Commit 159cd36c authored by Valery Sizov's avatar Valery Sizov

Merge branch '7-13-stable_changelog' into '7-13-stable'

7-13 stable: changelog update

See merge request !1901
parents fe01cc2f 5533a87d
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date. Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 7.13.0 (unreleased) v 7.13.0
- Only enable HSTS header for HTTPS and port 443 (Stan Hu) - Only enable HSTS header for HTTPS and port 443 (Stan Hu)
- Fix user autocomplete for unauthenticated users accessing public projects (Stan Hu) - Fix user autocomplete for unauthenticated users accessing public projects (Stan Hu)
- Fix redirection to home page URL for unauthorized users (Daniel Gerhardt) - Fix redirection to home page URL for unauthorized users (Daniel Gerhardt)
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