• Douwe Maan's avatar
    Merge branch 'saml-ldap-link-flow' into 'master' · 520a57a1
    Douwe Maan authored
    Adjust the SAML control flow to allow LDAP identities to be added to an existing SAML user.
    It correctly lets an existing SAML user to add their LDAP identity automatically at login.
    A customer had issues with the `auto_link_ldap_user` feature. The flow was not working if there was an account with a SAML identity, but no LDAP identity. GitLab would pick up the correct LDAP person, but due to the order of the flow, that LDAP person was never associated with the user.
    Fixes #17346
    /cc @dblessing @balameb @stanhu
    See merge request !4498
user.rb 5.26 KB