Commit a2798e8d authored by Zeger-Jan van de Weg's avatar Zeger-Jan van de Weg
Browse files

Target right release

parent 82d2e5c3
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ v 8.3.0 (unreleased)
- Automatically select default clone protocol based on user preferences (Eirik Lygre)
- Make Network page as sub tab of Commits
- Add copy-to-clipboard button for Snippets
- Accept COPYING,COPYING.lesser, and licence as license file (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
v 8.2.3
- Fix application settings cache not expiring after changes (Stan Hu)
......@@ -102,7 +103,6 @@ v 8.2.0
- Show specific runners from projects where user is master or owner
- MR target branch is now visible on a list view when it is different from project's default one
- Improve Continuous Integration graphs page
- Accept COPYING,COPYING.lesser, and licence as license file (Zeger-Jan van de Weg)
- Make color of "Accept Merge Request" button consistent with current build status
- Add ignore white space option in merge request diff and commit and compare view
- Ability to add release notes (markdown text and attachments) to git tags (aka Releases)
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