• Han-Wen Nienhuys's avatar
    fuse/test: avoid low-numbered fds for FUSE-backed files · 27a473d5
    Han-Wen Nienhuys authored
    As part of the fork/exec sequence, file descriptors that should be
    inherited are remapped with dup3() in the chld process. This causes
    implicit file close operations. If the file descriptors are backed by
    FUSE, this leads to FLUSH operations. If parallelism is limited with
    GOMAXPROCS, this can cause a deadlock, as there will not be threads
    left to service the FLUSH opcodes.
    Fixes #489
    Change-Id: I81bf4ab0624495aabb5bb9ec42a55c6f23340beb
file_lock_test.go 5.5 KB