Commit 0c428a56 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

go/build: support vendor directories in Import

This fix, plus a one-line change to,
is sufficient to let that loader package process source code
using vendored packages. For example,

	GOPATH="" ssadump net/http # uses vendored http2

used to fail, not able to find net/http's import of the vendored
copy of

This CL plus the fix to loader (CL 17727) suffices to get ssadump working,
as well as - I expect - most other source code processing built

Fixes #12278.

Change-Id: I83715e757419171159f67d49bb453636afdd91f0
Reviewed-on: default avatarIan Lance Taylor <>
parent ae9529a2
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func (p *Package) vendored(imports []string) []string {
seen := make(map[string]bool)
var all []string
for _, path := range imports {
path, _ = vendoredImportPath(p, path)
path = vendoredImportPath(p, path)
if !seen[path] {
seen[path] = true
all = append(all, path)
......@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ func reloadPackage(arg string, stk *importStack) *Package {
// The variable is obnoxiously long so that years from now when people find it in
// their profiles and wonder what it does, there is some chance that a web search
// might answer the question.
// There is a copy of this variable in src/go/build/build.go. Delete that one when this one goes away.
var go15VendorExperiment = os.Getenv("GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT") != "0"
// dirToImportPath returns the pseudo-import path we use for a package
......@@ -312,11 +313,14 @@ func loadImport(path, srcDir string, parent *Package, stk *importStack, importPo
importPath := path
origPath := path
isLocal := build.IsLocalImport(path)
var vendorSearch []string
if isLocal {
importPath = dirToImportPath(filepath.Join(srcDir, path))
} else if mode&useVendor != 0 {
path, vendorSearch = vendoredImportPath(parent, path)
// We do our own vendor resolution, because we want to
// find out the key to use in packageCache without the
// overhead of repeated calls to buildContext.Import.
// The code is also needed in a few other places anyway.
path = vendoredImportPath(parent, path)
importPath = path
......@@ -343,29 +347,14 @@ func loadImport(path, srcDir string, parent *Package, stk *importStack, importPo
// TODO: After Go 1, decide when to pass build.AllowBinary here.
// See issue 3268 for mistakes to avoid.
bp, err := buildContext.Import(path, srcDir, build.ImportComment)
// If we got an error from go/build about package not found,
// it contains the directories from $GOROOT and $GOPATH that
// were searched. Add to that message the vendor directories
// that were searched.
if err != nil && len(vendorSearch) > 0 {
// NOTE(rsc): The direct text manipulation here is fairly awful,
// but it avoids defining new go/build API (an exported error type)
// late in the Go 1.5 release cycle. If this turns out to be a more general
// problem we could define a real error type when the decision can be
// considered more carefully.
text := err.Error()
if strings.Contains(text, "cannot find package \"") && strings.Contains(text, "\" in any of:\n\t") {
old := strings.SplitAfter(text, "\n")
lines := []string{old[0]}
for _, dir := range vendorSearch {
lines = append(lines, "\t"+dir+" (vendor tree)\n")
lines = append(lines, old[1:]...)
err = errors.New(strings.Join(lines, ""))
buildMode := build.ImportComment
if go15VendorExperiment && mode&useVendor != 0 && path == origPath {
// We've already searched the vendor directories and didn't find anything.
// Let Import search them again so that, if the package is not found anywhere,
// the error includes the vendor directories in the list of places considered.
buildMode |= build.AllowVendor
bp, err := buildContext.Import(path, srcDir, buildMode)
bp.ImportPath = importPath
if gobin != "" {
bp.BinDir = gobin
......@@ -411,12 +400,9 @@ func isDir(path string) bool {
// If parent is x/y/z, then path might expand to x/y/z/vendor/path, x/y/vendor/path,
// x/vendor/path, vendor/path, or else stay path if none of those exist.
// vendoredImportPath returns the expanded path or, if no expansion is found, the original.
// If no expansion is found, vendoredImportPath also returns a list of vendor directories
// it searched along the way, to help prepare a useful error message should path turn
// out not to exist.
func vendoredImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string, searched []string) {
func vendoredImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string) {
if parent == nil || parent.Root == "" || !go15VendorExperiment {
return path, nil
return path
dir := filepath.Clean(parent.Dir)
root := filepath.Join(parent.Root, "src")
......@@ -451,14 +437,12 @@ func vendoredImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string, searched []
// and found c:\gopath\src\vendor\path.
// We chopped \foo\bar (length 8) but the import path is "foo/bar" (length 7).
// Use "vendor/path" without any prefix.
return vpath, nil
return vpath
return parent.ImportPath[:len(parent.ImportPath)-chopped] + "/" + vpath, nil
return parent.ImportPath[:len(parent.ImportPath)-chopped] + "/" + vpath
// Note the existence of a vendor directory in case path is not found anywhere.
searched = append(searched, targ)
return path, searched
return path
// reusePackage reuses package p to satisfy the import at the top
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func TestVendorImportError(t *testing.T) {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`cannot find package "notfound" in any of:
.*[\\/]testdata[\\/]src[\\/]vend[\\/]x[\\/]vendor[\\/]notfound \(vendor tree\)
.*[\\/]testdata[\\/]src[\\/]vend[\\/]vendor[\\/]notfound \(vendor tree\)
.*[\\/]src[\\/]notfound \(from \$GOROOT\)
.*[\\/]testdata[\\/]src[\\/]notfound \(from \$GOPATH\)`)
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func (ctxt *Context) splitPathList(s string) []string {
return filepath.SplitList(s)
// isAbsPath calls ctxt.IsAbsSPath (if not nil) or else filepath.IsAbs.
// isAbsPath calls ctxt.IsAbsPath (if not nil) or else filepath.IsAbs.
func (ctxt *Context) isAbsPath(path string) bool {
if f := ctxt.IsAbsPath; f != nil {
return f(path)
......@@ -343,6 +343,19 @@ const (
// or finds conflicting comments in multiple source files.
// See for more information.
// If AllowVendor is set, Import searches vendor directories
// that apply in the given source directory before searching
// the GOROOT and GOPATH roots.
// If an Import finds and returns a package using a vendor
// directory, the resulting ImportPath is the complete path
// to the package, including the path elements leading up
// to and including "vendor".
// For example, if Import("y", "x/subdir", AllowVendor) finds
// "x/vendor/y", the returned package's ImportPath is "x/vendor/y",
// not plain "y".
// See for more information.
// A Package describes the Go package found in a directory.
......@@ -474,15 +487,22 @@ func (ctxt *Context) Import(path string, srcDir string, mode ImportMode) (*Packa
switch ctxt.Compiler {
case "gccgo":
pkgtargetroot = "pkg/gccgo_" + ctxt.GOOS + "_" + ctxt.GOARCH + suffix
dir, elem := pathpkg.Split(p.ImportPath)
pkga = pkgtargetroot + "/" + dir + "lib" + elem + ".a"
case "gc":
pkgtargetroot = "pkg/" + ctxt.GOOS + "_" + ctxt.GOARCH + suffix
pkga = pkgtargetroot + "/" + p.ImportPath + ".a"
// Save error for end of function.
pkgerr = fmt.Errorf("import %q: unknown compiler %q", path, ctxt.Compiler)
setPkga := func() {
switch ctxt.Compiler {
case "gccgo":
dir, elem := pathpkg.Split(p.ImportPath)
pkga = pkgtargetroot + "/" + dir + "lib" + elem + ".a"
case "gc":
pkga = pkgtargetroot + "/" + p.ImportPath + ".a"
binaryOnly := false
if IsLocalImport(path) {
......@@ -543,9 +563,50 @@ func (ctxt *Context) Import(path string, srcDir string, mode ImportMode) (*Packa
// tried records the location of unsuccessful package lookups
var tried struct {
vendor []string
goroot string
gopath []string
gopath := ctxt.gopath()
// Vendor directories get first chance to satisfy import.
if mode&AllowVendor != 0 && srcDir != "" {
searchVendor := func(root string, isGoroot bool) bool {
sub, ok := ctxt.hasSubdir(root, srcDir)
if !ok || !strings.HasPrefix(sub, "src/") || strings.Contains(sub, "/testdata/") {
return false
for {
vendor := ctxt.joinPath(root, sub, "vendor")
if ctxt.isDir(vendor) {
dir := ctxt.joinPath(vendor, path)
if ctxt.isDir(dir) {
p.Dir = dir
p.ImportPath = strings.TrimPrefix(pathpkg.Join(sub, "vendor", path), "src/")
p.Goroot = isGoroot
p.Root = root
setPkga() // p.ImportPath changed
return true
tried.vendor = append(tried.vendor, dir)
i := strings.LastIndex(sub, "/")
if i < 0 {
sub = sub[:i]
return false
if searchVendor(ctxt.GOROOT, true) {
goto Found
for _, root := range gopath {
if searchVendor(root, false) {
goto Found
// Determine directory from import path.
if ctxt.GOROOT != "" {
......@@ -560,7 +621,7 @@ func (ctxt *Context) Import(path string, srcDir string, mode ImportMode) (*Packa
tried.goroot = dir
for _, root := range ctxt.gopath() {
for _, root := range gopath {
dir := ctxt.joinPath(root, "src", path)
isDir := ctxt.isDir(dir)
binaryOnly = !isDir && mode&AllowBinary != 0 && pkga != "" && ctxt.isFile(ctxt.joinPath(root, pkga))
......@@ -574,20 +635,22 @@ func (ctxt *Context) Import(path string, srcDir string, mode ImportMode) (*Packa
// package was not found
var paths []string
format := "\t%s (vendor tree)"
for _, dir := range tried.vendor {
paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf(format, dir))
format = "\t%s"
if tried.goroot != "" {
paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("\t%s (from $GOROOT)", tried.goroot))
} else {
paths = append(paths, "\t($GOROOT not set)")
var i int
var format = "\t%s (from $GOPATH)"
for ; i < len(tried.gopath); i++ {
if i > 0 {
format = "\t%s"
paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf(format, tried.gopath[i]))
format = "\t%s (from $GOPATH)"
for _, dir := range tried.gopath {
paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf(format, dir))
format = "\t%s"
if i == 0 {
if len(tried.gopath) == 0 {
paths = append(paths, "\t($GOPATH not set)")
return p, fmt.Errorf("cannot find package %q in any of:\n%s", path, strings.Join(paths, "\n"))
......@@ -297,3 +297,30 @@ func TestShellSafety(t *testing.T) {
func TestImportVendor(t *testing.T) {
ctxt := Default
ctxt.GOPATH = ""
p, err := ctxt.Import("", filepath.Join(ctxt.GOROOT, "src/net/http"), AllowVendor)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot find vendored from net/http directory: %v", err)
want := "vendor/"
if p.ImportPath != want {
t.Fatalf("Import succeeded but found %q, want %q", p.ImportPath, want)
func TestImportVendorFailure(t *testing.T) {
ctxt := Default
ctxt.GOPATH = ""
p, err := ctxt.Import("", filepath.Join(ctxt.GOROOT, "src/net/http"), AllowVendor)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("found made-up package in %s", p.Dir)
e := err.Error()
if !strings.Contains(e, " (vendor tree)") {
t.Fatalf("error on failed import does not mention GOROOT/src/vendor directory:\n%s", e)
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