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Commit 08c4380e authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- updated and cleaned up vector.go to use new array instructions

- added initial test cases (needs to be expanded)

DELTA=135  (84 added, 30 deleted, 21 changed)
parent 53010efe
......@@ -18,92 +18,89 @@ package vector
type Element interface {
export type Vector struct {
nalloc int;
nelem int;
elem *[]Element;
// BUG: workaround for non-constant allocation.
// i must be a power of 10.
func Alloc(i int) *[]Element {
switch i {
case 1:
return new([1]Element);
case 10:
return new([10]Element);
case 100:
return new([100]Element);
case 1000:
return new([1000]Element);
print("bad size ", i, "\n");
panic("not known size\n");
func is_pow10(i int) bool {
switch i {
case 1, 10, 100, 1000:
return true;
return false;
export func New() *Vector {
v := new(Vector);
v.nelem = 0;
v.nalloc = 1;
v.elem = Alloc(v.nalloc);
v.elem = new([]Element, 1) [0 : 0]; // capacity must be > 0!
return v;
func (v *Vector) RangeError(op string, i int) {
panic("Vector.", op, ": index ", i, " out of range (len = ", len(v.elem), ")\n");
func (v *Vector) Len() int {
return v.nelem;
return len(v.elem);
func (v *Vector) At(i int) Element {
if i < 0 || i >= v.nelem {
panic("Vector.At(", i, ") out of range (size ", v.nelem, ")\n");
return nil;
n := v.Len();
if i < 0 || i >= n {
v.RangeError("At", i);
var e Element;
return e; // don't return nil - may not be legal in the future
return v.elem[i];
// TODO(r) It would be better if this were called 'Remove' and if
// it were returning the removed element. This way it would be
// symmetric with 'Insert', provide the functionality of 'Delete'
// and allow to get the appropriate entry w/ an extra call.
func (v *Vector) Delete(i int) {
if i < 0 || i >= v.nelem {
panic("Delete out of range\n");
n := v.Len();
if i < 0 || i >= n {
v.RangeError("Delete", i);
for j := i+1; j < v.nelem; j++ {
v.elem[j-1] = v.elem[j];
for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ {
v.elem[j - 1] = v.elem[j];
v.elem[v.nelem] = nil;
var e Element;
v.elem[n - 1] = e; // don't set to nil - may not be legal in the future
v.elem = v.elem[0 : n - 1];
func (v *Vector) Insert(i int, e Element) {
if i > v.nelem {
panic("Del too large\n");
n := v.Len();
if i < 0 || i > n {
v.RangeError("Insert", i);
if v.nelem == v.nalloc && is_pow10(v.nalloc) {
n := Alloc(v.nalloc * 10);
for j := 0; j < v.nalloc; j++ {
n[j] = v.elem[j];
// grow array by doubling its capacity
if n == cap(v.elem) {
a := new([]Element, n*2);
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
a[j] = v.elem[j];
v.elem = n;
v.nalloc *= 10;
v.elem = a;
// make a hole
for j := v.nelem; j > i; j-- {
v.elem = v.elem[0 : n + 1];
for j := n; j > i; j-- {
v.elem[j] = v.elem[j-1];
v.elem[i] = e;
func (v *Vector) Append(e Element) {
v.Insert(v.nelem, e);
v.Insert(len(v.elem), e);
type I struct { val int; }; // BUG: can't be local;
// $G $F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import vector "vector"
type S struct {
val int
func (p *S) Init(val int) *S {
p.val = val;
return p;
func test0() {
v := vector.New();
if v.Len() != 0 {
panic("len = ", v.Len(), "\n");
func test1() {
var a [1000] *S;
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
a[i] = new(S).Init(i);
v := vector.New();
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
v.Insert(0, a[i]);
if v.Len() != i + 1 {
panic("len = ", v.Len(), "\n");
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
x := convert(*S, v.At(i));
if x.val != v.Len() - i - 1 {
panic("expected ", i, ", found ", x.val, "\n");
for v.Len() > 10 {
func main() {
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