Commit 0fb818a4 authored by Josh Bleecher Snyder's avatar Josh Bleecher Snyder

[dev.ssa] cmd/compile: copy values during rewrites

Rather than require an explicit Copy on the RHS of rewrite rules,
use rulegen magic to add it.

The advantages to handling this in rulegen are:

* simpler rules
* harder to accidentally miss a Copy

Change-Id: I46853bade83bdf517eee9495bf5a553175277b53
Reviewed-on: default avatarKeith Randall <>
parent d2150c83
......@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
(ZeroExt32to64 x) -> (MOVLQZX x)
// Because we ignore high parts of registers, truncates are just copies.
(Trunc16to8 x) -> (Copy x)
(Trunc32to8 x) -> (Copy x)
(Trunc32to16 x) -> (Copy x)
(Trunc64to8 x) -> (Copy x)
(Trunc64to16 x) -> (Copy x)
(Trunc64to32 x) -> (Copy x)
(Trunc16to8 x) -> x
(Trunc32to8 x) -> x
(Trunc32to16 x) -> x
(Trunc64to8 x) -> x
(Trunc64to16 x) -> x
(Trunc64to32 x) -> x
// Lowering shifts
// Unsigned shifts need to return 0 if shift amount is >= width of shifted value.
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
// strength reduction
(MULQconst [-1] x) -> (NEGQ x)
(MULQconst [0] _) -> (MOVQconst [0])
(MULQconst [1] x) -> (Copy x)
(MULQconst [1] x) -> x
(MULQconst [3] x) -> (LEAQ2 x x)
(MULQconst [5] x) -> (LEAQ4 x x)
(MULQconst [9] x) -> (LEAQ8 x x)
......@@ -393,10 +393,10 @@
(MOVQloadidx8 [off1] (ADDQconst [off2] ptr) idx mem) -> (MOVQloadidx8 [addOff(off1, off2)] ptr idx mem)
(MOVQstoreidx8 [off1] (ADDQconst [off2] ptr) idx val mem) -> (MOVQstoreidx8 [addOff(off1, off2)] ptr idx val mem)
(ADDQconst [0] x) -> (Copy x)
(ADDQconst [0] x) -> x
// lower Zero instructions with word sizes
(Zero [0] _ mem) -> (Copy mem)
(Zero [0] _ mem) -> mem
(Zero [1] destptr mem) -> (MOVBstore destptr (MOVBconst <config.Frontend().TypeInt8()> [0]) mem)
(Zero [2] destptr mem) -> (MOVWstore destptr (MOVWconst <config.Frontend().TypeInt16()> [0]) mem)
(Zero [4] destptr mem) -> (MOVLstore destptr (MOVLconst <config.Frontend().TypeInt32()> [0]) mem)
......@@ -440,14 +440,14 @@
(ANDLconst [c] _) && int32(c)==0 -> (MOVLconst [0])
(ANDWconst [c] _) && int16(c)==0 -> (MOVWconst [0])
(ANDBconst [c] _) && int8(c)==0 -> (MOVBconst [0])
(ANDQconst [-1] x) -> (Copy x)
(ANDLconst [c] x) && int32(c)==-1 -> (Copy x)
(ANDWconst [c] x) && int16(c)==-1 -> (Copy x)
(ANDBconst [c] x) && int8(c)==-1 -> (Copy x)
(ORQconst [0] x) -> (Copy x)
(ORLconst [c] x) && int32(c)==0 -> (Copy x)
(ORWconst [c] x) && int16(c)==0 -> (Copy x)
(ORBconst [c] x) && int8(c)==0 -> (Copy x)
(ANDQconst [-1] x) -> x
(ANDLconst [c] x) && int32(c)==-1 -> x
(ANDWconst [c] x) && int16(c)==-1 -> x
(ANDBconst [c] x) && int8(c)==-1 -> x
(ORQconst [0] x) -> x
(ORLconst [c] x) && int32(c)==0 -> x
(ORWconst [c] x) && int16(c)==0 -> x
(ORBconst [c] x) && int8(c)==0 -> x
(ORQconst [-1] _) -> (MOVQconst [-1])
(ORLconst [c] _) && int32(c)==-1 -> (MOVLconst [-1])
(ORWconst [c] _) && int16(c)==-1 -> (MOVWconst [-1])
......@@ -505,14 +505,14 @@
(SUBL x x) -> (MOVLconst [0])
(SUBW x x) -> (MOVWconst [0])
(SUBB x x) -> (MOVBconst [0])
(ANDQ x x) -> (Copy x)
(ANDL x x) -> (Copy x)
(ANDW x x) -> (Copy x)
(ANDB x x) -> (Copy x)
(ORQ x x) -> (Copy x)
(ORL x x) -> (Copy x)
(ORW x x) -> (Copy x)
(ORB x x) -> (Copy x)
(ANDQ x x) -> x
(ANDL x x) -> x
(ANDW x x) -> x
(ANDB x x) -> x
(ORQ x x) -> x
(ORL x x) -> x
(ORW x x) -> x
(ORB x x) -> x
(XORQ x x) -> (MOVQconst [0])
(XORL x x) -> (MOVLconst [0])
(XORW x x) -> (MOVWconst [0])
......@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
(Neq16 x x) -> (ConstBool {false})
(Neq8 x x) -> (ConstBool {false})
(Com8 (Com8 x)) -> (Copy x)
(Com16 (Com16 x)) -> (Copy x)
(Com32 (Com32 x)) -> (Copy x)
(Com64 (Com64 x)) -> (Copy x)
(Com8 (Com8 x)) -> x
(Com16 (Com16 x)) -> x
(Com32 (Com32 x)) -> x
(Com64 (Com64 x)) -> x
// tear apart slices
// TODO: anything that generates a slice needs to go in here.
......@@ -376,11 +376,15 @@ func genResult0(w io.Writer, arch arch, result string, alloc *int, top bool) str
if result[0] != '(' {
// variable
if top {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.Op = %s.Op\n", result)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.AuxInt = %s.AuxInt\n", result)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.Aux = %s.Aux\n", result)
// It in not safe in general to move a variable between blocks
// (and particularly not a phi node).
// Introduce a copy.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.Op = OpCopy\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.AuxInt = 0\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.Aux = nil\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.resetArgs()\n")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.AddArgs(%s.Args...)\n", result)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.Type = %s.Type\n", result)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "v.AddArg(%s)\n", result)
return result
......@@ -80,78 +80,82 @@ func rewriteValuegeneric(v *Value, config *Config) bool {
case OpCom16:
// match: (Com16 (Com16 x))
// cond:
// result: (Copy x)
// result: x
if v.Args[0].Op != OpCom16 {
goto end388d572e5a72fd87a07da5cab243ebdc
goto end1ea17710dd4dd7ba4e710e0e4c7b5a56
x := v.Args[0].Args[0]
v.Op = OpCopy
v.AuxInt = 0
v.Aux = nil
v.Type = x.Type
return true
goto end388d572e5a72fd87a07da5cab243ebdc
goto end1ea17710dd4dd7ba4e710e0e4c7b5a56
case OpCom32:
// match: (Com32 (Com32 x))
// cond:
// result: (Copy x)
// result: x
if v.Args[0].Op != OpCom32 {
goto end5b2b3834acc7313649923604f685e7c5
goto end9a04ed536496e292c27bef4414128cbf
x := v.Args[0].Args[0]
v.Op = OpCopy
v.AuxInt = 0
v.Aux = nil
v.Type = x.Type
return true
goto end5b2b3834acc7313649923604f685e7c5
goto end9a04ed536496e292c27bef4414128cbf
case OpCom64:
// match: (Com64 (Com64 x))
// cond:
// result: (Copy x)
// result: x
if v.Args[0].Op != OpCom64 {
goto end6d6312f25d06a327d92f028b1ce50566
goto ended44e29d5968f0f7b86972b7bf417ab3
x := v.Args[0].Args[0]
v.Op = OpCopy
v.AuxInt = 0
v.Aux = nil
v.Type = x.Type
return true
goto end6d6312f25d06a327d92f028b1ce50566
goto ended44e29d5968f0f7b86972b7bf417ab3
case OpCom8:
// match: (Com8 (Com8 x))
// cond:
// result: (Copy x)
// result: x
if v.Args[0].Op != OpCom8 {
goto end70cbd85c4b8e82c170dba7c23f8bc0f3
goto end4d92ff3ba567d9afd38fc9ca113602ad
x := v.Args[0].Args[0]
v.Op = OpCopy
v.AuxInt = 0
v.Aux = nil
v.Type = x.Type
return true
goto end70cbd85c4b8e82c170dba7c23f8bc0f3
goto end4d92ff3ba567d9afd38fc9ca113602ad
case OpConstString:
// match: (ConstString {s})
......@@ -716,11 +720,12 @@ func rewriteValuegeneric(v *Value, config *Config) bool {
goto end0d922460b7e5ca88324034f4bd6c027c
len := v.Args[0].Args[1]
v.Op = len.Op
v.AuxInt = len.AuxInt
v.Aux = len.Aux
v.Op = OpCopy
v.AuxInt = 0
v.Aux = nil
v.Type = len.Type
return true
goto end0d922460b7e5ca88324034f4bd6c027c
......@@ -735,11 +740,12 @@ func rewriteValuegeneric(v *Value, config *Config) bool {
goto end061edc5d85c73ad909089af2556d9380
ptr := v.Args[0].Args[0]
v.Op = ptr.Op
v.AuxInt = ptr.AuxInt
v.Aux = ptr.Aux
v.Op = OpCopy
v.AuxInt = 0
v.Aux = nil
v.Type = ptr.Type
return true
goto end061edc5d85c73ad909089af2556d9380
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