Commit 0d77947a authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

publish strconv.UnquoteChar

DELTA=69  (37 added, 3 deleted, 29 changed)
parent a45c54d1
......@@ -97,22 +97,35 @@ func unhex(b byte) (v int, ok bool) {
func unquoteChar(s string, q byte) (t, ns string, err os.Error) {
err = os.EINVAL; // assume error for easy return
// UnquoteChar decodes the first character or byte in the escaped string
// or character literal represented by the string s.
// It returns four values:
// 1) value, the decoded Unicode code point or byte value;
// 2) multibyte, a boolean indicating whether the decoded character
// requires a multibyte UTF-8 representation;
// 3) tail, the remainder of the string after the character; and
// 4) an error that will be nil if the character is syntactically valid.
// The second argument, quote, specifies the type of literal being parsed
// and therefore which escaped quote character is permitted.
// If set to a single quote, it permits the sequence \' and disallows unescaped '.
// If set to a double quote, it permits \" and disallows unescaped ".
// If set to zero, it does not permit either escape and allows both quote characters to appear unescaped.
func UnquoteChar(s string, quote byte) (value int, multibyte bool, tail string, err os.Error) {
// easy cases
switch c := s[0]; {
case c == quote && (quote == '\'' || quote == '"'):
err = os.EINVAL;
case c >= utf8.RuneSelf:
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s);
return s[0:size], s[size:len(s)], nil;
case c == q:
return r, true, s[size:len(s)], nil;
case c != '\\':
return s[0:1], s[1:len(s)], nil;
return int(s[0]), false, s[1:len(s)], nil;
// hard case: c is backslash
if len(s) <= 1 {
err = os.EINVAL;
c := s[1];
......@@ -120,19 +133,19 @@ func unquoteChar(s string, q byte) (t, ns string, err os.Error) {
switch c {
case 'a':
return "\a", s, nil;
value = '\a';
case 'b':
return "\b", s, nil;
value = '\b';
case 'f':
return "\f", s, nil;
value = '\f';
case 'n':
return "\n", s, nil;
value = '\n';
case 'r':
return "\r", s, nil;
value = '\r';
case 't':
return "\t", s, nil;
value = '\t';
case 'v':
return "\v", s, nil;
value = '\v';
case 'x', 'u', 'U':
n := 0;
switch c {
......@@ -145,11 +158,13 @@ func unquoteChar(s string, q byte) (t, ns string, err os.Error) {
v := 0;
if len(s) < n {
err = os.EINVAL;
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
x, ok := unhex(s[j]);
if !ok {
err = os.EINVAL;
v = v<<4 | x;
......@@ -157,15 +172,19 @@ func unquoteChar(s string, q byte) (t, ns string, err os.Error) {
s = s[n:len(s)];
if c == 'x' {
// single-byte string, possibly not UTF-8
return string([]byte{byte(v)}), s, nil;
value = v;
if v > utf8.RuneMax {
err = os.EINVAL;
return string(v), s, nil;
value = v;
multibyte = true;
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
v := int(c) - '0';
if len(s) < 2 {
err = os.EINVAL;
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ { // one digit already; two more
......@@ -177,13 +196,23 @@ func unquoteChar(s string, q byte) (t, ns string, err os.Error) {
s = s[2:len(s)];
if v > 255 {
err = os.EINVAL;
return string(v), s, nil;
case '\\', q:
return string(c), s, nil;
value = v;
case '\\':
value = '\\';
case '\'', '"':
if c != quote {
err = os.EINVAL;
value = int(c);
err = os.EINVAL;
tail = s;
......@@ -212,14 +241,19 @@ func Unquote(s string) (t string, err os.Error) {
// TODO(rsc): String accumulation could be more efficient.
var c, tt string;
var err1 os.Error;
var tt string;
for len(s) > 0 {
if c, s, err1 = unquoteChar(s, quote); err1 != nil {
c, multibyte, ss, err1 := UnquoteChar(s, quote);
if err1 != nil {
err = err1;
tt += c;
s = ss;
if multibyte || c < utf8.RuneSelf {
tt += string(c);
} else {
tt += string([]byte{byte(c)});
if quote == '\'' && len(s) != 0 {
// single-quoted must be single character
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ func TestUnquote(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < len(unquotetests); i++ {
tt := unquotetests[i];
if out, err := Unquote(; err != nil && out != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%s) = %q, %s want %q, nil",, out, err, tt.out);
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v want %q, nil",, out, err, tt.out);
......@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ func TestUnquote(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < len(quotetests); i++ {
tt := quotetests[i];
if in, err := Unquote(tt.out); in != {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%s) = %q, %s, want %q, nil", tt.out, in, err,;
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v, want %q, nil", tt.out, in, err,;
for i := 0; i < len(misquoted); i++ {
s := misquoted[i];
if out, err := Unquote(s); out != "" || err != os.EINVAL {
t.Errorf("Unquote(%q) = %q, %s want %q, %s", s, out, err, "", os.EINVAL);
t.Errorf("Unquote(%#q) = %q, %v want %q, %v", s, out, err, "", os.EINVAL);
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