.7 (close_fds defaults to *false* there, so the
      default case doesn't change):
      | Benchmark                 | 27_bench_subprocess | 27_bench_subprocess_dirfd     |
      | spawn native no close_fds | 1.81 ms             | 1.79 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)   |
      | spawn gevent no close_fds | 2.11 ms             | 2.20 ms: 1.04x slower (+4%)   |
      | spawn native close_fds    | 31.0 ms             | 30.2 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)   |
      | spawn gevent close_fds    | 31.6 ms             | 2.56 ms: 12.31x faster (-92%) |
      And it really speeds up 3.7 (close_fds defaults to *true* there, so
      the default case is much faster, and the non-default case is even better):
      | Benchmark                 | 37_bench_subprocess | 37_bench_subprocess_dirfd     |
      | spawn native no close_fds | 1.34 ms             | 1.27 ms: 1.06x faster (-6%)   |
      | spawn gevent no close_fds | 117 ms              | 3.05 ms: 38.27x faster (-97%) |
      | spawn native close_fds    | 1.36 ms             | 1.30 ms: 1.04x faster (-4%)   |
      | spawn gevent close_fds    | 32.5 ms             | 3.34 ms: 9.75x faster (-90%)  |
      Fixes #1172
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Add benchmark for using subprocess.Popen to create /usr/bin/true [skip ci] · b166aaf8
      Jason Madden authored
      In response to #1172
      The following numbers are for my machine on macOS 10.13.3 with MAXFD
      of 50000.
      Python 2.7:
      spawn native no close_fds: Mean +- std dev: 1.81 ms +- 0.04 ms
      spawn gevent no close_fds: Mean +- std dev: 2.11 ms +- 0.08 ms
      spawn native close_fds: Mean +- std dev: 31.0 ms +- 0.7 ms
      spawn gevent close_fds: Mean +- std dev: 31.6 ms +- 0.6 ms
      Notice that the times when close_fd=True (not the default on 2.7) are
      about the same. 2.7 uses the same Python loop we do to close all the
      Now 3.7:
      spawn native no close_fds: Mean +- std dev: 1.34 ms +- 0.04 ms
      spawn gevent no close_fds: Mean +- std dev: 117 ms +- 2 ms
      spawn native close_fds: Mean +- std dev: 1.36 ms +- 0.03 ms
      spawn gevent close_fds: Mean +- std dev: 32.5 ms +- 0.4 ms
      Notice that gevent is *much* slower when we *don't* close the fds.
      This is because, starting in Python 3.4, close_fds defaults to true,
      and when it's false we have to check os.get_inheritable() for each fd
      before we close it. gevent performs the same as it did on Python 2.7
      when closing fds, but the native implementation is much faster due to
      the C optimizations outlined in #1172---it turns out they apply to BSD
      and Apple platforms in addition to Linux, although they're not async
      Now, the C code does the opposite for inheritable handles: it
      explicitly calls make_inheritable() for the ones it wants to keep and
      lets the OS close the others with CLOEXEC. We could probably do that
      too; the slow down for this case counts as a regression, I think.
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Reorganize docs. · b7c9a1df
      Jason Madden authored
      Move the API reference to its own (sectioned) page to clean up the main page. Break up the massive 'gevent' module page into more digestable parts and add more xrefs.
    • Jason Madden's avatar
    • Jason Madden's avatar
    • Jason Madden's avatar
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Merge pull request #1174 from gevent/cffi-win · e2aef582
      Jason Madden authored
      Use environment markers to install CFFI on windows so the libuv backend can really be default
  3. 14 Apr, 2018 7 commits
  4. 13 Apr, 2018 3 commits
  5. 10 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  6. 09 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  7. 03 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  8. 02 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  9. 31 Mar, 2018 3 commits
  10. 30 Mar, 2018 8 commits
  11. 29 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  12. 27 Mar, 2018 3 commits
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Working on some more socket benchmarks · 840692b0
      Jason Madden authored
      The good news is that current master is about 10-15% faster for
      sendall than 1.2.2 was (e.g., 301ws vs 256ms in Python 3.6). udp
      sendto is roughly unaffected (within the margins, based on the native
      performance). Moving the chunking implementation of sendall to Cython
      doesn't show any improvements (so that's not a bottleneck, at least in
      these benchmarks).
      The "bad" news is that both UDP and (especially) sendall perform much
      worse than native (native does about 47ms for sendall). This is
      probably related to the fact that we're doing everything in one
      process and one thread, and it is CPU bound; the native process can
      use 150% CPU or so, but the gevent version cannot. So the comparison
      is not directly meaningful.
      [skip ci]
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Merge pull request #1156 from gevent/cython-waiter · 62802671
      Jason Madden authored
      Compile the important hub operations that use Waiters with Cython
    • Jason Madden's avatar
      Attempt to fix test__backdoor.py · a4fbd046
      Jason Madden authored