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Commit 1cb12514 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

configurable delimiters.

DELTA=139  (90 added, 7 deleted, 42 changed)
parent cf8b9ce5
......@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ import (
var ErrLBrace = os.NewError("unexpected opening brace")
var ErrUnmatchedRBrace = os.NewError("unmatched closing brace")
var ErrUnmatchedLBrace = os.NewError("unmatched opening brace")
var ErrUnmatchedRDelim = os.NewError("unmatched closing delimiter")
var ErrUnmatchedLDelim = os.NewError("unmatched opening delimiter")
var ErrBadDirective = os.NewError("unrecognized directive name")
var ErrEmptyDirective = os.NewError("empty directive")
var ErrFields = os.NewError("incorrect fields for directive")
......@@ -27,13 +26,14 @@ var ErrNoVar = os.NewError("variable name not in struct");
var ErrBadType = os.NewError("unsupported type for variable");
var ErrNotStruct = os.NewError("driver must be a struct")
var ErrNoFormatter = os.NewError("unknown formatter")
var ErrEmptyDelims = os.NewError("empty delimiter strings")
// All the literals are aces.
var lbrace = []byte{ '{' }
var rbrace = []byte{ '}' }
var space = []byte{ ' ' }
// The various types of "tokens", which are plain text or brace-delimited descriptors
// The various types of "tokens", which are plain text or (usually) brace-delimited descriptors
const (
Alternates = iota;
......@@ -73,24 +73,25 @@ func (st *state) error(err *os.Error, args ...) {
type Template struct {
fmap FormatterMap; // formatters for variables
ldelim, rdelim []byte; // delimiters; default {}
buf []byte; // input text to process
p int; // position in buf
linenum *int; // position in input
// Create a top-level template
func newTemplate(buf []byte, fmap FormatterMap) *Template {
t := new(Template);
// Initialize a top-level template in prepratation for parsing.
// The formatter map and delimiters are already set.
func (t *Template) init(buf []byte) *Template {
t.buf = buf;
t.p = 0;
t.fmap = fmap;
t.linenum = new(int);
return t;
// Create a template deriving from its parent
func childTemplate(parent *Template, buf []byte) *Template {
t := new(Template);
t.ldelim = parent.ldelim;
t.rdelim = parent.rdelim;
t.buf = buf;
t.p = 0;
t.fmap = parent.fmap;
......@@ -102,17 +103,31 @@ func white(c uint8) bool {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'
// safely, does s[n:n+len(t)] == t?
func equal(s []byte, n int, t []byte) bool {
b := s[n:len(s)];
if len(t) > len(b) { // not enough space left for a match.
return false
for i , c := range t {
if c != b[i] {
return false
return true
func (t *Template) execute(st *state)
func (t *Template) executeSection(w []string, st *state)
// nextItem returns the next item from the input buffer. If the returned
// item is empty, we are at EOF. The item will be either a brace-
// delimited string or a non-empty string between brace-delimited
// item is empty, we are at EOF. The item will be either a
// delimited string or a non-empty string between delimited
// strings. Most tokens stop at (but include, if plain text) a newline.
// Action tokens on a line by themselves drop the white space on
// either side, up to and including the newline.
func (t *Template) nextItem(st *state) []byte {
brace := false; // are we waiting for an opening brace?
sawLeft := false; // are we waiting for an opening delimiter?
special := false; // is this a {.foo} directive, which means trim white space?
// Delete surrounding white space if this {.foo} is the only thing on the line.
trim_white := t.p == 0 || t.buf[t.p-1] == '\n';
......@@ -121,44 +136,43 @@ func (t *Template) nextItem(st *state) []byte {
start := t.p;
for i = t.p; i < len(t.buf); i++ {
switch t.buf[i] {
case '\n':
switch {
case t.buf[i] == '\n':
break Loop;
case ' ', '\t', '\r':
case white(t.buf[i]):
// white space, do nothing
case '{':
if brace {
case !sawLeft && equal(t.buf, i, t.ldelim): // sawLeft checked because delims may be equal
// anything interesting already on the line?
if !only_white {
break Loop;
// is it a directive or comment?
if i+2 < len(t.buf) && (t.buf[i+1] == '.' || t.buf[i+1] == '#') {
j := i + len(t.ldelim); // position after delimiter
if j+1 < len(t.buf) && (t.buf[j] == '.' || t.buf[j] == '#') {
special = true;
if trim_white && only_white {
start = i;
} else if i > t.p { // have some text accumulated so stop before '{'
} else if i > t.p { // have some text accumulated so stop before delimiter
break Loop;
brace = true;
case '}':
if !brace {
sawLeft = true;
i = j - 1;
case equal(t.buf, i, t.rdelim):
if !sawLeft {
brace = false;
sawLeft = false;
i += len(t.rdelim);
break Loop;
only_white = false;
if brace {
if sawLeft {
item := t.buf[start:i];
if special && trim_white {
......@@ -207,23 +221,23 @@ func words(buf []byte) []string {
// its constituent words.
func (t *Template) analyze(item []byte, st *state) (tok int, w []string) {
// item is known to be non-empty
if item[0] != '{' {
if !equal(item, 0, t.ldelim) { // doesn't start with left delimiter
tok = Text;
if item[len(item)-1] != '}' {
st.error(ErrUnmatchedLBrace) // should not happen anyway
if !equal(item, len(item)-len(t.rdelim), t.rdelim) { // doesn't end with right delimiter
st.error(ErrUnmatchedLDelim) // should not happen anyway
if len(item) <= 2 {
if len(item) <= len(t.ldelim)+len(t.rdelim) { // no contents
// Comment
if item[1] == '#' {
if item[len(t.ldelim)] == '#' {
tok = Comment;
// Split into words
w = words(item[1: len(item)-1]); // drop final brace
w = words(item[len(t.ldelim): len(item)-len(t.rdelim)]); // drop final delimiter
if len(w) == 0 {
......@@ -469,9 +483,9 @@ func (t *Template) execute(st *state) {
case Literal:
switch w[0] {
case ".meta-left":
case ".meta-right":
case ".space":
......@@ -491,24 +505,32 @@ func (t *Template) execute(st *state) {
func (t *Template) parse() {
func (t *Template) doParse() {
// stub for now
func Parse(s string, fmap FormatterMap) (*Template, *os.Error, int) {
// Parse initializes a Template by parsing its definition. The string s contains
// the template text. If any errors occur, it returns the error and line number
// in the text of the erroneous construct.
func (t *Template) Parse(s string) (*os.Error, int) {
if len(t.ldelim) == 0 || len(t.rdelim) == 0 {
return ErrEmptyDelims, 0
ch := make(chan *os.Error);
t := newTemplate(io.StringBytes(s), fmap);
go func() {
ch <- nil; // clean return;
err := <-ch;
if err != nil {
return nil, err, *t.linenum
return err, *t.linenum
return t, nil, 0
return nil, 0
// Execute executes a parsed template on the specified data object,
// generating output to wr.
func (t *Template) Execute(data interface{}, wr io.Write) *os.Error {
// Extract the driver data.
val := reflect.NewValue(data);
......@@ -520,3 +542,30 @@ func (t *Template) Execute(data interface{}, wr io.Write) *os.Error {
return <-ch;
// New creates a new template with the specified formatter map (which
// may be nil) defining auxiliary functions for formatting variables.
func New(fmap FormatterMap) *Template {
t := new(Template);
t.fmap = fmap;
t.ldelim = lbrace;
t.rdelim = rbrace;
return t;
// SetDelims sets the left and right delimiters for operations in the template.
func (t *Template) SetDelims(left, right string) {
t.ldelim = io.StringBytes(left);
t.rdelim = io.StringBytes(right);
// Parse creates a Template with default parameters (such as {} for
// metacharacters). The string s contains the template text and the
// formatter map fmap (which may be nil) defines auxiliary functions
// for formatting variables. It returns the template, an error report
// (or nil), and the line number in the text of the erroneous construct.
func Parse(s string, fmap FormatterMap) (*Template, *os.Error, int) {
t := New(fmap);
err, line := t.Parse(s);
return t, err, line
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ func TestStringDriverType(t *testing.T) {
var b io.ByteBuffer;
err = tmpl.Execute("hello", &b);
if err != nil {
t.Error("unexpected parse error:", err)
t.Error("unexpected execute error:", err)
s := string(b.Data());
if s != "template: hello" {
......@@ -233,3 +233,37 @@ func TestTwice(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("failed passing string as data: expected %q got %q", text, s);
func TestCustomDelims(t *testing.T) {
// try various lengths. zero should catch error.
for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 7; j++ {
tmpl := New(nil);
// first two chars deliberately the same to test equal left and right delims
ldelim := "$!#$%^&"[0:i];
rdelim := "$*&^%$!"[0:j];
tmpl.SetDelims(ldelim, rdelim);
// if braces, this would be template: {@}{.meta-left}{.meta-right}
text := "template: " +
ldelim + "@" + rdelim +
ldelim + ".meta-left" + rdelim +
ldelim + ".meta-right" + rdelim;
err, line := tmpl.Parse(text);
if err != nil {
if i == 0 || j == 0 { // expected
t.Error("unexpected parse error:", err)
} else if i == 0 || j == 0 {
t.Errorf("expected parse error for empty delimiter: %d %d %q %q", i, j, ldelim, rdelim);
var b io.ByteBuffer;
err = tmpl.Execute("hello", &b);
s := string(b.Data());
if s != "template: hello" + ldelim + rdelim {
t.Errorf("failed delim check(%q %q) %q got %q", ldelim, rdelim, text, s)
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