Commit 20550cba authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall

[dev.ssa] cmd/compile/internal/ssa: implement lots of small (<8byte) ops.

Lots and lots of ops!
Also XOR for good measure.

Add a pass to the compiler generator to check that all of the
architecture-specific opcodes are handled by genValue.  We will
catch any missing ones if we come across them during compilation,
but probably better to catch them statically.

Change-Id: Ic4adfbec55c8257f88117bc732fa664486262868
Reviewed-on: default avatarJosh Bleecher Snyder <>
parent 7402416a
......@@ -1628,10 +1628,12 @@ func genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
p.From.Index = regnum(v.Args[1])
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = regnum(v)
// 2-address opcode arithmetic, symmetric
case ssa.OpAMD64ADDB,
ssa.OpAMD64ANDQ, ssa.OpAMD64ANDL, ssa.OpAMD64ANDW, ssa.OpAMD64ANDB,
ssa.OpAMD64MULQ, ssa.OpAMD64MULL, ssa.OpAMD64MULW,
ssa.OpAMD64ORQ, ssa.OpAMD64ORL, ssa.OpAMD64ORW, ssa.OpAMD64ORB:
ssa.OpAMD64ORQ, ssa.OpAMD64ORL, ssa.OpAMD64ORW, ssa.OpAMD64ORB,
ssa.OpAMD64XORQ, ssa.OpAMD64XORL, ssa.OpAMD64XORW, ssa.OpAMD64XORB,
ssa.OpAMD64MULQ, ssa.OpAMD64MULL, ssa.OpAMD64MULW:
r := regnum(v)
x := regnum(v.Args[0])
y := regnum(v.Args[1])
......@@ -1652,59 +1654,47 @@ func genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
} else {
p.From.Reg = x
case ssa.OpAMD64ADDQconst:
// TODO: use addq instead of leaq if target is in the right register.
p := Prog(x86.ALEAQ)
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.From.Reg = regnum(v.Args[0])
p.From.Offset = v.AuxInt
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = regnum(v)
case ssa.OpAMD64MULQconst:
// 2-address opcode arithmetic, not symmetric
case ssa.OpAMD64SUBQ, ssa.OpAMD64SUBL, ssa.OpAMD64SUBW, ssa.OpAMD64SUBB:
r := regnum(v)
x := regnum(v.Args[0])
if r != x {
p := Prog(x86.AMOVQ)
y := regnum(v.Args[1])
var neg bool
if y == r {
// compute -(y-x) instead
x, y = y, x
neg = true
if x != r {
p := Prog(regMoveAMD64(v.Type.Size()))
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = x
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = r
p := Prog(x86.AIMULQ)
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
p.From.Offset = v.AuxInt
p := Prog(v.Op.Asm())
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = r
// TODO: Teach doasm to compile the three-address multiply imul $c, r1, r2
// instead of using the MOVQ above.
//p.From3 = new(obj.Addr)
//p.From3.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
//p.From3.Reg = regnum(v.Args[0])
case ssa.OpAMD64SUBQconst:
// This code compensates for the fact that the register allocator
// doesn't understand 2-address instructions yet. TODO: fix that.
x := regnum(v.Args[0])
r := regnum(v)
if x != r {
p := Prog(x86.AMOVQ)
p.From.Reg = y
if neg {
p := Prog(x86.ANEGQ) // TODO: use correct size? This is mostly a hack until regalloc does 2-address correctly
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = x
p.From.Reg = r
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = r
p := Prog(x86.ASUBQ)
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
p.From.Offset = v.AuxInt
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = r
case ssa.OpAMD64SHLQ, ssa.OpAMD64SHRQ, ssa.OpAMD64SARQ:
case ssa.OpAMD64SHLQ, ssa.OpAMD64SHLL, ssa.OpAMD64SHLW, ssa.OpAMD64SHLB,
ssa.OpAMD64SHRQ, ssa.OpAMD64SHRL, ssa.OpAMD64SHRW, ssa.OpAMD64SHRB,
ssa.OpAMD64SARQ, ssa.OpAMD64SARL, ssa.OpAMD64SARW, ssa.OpAMD64SARB:
x := regnum(v.Args[0])
r := regnum(v)
if x != r {
if r == x86.REG_CX {
v.Fatalf("can't implement %s, target and shift both in CX", v.LongString())
p := Prog(x86.AMOVQ)
p := Prog(regMoveAMD64(v.Type.Size()))
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = x
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
......@@ -1715,11 +1705,57 @@ func genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
p.From.Reg = regnum(v.Args[1]) // should be CX
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = r
case ssa.OpAMD64ANDQconst, ssa.OpAMD64SHLQconst, ssa.OpAMD64SHRQconst, ssa.OpAMD64SARQconst, ssa.OpAMD64XORQconst:
case ssa.OpAMD64ADDQconst, ssa.OpAMD64ADDLconst, ssa.OpAMD64ADDWconst:
// TODO: use addq instead of leaq if target is in the right register.
var asm int
switch v.Op {
case ssa.OpAMD64ADDQconst:
asm = x86.ALEAQ
case ssa.OpAMD64ADDLconst:
asm = x86.ALEAL
case ssa.OpAMD64ADDWconst:
asm = x86.ALEAW
p := Prog(asm)
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.From.Reg = regnum(v.Args[0])
p.From.Offset = v.AuxInt
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = regnum(v)
case ssa.OpAMD64MULQconst, ssa.OpAMD64MULLconst, ssa.OpAMD64MULWconst:
r := regnum(v)
x := regnum(v.Args[0])
if r != x {
p := Prog(regMoveAMD64(v.Type.Size()))
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = x
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = r
p := Prog(v.Op.Asm())
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
p.From.Offset = v.AuxInt
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = r
// TODO: Teach doasm to compile the three-address multiply imul $c, r1, r2
// instead of using the MOVQ above.
//p.From3 = new(obj.Addr)
//p.From3.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
//p.From3.Reg = regnum(v.Args[0])
case ssa.OpAMD64ADDBconst,
ssa.OpAMD64ANDQconst, ssa.OpAMD64ANDLconst, ssa.OpAMD64ANDWconst, ssa.OpAMD64ANDBconst,
ssa.OpAMD64ORQconst, ssa.OpAMD64ORLconst, ssa.OpAMD64ORWconst, ssa.OpAMD64ORBconst,
ssa.OpAMD64XORQconst, ssa.OpAMD64XORLconst, ssa.OpAMD64XORWconst, ssa.OpAMD64XORBconst,
ssa.OpAMD64SUBQconst, ssa.OpAMD64SUBLconst, ssa.OpAMD64SUBWconst, ssa.OpAMD64SUBBconst,
ssa.OpAMD64SHLQconst, ssa.OpAMD64SHLLconst, ssa.OpAMD64SHLWconst, ssa.OpAMD64SHLBconst,
ssa.OpAMD64SHRQconst, ssa.OpAMD64SHRLconst, ssa.OpAMD64SHRWconst, ssa.OpAMD64SHRBconst,
ssa.OpAMD64SARQconst, ssa.OpAMD64SARLconst, ssa.OpAMD64SARWconst, ssa.OpAMD64SARBconst:
// This code compensates for the fact that the register allocator
// doesn't understand 2-address instructions yet. TODO: fix that.
x := regnum(v.Args[0])
r := regnum(v)
if x != r {
p := Prog(x86.AMOVQ)
p := Prog(regMoveAMD64(v.Type.Size()))
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = x
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
......@@ -1732,7 +1768,7 @@ func genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
p.To.Reg = r
case ssa.OpAMD64SBBQcarrymask:
r := regnum(v)
p := Prog(x86.ASBBQ)
p := Prog(v.Op.Asm())
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = r
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
......@@ -1785,14 +1821,16 @@ func genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
addAux(&p.From, v)
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = regnum(v)
case ssa.OpAMD64CMPQ, ssa.OpAMD64CMPL, ssa.OpAMD64CMPW, ssa.OpAMD64CMPB, ssa.OpAMD64TESTB, ssa.OpAMD64TESTQ:
case ssa.OpAMD64CMPQ, ssa.OpAMD64CMPL, ssa.OpAMD64CMPW, ssa.OpAMD64CMPB,
p := Prog(v.Op.Asm())
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = regnum(v.Args[0])
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = regnum(v.Args[1])
case ssa.OpAMD64CMPQconst:
p := Prog(x86.ACMPQ)
case ssa.OpAMD64CMPQconst, ssa.OpAMD64CMPLconst, ssa.OpAMD64CMPWconst, ssa.OpAMD64CMPBconst,
ssa.OpAMD64TESTQconst, ssa.OpAMD64TESTLconst, ssa.OpAMD64TESTWconst, ssa.OpAMD64TESTBconst:
p := Prog(v.Op.Asm())
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.From.Reg = regnum(v.Args[0])
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
......@@ -1943,6 +1981,16 @@ func genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
p := Prog(v.Op.Asm())
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
p.To.Reg = regnum(v)
case ssa.OpAMD64InvertFlags:
v.Fatalf("InvertFlags should never make it to codegen %v", v)
case ssa.OpAMD64REPSTOSQ:
v.Unimplementedf("REPSTOSQ clobbers not implemented: %s", v.LongString())
case ssa.OpAMD64REPMOVSB:
v.Unimplementedf("REPMOVSB clobbers not implemented: %s", v.LongString())
v.Unimplementedf("genValue not implemented: %s", v.LongString())
......@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
(Add16 x y) -> (ADDW x y)
(Add8 x y) -> (ADDB x y)
(Sub64 x y) -> (SUBQ x y)
(Sub32 x y) -> (SUBL x y)
(Sub16 x y) -> (SUBW x y)
(Sub8 x y) -> (SUBB x y)
(Mul64 x y) -> (MULQ x y)
(MulPtr x y) -> (MULQ x y)
(Mul32 x y) -> (MULL x y)
(Mul16 x y) -> (MULW x y)
// Note: we use 16-bit multiply instructions for 8-bit multiplies because
// the 16-bit multiply instructions are more forgiving (they operate on
// any register instead of just AX/DX).
(Mul8 x y) -> (MULW x y)
(And64 x y) -> (ANDQ x y)
(And32 x y) -> (ANDL x y)
(And16 x y) -> (ANDW x y)
......@@ -26,25 +40,16 @@
(Or16 x y) -> (ORW x y)
(Or8 x y) -> (ORB x y)
(Sub64 x y) -> (SUBQ x y)
(Sub32 x y) -> (SUBL x y)
(Sub16 x y) -> (SUBW x y)
(Sub8 x y) -> (SUBB x y)
(Xor64 x y) -> (XORQ x y)
(Xor32 x y) -> (XORL x y)
(Xor16 x y) -> (XORW x y)
(Xor8 x y) -> (XORB x y)
(Neg64 x) -> (NEGQ x)
(Neg32 x) -> (NEGL x)
(Neg16 x) -> (NEGW x)
(Neg8 x) -> (NEGB x)
(Mul64 x y) -> (MULQ x y)
(MulPtr x y) -> (MULQ x y)
(Mul32 x y) -> (MULL x y)
(Mul16 x y) -> (MULW x y)
// Note: we use 16-bit multiply instructions for 8-bit multiplies because
// the 16-bit multiply instructions are more forgiving (they operate on
// any register instead of just AX/DX).
(Mul8 x y) -> (MULW x y)
// Note: we always extend to 64 bits even though some ops don't need that many result bits.
(SignExt8to16 x) -> (MOVBQSX x)
(SignExt8to32 x) -> (MOVBQSX x)
......@@ -76,8 +81,43 @@
// Note: unsigned shifts need to return 0 if shift amount is >= 64.
// mask = shift >= 64 ? 0 : 0xffffffffffffffff
// result = mask & arg << shift
// TODO: define ops per right-hand side size, like Lsh64x32 for int64(x)<<uint32(y)?
(Lsh64 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 8 ->
(ANDQ (SHLQ <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPQconst <TypeFlags> [64] y)))
(Lsh64 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 4 ->
(ANDQ (SHLQ <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPLconst <TypeFlags> [64] y)))
(Lsh64 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 2 ->
(ANDQ (SHLQ <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPWconst <TypeFlags> [64] y)))
(Lsh64 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 1 ->
(ANDQ (SHLQ <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPBconst <TypeFlags> [64] y)))
(Lsh32 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 8 ->
(ANDL (SHLL <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPQconst <TypeFlags> [32] y)))
(Lsh32 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 4 ->
(ANDL (SHLL <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPLconst <TypeFlags> [32] y)))
(Lsh32 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 2 ->
(ANDL (SHLL <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPWconst <TypeFlags> [32] y)))
(Lsh32 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 1 ->
(ANDL (SHLL <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPBconst <TypeFlags> [32] y)))
(Lsh16 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 8 ->
(ANDW (SHLW <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPQconst <TypeFlags> [16] y)))
(Lsh16 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 4 ->
(ANDW (SHLW <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPLconst <TypeFlags> [16] y)))
(Lsh16 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 2 ->
(ANDW (SHLW <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPWconst <TypeFlags> [16] y)))
(Lsh16 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 1 ->
(ANDW (SHLW <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPBconst <TypeFlags> [16] y)))
(Lsh8 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 8 ->
(ANDB (SHLB <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPQconst <TypeFlags> [8] y)))
(Lsh8 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 4 ->
(ANDB (SHLB <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPLconst <TypeFlags> [8] y)))
(Lsh8 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 2 ->
(ANDB (SHLB <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPWconst <TypeFlags> [8] y)))
(Lsh8 <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 1 ->
(ANDB (SHLB <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPBconst <TypeFlags> [8] y)))
(Rsh64U <t> x y) && y.Type.Size() == 8 ->
(ANDQ (SHRQ <t> x y) (SBBQcarrymask <t> (CMPQconst <TypeFlags> [64] y)))
......@@ -158,7 +198,7 @@
(Move [size] dst src mem) -> (REPMOVSB dst src (MOVQconst <TypeUInt64> [size]) mem)
(Not x) -> (XORQconst [1] x)
(Not x) -> (XORBconst [1] x)
(OffPtr [off] ptr) -> (ADDQconst [off] ptr)
......@@ -193,20 +233,86 @@
// TODO: Should this be a separate pass?
// fold constants into instructions
// TODO: restrict c to int32 range for all?
(ADDQ x (MOVQconst [c])) && is32Bit(c) -> (ADDQconst [c] x)
(ADDQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) && is32Bit(c) -> (ADDQconst [c] x)
(SUBQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (SUBQconst x [c])
(SUBQ <t> (MOVQconst [c]) x) -> (NEGQ (SUBQconst <t> x [c]))
(ADDL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (ADDLconst [c] x)
(ADDL (MOVLconst [c]) x) -> (ADDLconst [c] x)
(ADDW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (ADDWconst [c] x)
(ADDW (MOVWconst [c]) x) -> (ADDWconst [c] x)
(ADDB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (ADDBconst [c] x)
(ADDB (MOVBconst [c]) x) -> (ADDBconst [c] x)
(SUBQ x (MOVQconst [c])) && is32Bit(c) -> (SUBQconst x [c])
(SUBQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) && is32Bit(c) -> (NEGQ (SUBQconst <v.Type> x [c]))
(SUBL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (SUBLconst x [c])
(SUBL (MOVLconst [c]) x) -> (NEGL (SUBLconst <v.Type> x [c]))
(SUBW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (SUBWconst x [c])
(SUBW (MOVWconst [c]) x) -> (NEGW (SUBWconst <v.Type> x [c]))
(SUBB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (SUBBconst x [c])
(SUBB (MOVBconst [c]) x) -> (NEGB (SUBBconst <v.Type> x [c]))
(MULQ x (MOVQconst [c])) && is32Bit(c) -> (MULQconst [c] x)
(MULQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) && is32Bit(c) -> (MULQconst [c] x)
(ANDQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (ANDQconst [c] x)
(ANDQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) -> (ANDQconst [c] x)
(SHLQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (SHLQconst [c] x)
(SHRQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (SHRQconst [c] x)
(SARQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (SARQconst [c] x)
(CMPQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (CMPQconst x [c])
(CMPQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) -> (InvertFlags (CMPQconst <TypeFlags> x [c]))
(MULL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (MULLconst [c] x)
(MULL (MOVLconst [c]) x) -> (MULLconst [c] x)
(MULW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (MULWconst [c] x)
(MULW (MOVWconst [c]) x) -> (MULWconst [c] x)
(ANDQ x (MOVQconst [c])) && is32Bit(c) -> (ANDQconst [c] x)
(ANDQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) && is32Bit(c) -> (ANDQconst [c] x)
(ANDL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (ANDLconst [c] x)
(ANDL (MOVLconst [c]) x) -> (ANDLconst [c] x)
(ANDW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (ANDWconst [c] x)
(ANDW (MOVWconst [c]) x) -> (ANDWconst [c] x)
(ANDB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (ANDBconst [c] x)
(ANDB (MOVBconst [c]) x) -> (ANDBconst [c] x)
(ORQ x (MOVQconst [c])) && is32Bit(c) -> (ORQconst [c] x)
(ORQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) && is32Bit(c) -> (ORQconst [c] x)
(ORL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (ORLconst [c] x)
(ORL (MOVLconst [c]) x) -> (ORLconst [c] x)
(ORW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (ORWconst [c] x)
(ORW (MOVWconst [c]) x) -> (ORWconst [c] x)
(ORB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (ORBconst [c] x)
(ORB (MOVBconst [c]) x) -> (ORBconst [c] x)
(XORQ x (MOVQconst [c])) && is32Bit(c) -> (XORQconst [c] x)
(XORQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) && is32Bit(c) -> (XORQconst [c] x)
(XORL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (XORLconst [c] x)
(XORL (MOVLconst [c]) x) -> (XORLconst [c] x)
(XORW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (XORWconst [c] x)
(XORW (MOVWconst [c]) x) -> (XORWconst [c] x)
(XORB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (XORBconst [c] x)
(XORB (MOVBconst [c]) x) -> (XORBconst [c] x)
(SHLQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (SHLQconst [c&63] x)
(SHLL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (SHLLconst [c&31] x)
(SHLW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (SHLWconst [c&31] x)
(SHLB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (SHLBconst [c&31] x)
(SHRQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (SHRQconst [c&63] x)
(SHRL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (SHRLconst [c&31] x)
(SHRW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (SHRWconst [c&31] x)
(SHRB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (SHRBconst [c&31] x)
(SARQ x (MOVQconst [c])) -> (SARQconst [c&63] x)
(SARL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (SARLconst [c&31] x)
(SARW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (SARWconst [c&31] x)
(SARB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (SARBconst [c&31] x)
// Note: the word and byte shifts keep the low 5 bits (not the low 4 or 3 bits)
// because the x86 instructions are defined to use all 5 bits of the shift even
// for the small shifts. I don't think we'll ever generate a weird shift (e.g.
// (SHLW x (MOVWconst [24])), but just in case.
(CMPQ x (MOVQconst [c])) && is32Bit(c) -> (CMPQconst x [c])
(CMPQ (MOVQconst [c]) x) && is32Bit(c) -> (InvertFlags (CMPQconst <TypeFlags> x [c]))
(CMPL x (MOVLconst [c])) -> (CMPLconst x [c])
(CMPL (MOVLconst [c]) x) -> (InvertFlags (CMPLconst <TypeFlags> x [c]))
(CMPW x (MOVWconst [c])) -> (CMPWconst x [c])
(CMPW (MOVWconst [c]) x) -> (InvertFlags (CMPWconst <TypeFlags> x [c]))
(CMPB x (MOVBconst [c])) -> (CMPBconst x [c])
(CMPB (MOVBconst [c]) x) -> (InvertFlags (CMPBconst <TypeFlags> x [c]))
// strength reduction
(MULQconst [-1] x) -> (NEGQ x)
......@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ var genericOps = []opData{
{name: "Or32"},
{name: "Or64"},
{name: "Xor8"}, // arg0 ^ arg1
{name: "Xor16"},
{name: "Xor32"},
{name: "Xor64"},
{name: "Lsh8"}, // arg0 << arg1
{name: "Lsh16"},
{name: "Lsh32"},
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
type arch struct {
......@@ -164,6 +165,28 @@ func genOp() {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("can't write output: %v\n", err)
// Check that ../gc/ssa.go handles all the arch-specific opcodes.
// This is very much a hack, but it is better than nothing.
ssa, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../../gc/ssa.go")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("can't read ../../gc/ssa.go: %v", err)
for _, a := range archs {
if == "generic" {
for _, v := range a.ops {
pattern := fmt.Sprintf("\\Wssa[.]Op%s%s\\W",,
match, err := regexp.Match(pattern, ssa)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("bad opcode regexp %s: %v", pattern, err)
if !match {
log.Fatalf("Op%s%s has no code generation in ../../gc/ssa.go",,
// Name returns the name of the architecture for use in Op* and Block* enumerations.
This diff is collapsed.
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