Commit 1f6e18fd authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

handle some error conditions involving bad data.

DELTA=32  (24 added, 1 deleted, 7 changed)
parent 2946069e
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
var (
errBadUint = os.ErrorString("gob: encoded unsigned integer out of range");
errBadType = os.ErrorString("gob: unknown type id or corrupted data");
errRange = os.ErrorString("gob: internal error: field numbers out of bounds");
errNotStruct = os.ErrorString("gob: TODO: can only handle structs")
......@@ -768,6 +769,10 @@ func decode(b *bytes.Buffer, wireId typeId, e interface{}) os.Error {
return os.ErrorString("gob: decode can't handle " + rt.String())
if _, ok := idToType[wireId]; !ok {
return errBadType;
enginePtr, err := getDecEnginePtr(wireId, rt);
if err != nil {
......@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) os.Error {
dec.state.err = nil;
for {
// Read a count.
nbytes, err := decodeUintReader(dec.r, dec.oneByte);
if err != nil {
return err;
var nbytes uint64;
nbytes, dec.state.err = decodeUintReader(dec.r, dec.oneByte);
if dec.state.err != nil {
// Allocate the buffer.
if nbytes > uint64(len(dec.buf)) {
dec.buf = make([]byte, nbytes + 1000);
......@@ -77,12 +77,13 @@ func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) os.Error {
// Read the data
var n int;
n, err = dec.r.Read(dec.buf[0:nbytes]);
if err != nil {
return err;
n, dec.state.err = io.ReadFull(dec.r, dec.buf[0:nbytes]);
if dec.state.err != nil {
if n < int(nbytes) {
return os.ErrorString("gob decode: short read");
dec.state.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF;
// Receive a type id.
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package gob
import (
......@@ -227,3 +228,19 @@ func TestWrongTypeDecoder(t *testing.T) {
badTypeCheck(new(ET3), false, "different name of field", t);
badTypeCheck(new(ET4), true, "different type of field", t);
func corruptDataCheck(s string, err os.Error, t *testing.T) {
b := bytes.NewBuffer(strings.Bytes(s));
dec := NewDecoder(b);
if dec.state.err != err {
t.Error("expected error", err, "got", dec.state.err);
// Check that we survive bad data.
func TestBadData(t *testing.T) {
corruptDataCheck("\x01\x01\x01", os.EOF, t);
corruptDataCheck("\x7Fhi", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF, t);
corruptDataCheck("\x03now is the time for all good men", errBadType, t);
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