Commit 11cc2cd2 authored by Stan Hu's avatar Stan Hu Committed by Robert Speicher

Fix Message-ID field to be RFC 2111-compliant to prevent e-mails from being dropped

Closes #2867
parent f9a0c22d
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.0.4
- Fix Message-ID header to be RFC 2111-compliant to prevent e-mails being dropped (Stan Hu)
v 8.0.3
- Fix URL shown in Slack notifications
- Fix bug where projects would appear to be stuck in the forked import state (Stan Hu)
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class Notify < BaseMailer
# * have a 'In-Reply-To' or 'References' header that references the original 'Message-ID'
def mail_answer_thread(model, headers = {})
headers['Message-ID'] = SecureRandom.hex
headers['Message-ID'] = "<#{SecureRandom.hex}@#{}>"
headers['In-Reply-To'] = message_id(model)
headers['References'] = message_id(model)
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ describe Notify do
it 'has headers that reference an existing thread' do have_header 'Message-ID', /<(.*)@#{}>/ have_header 'References', /<#{thread_id_prefix}(.*)@#{}>/ have_header 'In-Reply-To', /<#{thread_id_prefix}(.*)@#{}>/ have_header 'X-GitLab-Project', /#{}/
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