Commit 28eba487 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

fix "declared and not used" errors in non-test code.

DELTA=112  (6 added, 57 deleted, 49 changed)
parent b198b994
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ echo $alphabet | testit cat "" $alphabet
echo $alphabet | testit cat_rot13 "--rot13" $rot13
echo $rot13 | testit cat_rot13 "--rot13" $alphabet
testit sortmain "" "Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday"
testit sortmain "" "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday"
testit print "" "18446744073709551615 -1 18446744073709551615 {77 Sunset Strip} [1 2 3 4] 18446744073709551615 {77 Sunset Strip} [1 2 3 4] 18446744073709551615 {77 Sunset Strip} [1 2 3 4]"
testit print_string "" "77 Sunset Strip"
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func days() {
Thursday := day{ 4, "THU", "Thursday" };
Friday := day{ 5, "FRI", "Friday" };
Saturday := day{ 6, "SAT", "Saturday" };
data := []*day{&Tuesday, &Thursday, &Sunday, &Monday, &Friday};
data := []*day{&Tuesday, &Thursday, &Wednesday, &Sunday, &Monday, &Friday, &Saturday};
a := dayArray{data};
if !sort.IsSorted(&a) {
......@@ -95,11 +95,10 @@ func (ignoreWriter) Write(b []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
func (tr *Reader) skipUnread() {
nr := tr.nb + tr.pad; // number of bytes to skip
var n int64;
if sr, ok := tr.r.(io.Seeker); ok {
n, tr.err = sr.Seek(nr, 1);
_, tr.err = sr.Seek(nr, 1);
} else {
n, tr.err = io.Copyn(tr.r, ignoreWriter{}, nr);
_, tr.err = io.Copyn(tr.r, ignoreWriter{}, nr);
tr.nb, tr.pad = 0, 0;
......@@ -116,14 +115,13 @@ func (tr *Reader) verifyChecksum(header []byte) bool {
func (tr *Reader) readHeader() *Header {
header := make([]byte, blockSize);
var n int;
if n, tr.err = io.ReadFull(tr.r, header); tr.err != nil {
if _, tr.err = io.ReadFull(tr.r, header); tr.err != nil {
return nil
// Two blocks of zero bytes marks the end of the archive.
if bytes.Equal(header, zeroBlock[0:blockSize]) {
if n, tr.err = io.ReadFull(tr.r, header); tr.err != nil {
if _, tr.err = io.ReadFull(tr.r, header); tr.err != nil {
return nil
if !bytes.Equal(header, zeroBlock[0:blockSize]) {
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func (tw *Writer) WriteHeader(hdr *Header) os.Error {
s := slicer(header);
// TODO(dsymonds): handle names longer than 100 chars
nr := bytes.Copy(, strings.Bytes(hdr.Name));
bytes.Copy(, strings.Bytes(hdr.Name));
tw.octal(, hdr.Mode); // 100:108
tw.octal(, hdr.Uid); // 108:116
......@@ -136,8 +136,7 @@ func (tw *Writer) WriteHeader(hdr *Header) os.Error {
return tw.err
var n int;
n, tw.err = tw.w.Write(header);
_, tw.err = tw.w.Write(header);
return tw.err
......@@ -169,8 +168,7 @@ func (tw *Writer) Close() os.Error {
// trailer: two zero blocks
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
var n int;
n, tw.err = tw.w.Write(zeroBlock);
_, tw.err = tw.w.Write(zeroBlock);
if tw.err != nil {
......@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ func TestEncoder(t *testing.T) {
func TestEncoderBuffering(t *testing.T) {
input := strings.Bytes(bigtest.decoded);
for bs := 1; bs <= 12; bs++ {
buf := make([]byte, bs);
bb := &bytes.Buffer{};
encoder := NewEncoder(StdEncoding, bb);
for pos := 0; pos < len(input); pos += bs {
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func explode(s []byte, n int) [][]byte {
n = len(s);
a := make([][]byte, n);
var size, rune int;
var size int;
na := 0;
for len(s) > 0 {
if na+1 >= n {
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func explode(s []byte, n int) [][]byte {
rune, size = utf8.DecodeRune(s);
_, size = utf8.DecodeRune(s);
a[na] = s[0:size];
s = s[size:len(s)];
......@@ -138,8 +138,7 @@ func (z *Inflater) readHeader(save bool) os.Error {
return err;
data := make([]byte, n);
var nn int;
if nn, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, data); err != nil {
if _, err = io.ReadFull(z.r, data); err != nil {
return err;
if save {
......@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ func TestUnlink(t *testing.T) {
s10 := r10.Move(6);
sum10 := sumN(10);
sum6 := sumN(6);
verify(t, r10, 10, sum10);
verify(t, s10, 10, sum10);
......@@ -124,8 +124,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseRuleName() (string, bool) {
func (p *parser) parseString() string {
s := "";
if p.tok == token.STRING {
var err os.Error;
s, err = strconv.Unquote(string(p.lit));
s, _ = strconv.Unquote(string(p.lit));
// Unquote may fail with an error, but only if the scanner found
// an illegal string in the first place. In this case the error
// has already been reported.
......@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ func (p *parser) parseToken() *Token {
pos := p.pos;
value := "";
if p.tok == token.STRING {
var err os.Error;
value, err = strconv.Unquote(string(p.lit));
value, _ = strconv.Unquote(string(p.lit));
// Unquote may fail with an error, but only if the scanner found
// an illegal string in the first place. In this case the error
// has already been reported.
......@@ -351,7 +351,6 @@ func TestStdErrorHander(t *testing.T) {
"@ @ @" // original file, line 1 again
var s Scanner;
v := NewErrorVector();
nerrors := Tokenize("File1", strings.Bytes(src), v, 0,
func (pos token.Position, tok token.Token, litb []byte) bool {
......@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ func verifyInt(i int64, t *testing.T) {
// Test basic encode/decode routines for signed integers
func TestIntCodec(t *testing.T) {
var b = new(bytes.Buffer);
for u := uint64(0); ; u = (u+1) * 7 {
// Do positive and negative values
i := int64(u);
......@@ -191,9 +190,6 @@ func TestScalarEncInstructions(t *testing.T) {
// int16
v := int16(17);
pv := &v;
ppv := &pv;
data := struct { a int16 } { 17 };
instr := &encInstr{ encInt16, 6, 0, 0 };
state := newencoderState(b);
......@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) os.Error {
dec.state.b = bytes.NewBuffer(dec.buf[0:nbytes]);
// Read the data
var n int;
n, dec.state.err = io.ReadFull(dec.r, dec.buf[0:nbytes]);
_, dec.state.err = io.ReadFull(dec.r, dec.buf[0:nbytes]);
if dec.state.err != nil {
if dec.state.err == os.EOF {
dec.state.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF;
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ func TestReregistration(t *testing.T) {
func TestArrayType(t *testing.T) {
var a3 [3]int;
a3int := getTypeUnlocked("foo", reflect.Typeof(a3));
var newa3 [3]int;
newa3int := getTypeUnlocked("bar", reflect.Typeof(a3));
if a3int != newa3int {
t.Errorf("second registration of [3]int creates new type");
......@@ -431,8 +431,7 @@ func (cr *chunkedReader) Read(b []uint8) (n int, err os.Error) {
if cr.n == 0 && cr.err == nil {
// end of chunk (CRLF)
b := make([]byte, 2);
var nb int;
if nb, cr.err = io.ReadFull(cr.r, b); cr.err == nil {
if _, cr.err = io.ReadFull(cr.r, b); cr.err == nil {
if b[0] != '\r' || b[1] != '\n' {
cr.err = os.NewError("malformed chunked encoding");
......@@ -62,9 +62,8 @@ func TestParseForm(t *testing.T) {
func TestQuery(t *testing.T) {
var err os.Error;
req := &Request{ Method: "GET" };
req.Url, err = ParseURL("");
req.Url, _ = ParseURL("");
if q := req.FormValue("q"); q != "foo" {
t.Errorf(`req.FormValue("q") = %q, want "foo"`, q);
......@@ -316,11 +316,10 @@ func (b *_JsonBuilder) Key(k string) Builder {
// If StringToJson encounters a syntax error, it returns with
// ok set to false and errtok set to a fragment of the offending syntax.
func StringToJson(s string) (json Json, ok bool, errtok string) {
var errindx int;
var j Json;
b := new(_JsonBuilder);
b.ptr = &j;
ok, errindx, errtok = Parse(s, b);
ok, _, errtok = Parse(s, b);
if !ok {
return nil, false, errtok
......@@ -248,10 +248,8 @@ func (b *_StructBuilder) Key(k string) Builder {
// On a syntax error, it returns with ok set to false and errtok
// set to the offending token.
func Unmarshal(s string, val interface{}) (ok bool, errtok string) {
var errindx int;
var val1 interface{};
b := &_StructBuilder{ reflect.NewValue(val) };
ok, errindx, errtok = Parse(s, b);
ok, _, errtok = Parse(s, b);
if !ok {
return false, errtok
......@@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ func LookupHost(name string) (cname string, addrs []string, err os.Error) {
rname += ".";
// Can try as ordinary name.
var dnserr *DNSError;
addrs, err = tryOneName(cfg, rname);
if err == nil {
cname = rname;
......@@ -264,7 +263,6 @@ func LookupHost(name string) (cname string, addrs []string, err os.Error) {
if rname[len(rname)-1] != '.' {
rname += "."
var dnserr *DNSError;
addrs, err = tryOneName(cfg, rname);
if err == nil {
cname = rname;
......@@ -326,7 +326,6 @@ func socket(net, laddr, raddr string, f, p, t int, la, ra syscall.Sockaddr) (fd
// Allow reuse of recently-used addresses.
syscall.SetsockoptInt(s, syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
var r int64;
if la != nil {
e = syscall.Bind(s, la);
if e != 0 {
......@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ func Getwd() (string, Error) {
// General algorithm: find name in parent
// and then find name of parent. Each iteration
// adds /name to the beginning of pwd.
elem := make([]string, 0, 16);
pwd = "";
for parent := "..";; parent = "../" + parent {
if len(parent) >= 1024 { // Sanity check
......@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ func Join(dir, file string) string {
// in the final slash-separated element of path;
// it is empty if there is no dot.
func Ext(path string) string {
dot := -1;
for i := len(path)-1; i >= 0 && path[i] != '/'; i-- {
if path[i] == '.' {
return path[i:len(path)];
......@@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ func valueToString(val Value) string {
return str;
case *MapValue:
t := typ.(*MapType);
v := val;
str = t.String();
str += "{";
str += "<can't iterate on maps>";
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ type addr unsafe.Pointer
// TODO: This will have to go away when
// the new gc goes in.
func memmove(adst, asrc addr, n uintptr) {
var p uintptr; // dummy for sizeof
dst := uintptr(adst);
src := uintptr(asrc);
switch {
......@@ -680,7 +679,6 @@ func (v *ChanValue) recv(b *bool) Value {
panic("recv on send-only channel");
ch := *(**byte)(v.addr);
newval := MakeZero(t.Elem());
x := MakeZero(t.Elem());
chanrecv(ch, (*byte)(x.getAddr()), b);
return x;
......@@ -972,11 +972,11 @@ func (re *Regexp) allMatches(s string, b []byte, n int, deliver func(int, int))
// after a previous match, so ignore it.
accept = false;
var rune, width int;
var width int;
if b == nil {
rune, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[pos:end]);
_, width = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[pos:end]);
} else {
rune, width = utf8.DecodeRune(b[pos:end]);
_, width = utf8.DecodeRune(b[pos:end]);
if width > 0 {
pos += width;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ func (client *Client) send(c *Call) {
if client.shutdown != nil {
c.Error = client.shutdown;
doNotBlock := c.Done <- c;
_ = c.Done <- c; // do not block
c.seq = client.seq;
......@@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ func (client *Client) input() {
c.Error = os.ErrorString(response.Error);
// We don't want to block here. It is the caller's responsibility to make
// sure the channel has enough buffer space. See comment in Go().
doNotBlock := c.Done <- c;
_ = c.Done <- c; // do not block
// Terminate pending calls.
client.shutdown = err;
for seq, call := range client.pending {
call.Error = err;
doNotBlock := call.Done <- call;
_ = call.Done <- call; // do not block
log.Stderr("client protocol error:", err);
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ func (client *Client) Go(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, reply interface
c.Done = done;
if client.shutdown != nil {
c.Error = client.shutdown;
doNotBlock := c.Done <- c;
_ = c.Done <- c; // do not block
return c;
......@@ -338,7 +338,6 @@ func (server *serverType) input(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) {
sendResponse(sending, req, invalidRequest, enc, s);
method := mtype.method;
// Decode the argument value.
argv := _new(mtype.argType);
replyv := _new(mtype.replyType);
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ var shifttests = []shiftTest {
func TestDecimalShift(t *testing.T) {
ok := true;
for i := 0; i < len(shifttests); i++ {
test := &shifttests[i];
s := NewDecimal(test.i).Shift(test.shift).String();
......@@ -228,7 +228,6 @@ func forkExec(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string, traceme bool, dir stri
(pid int, err int)
var p [2]int;
var r1 int;
var n int;
var err1 uintptr;
var wstatus WaitStatus;
......@@ -254,11 +253,10 @@ func forkExec(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string, traceme bool, dir stri
if err = Pipe(&p); err != 0 {
goto error;
var val int;
if val, err = fcntl(p[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); err != 0 {
if _, err = fcntl(p[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); err != 0 {
goto error;
if val, err = fcntl(p[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); err != 0 {
if _, err = fcntl(p[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); err != 0 {
goto error;
......@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ func tRunner(t *T, test *Test) {
// of gotest.
func Main(tests []Test) {
args := flag.Args();
ok := true;
if len(tests) == 0 {
println("testing: warning: no tests to run");
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import (
// }
func ticker(ns int64, c chan int64) {
var tv syscall.Timeval;
now := Nanoseconds();
when := now;
for {
......@@ -44,6 +43,9 @@ func ticker(ns int64, c chan int64) {
Sleep(when - now);
now = Nanoseconds();
c <- now;
if closed(c) {
......@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ func parseinfo(bytes []byte) (zt []zonetime, ok bool) {
if p =; len(p) != 16 || p[0] != 0 && p[0] != '2' {
return nil, false
vers := p[0];
// six big-endian 32-bit integers:
// number of UTC/local indicators
......@@ -213,12 +212,11 @@ func setupZone() {
// $TZ="foo" means use /usr/share/zoneinfo/foo.
tz, err := os.Getenverror("TZ");
var ok bool;
switch {
case err == os.ENOENV:
zones, ok = readinfofile("/etc/localtime");
zones, _ = readinfofile("/etc/localtime");
case len(tz) > 0:
zones, ok = readinfofile(zoneDir + tz);
zones, _ = readinfofile(zoneDir + tz);
case len(tz) == 0:
// do nothing: use UTC
......@@ -199,15 +199,13 @@ func FullRuneInString(s string) bool {
// DecodeRune unpacks the first UTF-8 encoding in p and returns the rune and its width in bytes.
func DecodeRune(p []byte) (rune, size int) {
var short bool;
rune, size, short = decodeRuneInternal(p);
rune, size, _ = decodeRuneInternal(p);
// DecodeRuneInString is like DecodeRune but its input is a string.
func DecodeRuneInString(s string) (rune, size int) {
var short bool;
rune, size, short = decodeRuneInStringInternal(s);
rune, size, _ = decodeRuneInStringInternal(s);
......@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ func print(m map[string] int) {
func main() {
in = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin);
buf := new(bytes.Buffer);
three := strings.Bytes(">THREE ");
for {
line, err := in.ReadSlice('\n');
......@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ var substs = [] Subst {
func countMatches(pat string, bytes []byte) int {
re := compile(pat);
n := 0;
pos := 0;
for {
e := re.Execute(bytes);
if len(e) == 0 {
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