Commit ab213276 authored by Valery Sizov's avatar Valery Sizov

update changelog

parent abefd20f
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 7.14.0 (unreleased)
v 7.13.2
- Fix randomly failed spec
- Create project services on Project creation
- Add admin_merge_request ability to Developer level and up
- Fix Error 500 when browsing projects with no HEAD (Stan Hu)
- Fix labels / assignee / milestone for the merge requests when issues are disabled
- Show the first tab automatically on MergeRequests#new
- Add rake task 'gitlab:update_commit_count' (Daniel Gerhardt)
- Fix full screen mode for snippet comments (Daniel Gerhardt)
- Fix 404 error in files view after deleting the last file in a repository (Stan Hu)
- Fix label read access for unauthenticated users (Daniel Gerhardt)
- Fix access to disabled features for unauthenticated users (Daniel Gerhardt)
- Fix OAuth provider bug where GitLab would not go return to the redirect_uri after sign-in (Stan Hu)
- Fix file upload dialog for comment editing (Daniel Gerhardt)
- Set OmniAuth full_host parameter to ensure redirect URIs are correct (Stan Hu)
- Expire Rails cache entries after two weeks to prevent endless Redis growth
- Add support for destroying project milestones (Stan Hu)
- Add fetch command to the MR page.
- Fix bug causing "Remove source-branch" option not to work for merge requests from the same project.
- Fix Gmail Actions
v 7.13.1
- Fix: Label modifications are not reflected in existing notes and in the issue list
......@@ -24,6 +19,7 @@ v 7.13.1
- Fix: ActionView::Template::Error
- Fix: "Create Merge Request" isn't always shown in event for newly pushed branch
- Fix bug causing "Remove source-branch" option not to work for merge requests from the same project.
- Render Note field hints consistently for "new" and "edit" forms
v 7.13.0
- Remove repository graph log to fix slow cache updates after push event (Stan Hu)
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