Commit 13de5e7f authored by Brian Kessler's avatar Brian Kessler Committed by Robert Griesemer

math/bits: add extended precision Add, Sub, Mul, Div

Port math/big pure go versions of add-with-carry, subtract-with-borrow,
full-width multiply, and full-width divide.

Updates #24813

Change-Id: Ifae5d2f6ee4237137c9dcba931f69c91b80a4b1c
Reviewed-on: default avatarRobert Griesemer <>
Run-TryBot: Robert Griesemer <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
parent ef7212e2
......@@ -328,3 +328,197 @@ func Len64(x uint64) (n int) {
return n + int(len8tab[x])
// --- Add with carry ---
// Add returns the sum with carry of x, y and carry: sum = x + y + carry.
// The carry input must be 0 or 1; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
// The carryOut output is guaranteed to be 0 or 1.
func Add(x, y, carry uint) (sum, carryOut uint) {
yc := y + carry
sum = x + yc
if sum < x || yc < y {
carryOut = 1
// Add32 returns the sum with carry of x, y and carry: sum = x + y + carry.
// The carry input must be 0 or 1; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
// The carryOut output is guaranteed to be 0 or 1.
func Add32(x, y, carry uint32) (sum, carryOut uint32) {
yc := y + carry
sum = x + yc
if sum < x || yc < y {
carryOut = 1
// Add64 returns the sum with carry of x, y and carry: sum = x + y + carry.
// The carry input must be 0 or 1; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
// The carryOut output is guaranteed to be 0 or 1.
func Add64(x, y, carry uint64) (sum, carryOut uint64) {
yc := y + carry
sum = x + yc
if sum < x || yc < y {
carryOut = 1
// --- Subtract with borrow ---
// Sub returns the difference of x, y and borrow: diff = x - y - borrow.
// The borrow input must be 0 or 1; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
// The borrowOut output is guaranteed to be 0 or 1.
func Sub(x, y, borrow uint) (diff, borrowOut uint) {
yb := y + borrow
diff = x - yb
if diff > x || yb < y {
borrowOut = 1
// Sub32 returns the difference of x, y and borrow, diff = x - y - borrow.
// The borrow input must be 0 or 1; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
// The borrowOut output is guaranteed to be 0 or 1.
func Sub32(x, y, borrow uint32) (diff, borrowOut uint32) {
yb := y + borrow
diff = x - yb
if diff > x || yb < y {
borrowOut = 1
// Sub64 returns the difference of x, y and borrow: diff = x - y - borrow.
// The borrow input must be 0 or 1; otherwise the behavior is undefined.
// The borrowOut output is guaranteed to be 0 or 1.
func Sub64(x, y, borrow uint64) (diff, borrowOut uint64) {
yb := y + borrow
diff = x - yb
if diff > x || yb < y {
borrowOut = 1
// --- Full-width multiply ---
// Mul returns the full-width product of x and y: (hi, lo) = x * y
// with the product bits' upper half returned in hi and the lower
// half returned in lo.
func Mul(x, y uint) (hi, lo uint) {
if UintSize == 32 {
h, l := Mul32(uint32(x), uint32(y))
return uint(h), uint(l)
h, l := Mul64(uint64(x), uint64(y))
return uint(h), uint(l)
// Mul32 returns the 64-bit product of x and y: (hi, lo) = x * y
// with the product bits' upper half returned in hi and the lower
// half returned in lo.
func Mul32(x, y uint32) (hi, lo uint32) {
tmp := uint64(x) * uint64(y)
hi, lo = uint32(tmp>>32), uint32(tmp)
// Mul64 returns the 128-bit product of x and y: (hi, lo) = x * y
// with the product bits' upper half returned in hi and the lower
// half returned in lo.
func Mul64(x, y uint64) (hi, lo uint64) {
const mask32 = 1<<32 - 1
x0 := x & mask32
x1 := x >> 32
y0 := y & mask32
y1 := y >> 32
w0 := x0 * y0
t := x1*y0 + w0>>32
w1 := t & mask32
w2 := t >> 32
w1 += x0 * y1
hi = x1*y1 + w2 + w1>>32
lo = x * y
// --- Full-width divide ---
// Div returns the quotient and remainder of (hi, lo) divided by y:
// quo = (hi, lo)/y, rem = (hi, lo)%y with the dividend bits' upper
// half in parameter hi and the lower half in parameter lo.
// hi must be < y otherwise the behavior is undefined (the quotient
// won't fit into quo).
func Div(hi, lo, y uint) (quo, rem uint) {
if UintSize == 32 {
q, r := Div32(uint32(hi), uint32(lo), uint32(y))
return uint(q), uint(r)
q, r := Div64(uint64(hi), uint64(lo), uint64(y))
return uint(q), uint(r)
// Div32 returns the quotient and remainder of (hi, lo) divided by y:
// quo = (hi, lo)/y, rem = (hi, lo)%y with the dividend bits' upper
// half in parameter hi and the lower half in parameter lo.
// hi must be < y otherwise the behavior is undefined (the quotient
// won't fit into quo).
func Div32(hi, lo, y uint32) (quo, rem uint32) {
z := uint64(hi)<<32 | uint64(lo)
quo, rem = uint32(z/uint64(y)), uint32(z%uint64(y))
// Div64 returns the quotient and remainder of (hi, lo) divided by y:
// quo = (hi, lo)/y, rem = (hi, lo)%y with the dividend bits' upper
// half in parameter hi and the lower half in parameter lo.
// hi must be < y otherwise the behavior is undefined (the quotient
// won't fit into quo).
func Div64(hi, lo, y uint64) (quo, rem uint64) {
const (
two32 = 1 << 32
mask32 = two32 - 1
if hi >= y {
return 1<<64 - 1, 1<<64 - 1
s := uint(LeadingZeros64(y))
y <<= s
yn1 := y >> 32
yn0 := y & mask32
un32 := hi<<s | lo>>(64-s)
un10 := lo << s
un1 := un10 >> 32
un0 := un10 & mask32
q1 := un32 / yn1
rhat := un32 - q1*yn1
for q1 >= two32 || q1*yn0 > two32*rhat+un1 {
rhat += yn1
if rhat >= two32 {
un21 := un32*two32 + un1 - q1*y
q0 := un21 / yn1
rhat = un21 - q0*yn1
for q0 >= two32 || q0*yn0 > two32*rhat+un0 {
rhat += yn1
if rhat >= two32 {
return q1*two32 + q0, (un21*two32 + un0 - q0*y) >> s
......@@ -705,6 +705,272 @@ func TestLen(t *testing.T) {
const (
_M = 1<<UintSize - 1
_M32 = 1<<32 - 1
_M64 = 1<<64 - 1
func TestAddSubUint(t *testing.T) {
test := func(msg string, f func(x, y, c uint) (z, cout uint), x, y, c, z, cout uint) {
z1, cout1 := f(x, y, c)
if z1 != z || cout1 != cout {
t.Errorf("%s: got z:cout = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, z1, cout1, z, cout)
for _, a := range []struct{ x, y, c, z, cout uint }{
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 1, 0},
{0, 1, 1, 2, 0},
{12345, 67890, 0, 80235, 0},
{12345, 67890, 1, 80236, 0},
{_M, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{_M, 0, 1, 0, 1},
{_M, 1, 1, 1, 1},
{_M, _M, 0, _M - 1, 1},
{_M, _M, 1, _M, 1},
} {
test("Add", Add, a.x, a.y, a.c, a.z, a.cout)
test("Add symmetric", Add, a.y, a.x, a.c, a.z, a.cout)
test("Sub", Sub, a.z, a.x, a.c, a.y, a.cout)
test("Sub symmetric", Sub, a.z, a.y, a.c, a.x, a.cout)
func TestAddSubUint32(t *testing.T) {
test := func(msg string, f func(x, y, c uint32) (z, cout uint32), x, y, c, z, cout uint32) {
z1, cout1 := f(x, y, c)
if z1 != z || cout1 != cout {
t.Errorf("%s: got z:cout = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, z1, cout1, z, cout)
for _, a := range []struct{ x, y, c, z, cout uint32 }{
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 1, 0},
{0, 1, 1, 2, 0},
{12345, 67890, 0, 80235, 0},
{12345, 67890, 1, 80236, 0},
{_M32, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{_M32, 0, 1, 0, 1},
{_M32, 1, 1, 1, 1},
{_M32, _M32, 0, _M32 - 1, 1},
{_M32, _M32, 1, _M32, 1},
} {
test("Add32", Add32, a.x, a.y, a.c, a.z, a.cout)
test("Add32 symmetric", Add32, a.y, a.x, a.c, a.z, a.cout)
test("Sub32", Sub32, a.z, a.x, a.c, a.y, a.cout)
test("Sub32 symmetric", Sub32, a.z, a.y, a.c, a.x, a.cout)
func TestAddSubUint64(t *testing.T) {
test := func(msg string, f func(x, y, c uint64) (z, cout uint64), x, y, c, z, cout uint64) {
z1, cout1 := f(x, y, c)
if z1 != z || cout1 != cout {
t.Errorf("%s: got z:cout = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, z1, cout1, z, cout)
for _, a := range []struct{ x, y, c, z, cout uint64 }{
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 1, 0},
{0, 1, 1, 2, 0},
{12345, 67890, 0, 80235, 0},
{12345, 67890, 1, 80236, 0},
{_M64, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{_M64, 0, 1, 0, 1},
{_M64, 1, 1, 1, 1},
{_M64, _M64, 0, _M64 - 1, 1},
{_M64, _M64, 1, _M64, 1},
} {
test("Add64", Add64, a.x, a.y, a.c, a.z, a.cout)
test("Add64 symmetric", Add64, a.y, a.x, a.c, a.z, a.cout)
test("Sub64", Sub64, a.z, a.x, a.c, a.y, a.cout)
test("Sub64 symmetric", Sub64, a.z, a.y, a.c, a.x, a.cout)
func TestMulDiv(t *testing.T) {
testMul := func(msg string, f func(x, y uint) (hi, lo uint), x, y, hi, lo uint) {
hi1, lo1 := f(x, y)
if hi1 != hi || lo1 != lo {
t.Errorf("%s: got hi:lo = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, hi1, lo1, hi, lo)
testDiv := func(msg string, f func(hi, lo, y uint) (q, r uint), hi, lo, y, q, r uint) {
q1, r1 := f(hi, lo, y)
if q1 != q || r1 != r {
t.Errorf("%s: got q:r = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, q1, r1, q, r)
for _, a := range []struct {
x, y uint
hi, lo, r uint
{1 << (UintSize - 1), 2, 1, 0, 1},
{_M, _M, _M - 1, 1, 42},
} {
testMul("Mul", Mul, a.x, a.y, a.hi, a.lo)
testMul("Mul symmetric", Mul, a.y, a.x, a.hi, a.lo)
testDiv("Div", Div, a.hi, a.lo+a.r, a.y, a.x, a.r)
testDiv("Div symmetric", Div, a.hi, a.lo+a.r, a.x, a.y, a.r)
func TestMulDiv32(t *testing.T) {
testMul := func(msg string, f func(x, y uint32) (hi, lo uint32), x, y, hi, lo uint32) {
hi1, lo1 := f(x, y)
if hi1 != hi || lo1 != lo {
t.Errorf("%s: got hi:lo = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, hi1, lo1, hi, lo)
testDiv := func(msg string, f func(hi, lo, y uint32) (q, r uint32), hi, lo, y, q, r uint32) {
q1, r1 := f(hi, lo, y)
if q1 != q || r1 != r {
t.Errorf("%s: got q:r = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, q1, r1, q, r)
for _, a := range []struct {
x, y uint32
hi, lo, r uint32
{1 << 31, 2, 1, 0, 1},
{0xc47dfa8c, 50911, 0x98a4, 0x998587f4, 13},
{_M32, _M32, _M32 - 1, 1, 42},
} {
testMul("Mul32", Mul32, a.x, a.y, a.hi, a.lo)
testMul("Mul32 symmetric", Mul32, a.y, a.x, a.hi, a.lo)
testDiv("Div32", Div32, a.hi, a.lo+a.r, a.y, a.x, a.r)
testDiv("Div32 symmetric", Div32, a.hi, a.lo+a.r, a.x, a.y, a.r)
func TestMulDiv64(t *testing.T) {
testMul := func(msg string, f func(x, y uint64) (hi, lo uint64), x, y, hi, lo uint64) {
hi1, lo1 := f(x, y)
if hi1 != hi || lo1 != lo {
t.Errorf("%s: got hi:lo = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, hi1, lo1, hi, lo)
testDiv := func(msg string, f func(hi, lo, y uint64) (q, r uint64), hi, lo, y, q, r uint64) {
q1, r1 := f(hi, lo, y)
if q1 != q || r1 != r {
t.Errorf("%s: got q:r = %#x:%#x; want %#x:%#x", msg, q1, r1, q, r)
for _, a := range []struct {
x, y uint64
hi, lo, r uint64
{1 << 63, 2, 1, 0, 1},
{0x3626229738a3b9, 0xd8988a9f1cc4a61, 0x2dd0712657fe8, 0x9dd6a3364c358319, 13},
{_M64, _M64, _M64 - 1, 1, 42},
} {
testMul("Mul64", Mul64, a.x, a.y, a.hi, a.lo)
testMul("Mul64 symmetric", Mul64, a.y, a.x, a.hi, a.lo)
testDiv("Div64", Div64, a.hi, a.lo+a.r, a.y, a.x, a.r)
testDiv("Div64 symmetric", Div64, a.hi, a.lo+a.r, a.x, a.y, a.r)
func BenchmarkAdd(b *testing.B) {
var z, c uint
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
z, c = Add(uint(Input), uint(i), c)
Output = int(z + c)
func BenchmarkAdd32(b *testing.B) {
var z, c uint32
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
z, c = Add32(uint32(Input), uint32(i), c)
Output = int(z + c)
func BenchmarkAdd64(b *testing.B) {
var z, c uint64
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
z, c = Add64(uint64(Input), uint64(i), c)
Output = int(z + c)
func BenchmarkSub(b *testing.B) {
var z, c uint
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
z, c = Sub(uint(Input), uint(i), c)
Output = int(z + c)
func BenchmarkSub32(b *testing.B) {
var z, c uint32
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
z, c = Sub32(uint32(Input), uint32(i), c)
Output = int(z + c)
func BenchmarkSub64(b *testing.B) {
var z, c uint64
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
z, c = Add64(uint64(Input), uint64(i), c)
Output = int(z + c)
func BenchmarkMul(b *testing.B) {
var hi, lo uint
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
hi, lo = Mul(uint(Input), uint(i))
Output = int(hi + lo)
func BenchmarkMul32(b *testing.B) {
var hi, lo uint32
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
hi, lo = Mul32(uint32(Input), uint32(i))
Output = int(hi + lo)
func BenchmarkMul64(b *testing.B) {
var hi, lo uint64
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
hi, lo = Mul64(uint64(Input), uint64(i))
Output = int(hi + lo)
func BenchmarkDiv(b *testing.B) {
var q, r uint
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
q, r = Div(1, uint(i), uint(Input))
Output = int(q + r)
func BenchmarkDiv32(b *testing.B) {
var q, r uint32
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
q, r = Div32(1, uint32(i), uint32(Input))
Output = int(q + r)
func BenchmarkDiv64(b *testing.B) {
var q, r uint64
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
q, r = Div64(1, uint64(i), uint64(Input))
Output = int(q + r)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing support
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