Commit 0716d950 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

gofmt: don't remove syntactically relevant blank in f(42 ...)

parent f3549d83
......@@ -848,6 +848,14 @@ func (p *printer) expr1(expr ast.Expr, prec1, depth int, ctxt exprContext, multi
p.print(x.Lparen, token.LPAREN)
p.exprList(x.Lparen, x.Args, depth, commaSep|commaTerm, multiLine, x.Rparen)
if x.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
if p.lastTok == token.INT {
// w/o a blank, the previous int will become a float
// (this could be solved more generally in the print
// function but it appears that this is the only
// place in the grammar where a token starting with
// a do may legally extend the previous token)
p.print(x.Ellipsis, token.ELLIPSIS)
p.print(x.Rparen, token.RPAREN)
......@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@ type printer struct {
errors chan os.Error
// Current state
nesting int // nesting level (0: top-level (package scope), >0: functions/decls.)
written int // number of bytes written
indent int // current indentation
escape bool // true if in escape sequence
nesting int // nesting level (0: top-level (package scope), >0: functions/decls.)
written int // number of bytes written
indent int // current indentation
escape bool // true if in escape sequence
lastTok token.Token // the last token printed (token.ILLEGAL if it's whitespace)
// Buffered whitespace
buffer []whiteSpace
......@@ -762,6 +763,7 @@ func (p *printer) print(args ...interface{}) {
var data []byte
var tag HTMLTag
var tok token.Token
switch x := f.(type) {
case whiteSpace:
if x == ignore {
......@@ -798,7 +800,7 @@ func (p *printer) print(args ...interface{}) {
// bytes since they do not appear in legal UTF-8 sequences)
// TODO(gri): do this more efficiently.
data = []byte("\xff" + string(data) + "\xff")
tok = token.INT // representing all literal tokens
tok = x.Kind
case token.Token:
if p.Styler != nil {
data, tag = p.Styler.Token(x)
......@@ -810,10 +812,12 @@ func (p *printer) print(args ...interface{}) {
if x.IsValid() {
next = x // accurate position of next item
tok = p.lastTok
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "print: unsupported argument type %T\n", f)
panic("go/printer type")
p.lastTok = tok
p.pos = next
if data != nil {
......@@ -173,6 +173,17 @@ func f(x int, args {
f(0, args...)
f(1, args)
f(2, args[0])
// make sure syntactically legal code remains syntactically legal
f(3, 42 ...) // a blank must remain between 42 and ...
f(4, 42....)
f(5, 42....)
f(6, 42.0...)
f(7, 42.0...)
f(8, .42...)
f(9, .42...)
f(10, 42e0...)
f(11, 42e0...)
......@@ -173,6 +173,17 @@ func f(x int, args {
f(0, args...)
f(1, args)
f(2, args[0])
// make sure syntactically legal code remains syntactically legal
f(3, 42 ...) // a blank must remain between 42 and ...
f(4, 42. ...)
f(5, 42....)
f(6, 42.0 ...)
f(7, 42.0...)
f(8, .42 ...)
f(9, .42...)
f(10, 42e0 ...)
f(11, 42e0...)
......@@ -173,6 +173,17 @@ func f(x int, args {
f(0, args...)
f(1, args)
f(2, args[0])
// make sure syntactically legal code remains syntactically legal
f(3, 42 ...) // a blank must remain between 42 and ...
f(4, 42....)
f(5, 42....)
f(6, 42.0...)
f(7, 42.0...)
f(8, .42...)
f(9, .42...)
f(10, 42e0...)
f(11, 42e0...)
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