Commit c6b9767e authored by Marin Jankovski's avatar Marin Jankovski

Test if the views behave correctly with reference style relative links.

parent 462161a3
......@@ -16,6 +16,18 @@ Feature: Project markdown render
And I click on Rake tasks in README
Then I should see correct directory rendered
Scenario: I view README in master branch to see reference links to directory
Then I should see files from repository in master
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on GitLab API doc directory in README
Then I should see correct doc/api directory rendered
Scenario: I view README in master branch to see reference links to file
Then I should see files from repository in master
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Maintenance in README
Then I should see correct maintenance file rendered
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view documentation in master
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectMarkdownRender < Spinach::FeatureSteps
page.should have_link "GitLab API website"
page.should have_link "Rake tasks"
page.should have_link "backup and restore procedure"
page.should have_link "GitLab API doc directory"
page.should have_link "Maintenance"
And 'I click on Gitlab API in README' do
......@@ -42,6 +44,26 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectMarkdownRender < Spinach::FeatureSteps
page.should have_content ""
And 'I click on GitLab API doc directory in README' do
click_link "GitLab API doc directory"
Then 'I should see correct doc/api directory rendered' do
current_path.should == project_tree_path(@project, "master/doc/api")
page.should have_content ""
page.should have_content ""
And 'I click on Maintenance in README' do
click_link "Maintenance"
Then 'I should see correct maintenance file rendered' do
current_path.should == project_blob_path(@project, "doc/raketasks/")
page.should have_content "bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production"
And 'I navigate to the doc/api/README' do
click_link "doc"
click_link "api"
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