Commit 425e8d53 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov Committed by Han-Wen Nienhuys
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readme: Add appendix about how to read Go-FUSE debug log output

d1c826d1 ("fuse: increase signal/noise in log messages", changed log to use
abbreviations in the name of improving signal/noise ratio. However it
might be not evident offhand what an abbreviation means.

Add a short reference in the readme with the summary on how to read the
log and a short example.

The summary is incomplete - for example I don't describe Fh and other
attributes that d1c826d1 did not change. I propose we review logging
more, e.g. consider doing `Fh X` -> `fX` and maybe similarly for other
fields, and while doing so, also populate/update the summary and example
in the readme. In other words it is good to document current state, but
it is not fixed in stone and can be evolved.
parent d1c826d1
......@@ -147,3 +147,45 @@ Grep source code for TODO. Major topics:
Like Go, this library is distributed under the new BSD license. See
accompanying LICENSE file.
## Appendix I. Go-FUSE log format
To increase signal/noise ratio Go-FUSE uses abbreviations in its debug log
output. Here is how to read it:
- `iX` means `inode X`;
- `gX` means `generation X`;
- `tA` and `tE` means timeout for attributes and directory entry correspondingly;
- `[<off> +<size>)` means data range from `<off>` inclusive till `<off>+<size>` exclusive;
- `Xb` means `X bytes`.
Every line is prefixed with either `rx <unique>` or `tx <unique>` to denote
whether it was for kernel request, which Go-FUSE received, or reply, which
Go-FUSE sent back to kernel.
Example debug log output:
rx 2: LOOKUP i1 [".wcfs"] 6b
tx 2: OK, {i3 g2 tE=1s tA=1s {M040755 SZ=0 L=0 1000:1000 B0*0 i0:3 A 0.000000 M 0.000000 C 0.000000}}
rx 3: LOOKUP i3 ["zurl"] 5b
tx 3: OK, {i4 g3 tE=1s tA=1s {M0100644 SZ=33 L=1 1000:1000 B0*0 i0:4 A 0.000000 M 0.000000 C 0.000000}}
rx 4: OPEN i4 {O_RDONLY,0x8000}
tx 4: 38=function not implemented, {Fh 0 }
rx 5: READ i4 {Fh 0 [0 +4096) L 0 RDONLY,0x8000}
tx 5: OK, 33b data "file:///"...
rx 6: GETATTR i4 {Fh 0}
tx 6: OK, {tA=1s {M0100644 SZ=33 L=1 1000:1000 B0*0 i0:4 A 0.000000 M 0.000000 C 0.000000}}
rx 7: FLUSH i4 {Fh 0}
tx 7: OK
rx 8: LOOKUP i1 ["head"] 5b
tx 8: OK, {i5 g4 tE=1s tA=1s {M040755 SZ=0 L=0 1000:1000 B0*0 i0:5 A 0.000000 M 0.000000 C 0.000000}}
rx 9: LOOKUP i5 ["bigfile"] 8b
tx 9: OK, {i6 g5 tE=1s tA=1s {M040755 SZ=0 L=0 1000:1000 B0*0 i0:6 A 0.000000 M 0.000000 C 0.000000}}
rx 10: FLUSH i4 {Fh 0}
tx 10: OK
rx 11: GETATTR i1 {Fh 0}
tx 11: OK, {tA=1s {M040755 SZ=0 L=1 1000:1000 B0*0 i0:1 A 0.000000 M 0.000000 C 0.000000}}
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