• Jakob Unterwurzacher's avatar
    fs: allow inode number 1 · 0aaef6dd
    Jakob Unterwurzacher authored
    The root directory always get nodeid 1, and the v2 api
    originally had "nodeid == inode number".
    But since 1d0096e5,
    inode number and node id are independent, and we can allow
    inode number 1.
    Why does this matter? MacOS actually uses inode number 1 on ExFAT
    mounts, triggering a panic on overlay filesystems like gocryptfs:
        panic: using reserved ID 1 for inode number
    Fixes: https://github.com/rfjakob/gocryptfs/issues/585
    Change-Id: I5e3476da65400d32efdb3dac1fe4901c64c00a89
bridge.go 31.6 KB