merge_requests.feature 10.5 KB
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Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
Feature: Project Merge Requests
    Given I sign in as a user
5 6 7
    And I own project "Shop"
    And project "Shop" have "Bug NS-04" open merge request
    And project "Shop" have "Feature NS-03" closed merge request
    And I visit project "Shop" merge requests page
9 10 11 12 13

  Scenario: I should see open merge requests
    Then I should see "Bug NS-04" in merge requests
    And I should not see "Feature NS-03" in merge requests

14 15 16 17 18 19
  Scenario: I should see CI status for merge requests
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    Given "Bug NS-05" has CI status
    When I visit project "Shop" merge requests page
    Then I should see merge request "Bug NS-05" with CI status

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
  Scenario: I should not see target branch name when it is project's default branch
    Then I should see "Bug NS-04" in merge requests
    And I should not see "master" branch

  Scenario: I should see target branch when it is different from default
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-06" open merge request
    When I visit project "Shop" merge requests page
    Then I should see "other_branch" branch

Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
  Scenario: I should see rejected merge requests
    Given I click link "Closed"
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
    Then I should see "Feature NS-03" in merge requests
    And I should not see "Bug NS-04" in merge requests

  Scenario: I should see all merge requests
    Given I click link "All"
    Then I should see "Feature NS-03" in merge requests
    And I should see "Bug NS-04" in merge requests

  Scenario: I visit merge request page
    Given I click link "Bug NS-04"
    Then I should see merge request "Bug NS-04"

  Scenario: I close merge request page
    Given I click link "Bug NS-04"
    And I click link "Close"
    Then I should see closed merge request "Bug NS-04"

Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
48 49 50 51 52 53 54
  Scenario: I reopen merge request page
    Given I click link "Bug NS-04"
    And I click link "Close"
    Then I should see closed merge request "Bug NS-04"
    When I click link "Reopen"
    Then I should see reopened merge request "Bug NS-04"

55 56 57 58 59
  Scenario: I submit new unassigned merge request
    Given I click link "New Merge Request"
    And I submit new merge request "Wiki Feature"
    Then I should see merge request "Wiki Feature"

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
  Scenario: I download a diff on a public merge request
    Given public project "Community"
    And "John Doe" owns public project "Community"
    And project "Community" has "Bug CO-01" open merge request with diffs inside
    Given I logout directly
    And I visit merge request page "Bug CO-01"
    And I click on "Email Patches"
    Then I should see a patch diff
    And I visit merge request page "Bug CO-01"
    And I click on "Plain Diff"
    Then I should see a patch diff

72 73 74 75 76
  Scenario: I comment on a merge request
    Given I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    And I leave a comment like "XML attached"
    Then I should see comment "XML attached"

78 79 80 81
  Scenario: I comment on a merge request diff
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
    And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on diff
    And I switch to the merge request's comments tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
    Then I should see a discussion has started on diff

87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
  Scenario: I edit a comment on a merge request diff
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
    And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on diff
    And I change the comment "Line is wrong" to "Typo, please fix" on diff
    Then I should not see a diff comment saying "Line is wrong"
    And I should see a diff comment saying "Typo, please fix"

97 98 99 100
  Scenario: I comment on a line of a commit in merge request
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
101 102
    And I click on the commit in the merge request
    And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on diff in commit
    And I switch to the merge request's comments tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
    Then I should see a discussion has started on commit diff
105 106 107 108 109

  Scenario: I comment on a commit in merge request
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
    And I click on the commit in the merge request
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
    And I leave a comment on the diff page in commit
    And I switch to the merge request's comments tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
    Then I should see a discussion has started on commit
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

  Scenario: I accept merge request with custom commit message
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And merge request "Bug NS-05" is mergeable
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And merge request is mergeable
    Then I modify merge commit message
    And I accept this merge request
    Then I should see merged request
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135

  # Markdown

  Scenario: Headers inside the description should have ids generated for them.
    When I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    Then Header "Description header" should have correct id and link

  Scenario: Headers inside comments should not have ids generated for them.
    Given I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    And I leave a comment with a header containing "Comment with a header"
    Then The comment with the header should not have an ID
136 137 138 139 140 141 142

  # Toggling inline comments

  Scenario: I hide comments on a merge request diff with comments in a single file
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
144 145 146
    And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on line 39 of the third file
    And I click link "Hide inline discussion" of the third file
    Then I should not see a comment like "Line is wrong here" in the third file
147 148 149 150 151

  Scenario: I show comments on a merge request diff with comments in a single file
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
153 154
    And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on line 39 of the third file
    Then I should see a comment like "Line is wrong" in the third file
155 156 157 158 159

  Scenario: I hide comments on a merge request diff with comments in multiple files
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
161 162 163 164 165
    And I leave a comment like "Line is correct" on line 12 of the second file
    And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on line 39 of the third file
    And I click link "Hide inline discussion" of the third file
    Then I should not see a comment like "Line is wrong here" in the third file
    And I should still see a comment like "Line is correct" in the second file
166 167 168 169 170

  Scenario: I show comments on a merge request diff with comments in multiple files
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
172 173 174 175 176 177
    And I leave a comment like "Line is correct" on line 12 of the second file
    And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on line 39 of the third file
    And I click link "Hide inline discussion" of the third file
    And I click link "Show inline discussion" of the third file
    Then I should see a comment like "Line is wrong" in the third file
    And I should still see a comment like "Line is correct" in the second file
skv's avatar
skv committed
178 179 180 181 182

  Scenario: I unfold diff
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
skv's avatar
skv committed
184 185
    And I unfold diff
    Then I should see additional file lines
Marin Jankovski's avatar
Marin Jankovski committed
186 187 188 189 190

  Scenario: I show comments on a merge request side-by-side diff with comments in multiple files
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar
Dmitriy Zaporozhets committed
192 193
    And I leave a comment like "Line is correct" on line 12 of the second file
    And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on line 39 of the third file
Marin Jankovski's avatar
Marin Jankovski committed
194 195
    And I click Side-by-side Diff tab
    Then I should see comments on the side-by-side diff page

197 198 199 200
  Scenario: I view diffs on a merge request
    Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
    And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
    And I click on the Changes tab
202 203
    Then I should see the proper Inline and Side-by-side links

204 205 206 207 208
  # Description preview

  Scenario: I can't preview without text
    Given I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    And I click link "Edit" for the merge request
    And I haven't written any description text
    Then The Markdown preview tab should say there is nothing to do
212 213 214 215

  Scenario: I can preview with text
    Given I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    And I click link "Edit" for the merge request
217 218
    And I write a description like ":+1: Nice"
    Then The Markdown preview tab should display rendered Markdown
219 220 221 222

  Scenario: I preview a merge request description
    Given I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    And I click link "Edit" for the merge request
224 225 226 227 228 229 230
    And I preview a description text like "Bug fixed :smile:"
    Then I should see the Markdown preview
    And I should not see the Markdown text field

  Scenario: I can edit after preview
    Given I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    And I click link "Edit" for the merge request
    And I preview a description text like "Bug fixed :smile:"
    Then I should see the Markdown write tab
234 235 236 237 238 239 240

  Scenario: I search merge request
    Given I click link "All"
    When I fill in merge request search with "Fe"
    Then I should see "Feature NS-03" in merge requests
    And I should not see "Bug NS-04" in merge requests
Valery Sizov's avatar
Valery Sizov committed
241 242 243 244 245 246 247

  Scenario: I can unsubscribe from merge request
    Given I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    Then I should see that I am subscribed
    When I click button "Unsubscribe"
    Then I should see that I am unsubscribed
248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255

  Scenario: I can change the target branch
    Given I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
    And I click link "Edit" for the merge request
    When I click the "Target branch" dropdown
    And I select a new target branch
    Then I should see new target branch changes